Monthly Archives: April 2016

RepubliKeynesian Ben Stein Froths At The Mouth About Trump

Debt, Donald Trump, Economy, Federal Reserve Bank, libertarianism

“Frightening, idiotic, nonsensical, insane, breathtakingly horrible, flabbergasting, makes me want to cry”: Does this spleen, vented by Ben Stein, resemble an “argument”? It was the sum total of Stein’s “case” against Donald Trump’s recent pronouncements about a foreseeable recession.

As an “expert” who despises Mr. Trump, Stein—an actor, comedian, lawyer and self-styled economist—holds sway with the liberal, malfunctioning media. Our establishment “RepubliKeynesian” appeared on the anti-Trump channel, CNN, to huff and puff about Mr. Trump’s alleged far-fetched doom-and-gloom about a troubled economy. If I recall, this expert was clueless about the previous bubble, not that errors prevent the pundit class from returning for encores.

“We’re not in a bubble, unemployment is not high, Trump needs to consult a real economist [take me, me, screams Stein silently] were some of Stein’s assertions to the smirking, vacuous looker, Pamela Brown. Naturally, Brown provided no counter perspective.

Suffice it to say that Trump’s warnings about the effects of the enormous national debt, the still bigger burden of unfunded liabilities owed, as well as his assessment of the real unemployment numbers would certainly comport with more distortions in the economy and more bubbles.

Oh, and Trump supporters are all idiots for not sympathizing with Stein’s outrage.

Anyhow, not one argument was advanced by Stein for his case against Mr. Trump, only ad hominem. Had the smirker in the anchor’s chair called in an economist, say, of the Austrian persuasion—or even Paul Craig Roberts, United States assistant secretary of the treasury for economic policy under President Reagan, in 1981—she would have heard a perspective more in agreement with Trump than with RepubliKeynesian Ben Stein.

If Anyone’s Going To Hell It’s Ugly Neoconservative David Brooks

Donald Trump, Neoconservatism

For Meet The Press, neoconservative David Brooks must have practiced saying these lines in front of the mirror:

CHUCK TODD: David Brooks, what do you most likely think is going to happen now? Is it Trump, Cruz, or Paul Ryan [who’ll get the nomination]?

DAVID BROOKS: I think it’s likely to be Trump. I think he’s the walking dead. I think he’ll get the nomination and he will just go down to a crushing defeat. And will be known for a hundred years from now, people will say, “Who’s the biggest loser in American politics?” And it won’t be McGovern, it won’t be Dukakis, the word Trump. And I hope when he’s down there in Hades he’s aware of all that.

This smug so-and-so is the guy who cheered the slaughter of tens of thousands in Iraq during George Bush.

Loud laughter ensued.

CNN Goes Back 30 Years To Try & Smear Trump; Achieves The Opposite

Donald Trump, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media

It was charming when the sainted John F. Kennedy expressed what the girly media term “vengeful” sentiments, but not when it’s Donald J. Trump.

JFK said, “Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.”

DJT advised, “If you do not get even, you are just a schmuck!” Or, “”When people wrong you, go after those people, because it is a good feeling and because other people will see you doing it,” he writes. “I always get even.”

“When somebody screws you, screw them back in spades” and “Go for the jugular so that people watching will not want to mess with you.”

Very Old Testament.

In fact, Trump says as much: “I believe in an eye for an eye — like the Old Testament says,” he wrote in “The Art of the Comeback.”

All normal humans bear grudges. Members of the media have a list of emotions and states-of-being they’ve stigmatized in the hope of shaping others in their feminized, PC, milquetoast images.

Most people harbor these sentiments but lie about them. Trump is truthful about who he is and is hard on himself, to boot.

Trump sounds like he belongs in an Ayn Rand novel, opting to build “skyscrapers instead of affordable rental units”:

“I love to see the crowds of people oohing and aahing at the stunning marble and the breathtaking 80-foot waterfall,” he wrote. “In truth I am dazzled as much by my own creations as are the tourists and glamour hounds that flock to Trump Tower … or any of my other properties.”

MORE in “How Donald Trump sees himself.”

‘Think About The Kids: No! F-ck The Kids. Adult Lives Matter, Too’

America, Conservatism, Family, Pop-Culture, Relatives, Socialism

“F-ck The Kids. Adult Lives Matter, Too.” That’s it. That’s my official statement about all kid-related arguments, first “articulated”—in scare quotes, because not exactly articulate—in “GOP Debate: America-First Alliance Emerges; Neoconservatives Neutralized,” scrubbed from the WND version but sensibly retained by the other editors.

After fielding another angry “Think About The Kids’ missive on a Twitter thread, I thought I should make my “position” (self-deprecating quotes) clear.

The kids are overrated. Most of them are socialists. (Their brains are not fully formed until the early 20s, or something.) Traditionalists value hierarchy (see August 14 … 2002 column). True-blue cultural conservatism doesn’t deify the effing Kids.

As the great Florence King put it, “… children have no business expressing opinions on anything except, ‘Do you have enough room in the toes?'”

Oscar Wilde: Youth is wasted on the young.

Facebook Thread is Here.