UPDATED (6/10): Sonia Sotomayor Rules Based On Race, Why Not Other La Razans?

Donald Trump,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Race,Racism,Republicans


When Supreme Court Obama-nominee Sonia Sotomayor boasted that as a “wise Latina woman, with the richness of her experiences,” she “would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male,’ leftists were thrilled,” reminds American Spectator.

More crucially, Sotomayor was alluding to the power of ethnicity and race to sway decision-making IN PEOPLE SO PRONE. When Donald Trump honestly, if in-artfully, alluded to the same appearance of a conflict of interest, likely in operation in the decision-making of Judge Gonzalo Curiel, dumb Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan, Senator Mitch McConnell and the ambitious Newt Gingrich went berserk. They haven’t stopped.

These people are patsies of the Left; jelly fish ever ready to dissolve in a puddle when the pigment burden is raised.

On a very positive note, at least Newt’s idiotic outburst should rule him out as the Trump running mate Sean Hannity has been pushing.

UPDATE (6/10):