Monthly Archives: August 2018

The Tucker Carlson Show Is Meaningless Without Mr. Carlson In The Anchor’s Chair

Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Media, Paleoconservatism, War

Face the facts: “Tucker” is unwatchable without Tucker Carlson, who is the only paleoconservative on Fox News. By that I mean that Tucker questions all America’s recreational wars and has a strong anti-neoconservative sensibility. He also doubts the US’s current immigration intake, legal and illegal, as is he inclined to be ethical about animals and the environment. Most Republicans have the crass, Yankee killer instinct toward the natural world.

Mostly, Tucker is more intellectually curious than any of the other showboats on Fox News. He listens to guests who’ve got something to impart.

On the other hand, did Alan Dershowitz get a chance to teach Hannity’s audience about the law, vis-a-vis the Mueller Special Counsel? Never. He can’t get a word in. Not with Sean Hannity in the anchor’s chair. Ditto the unedifying Laura Ingraham. She talks over her guests non-stop.

Nothing to learn from these noise-makers. Other than Tucker, each is an ego in an anchor’s chair.

When does Tucker get back from vacation?

UPDATED (10/17/018): Beware! Dem Witches Preparing To Mount Their Brooms & Swoop Down On America

Cultural Marxism, Democrats, Feminism, Gender, Sex

“Women poised to take charge in Dem majority,” writes The Hill.

Want to send more witches like these to Congress? Prepare for hearings about EVERYTHING.

Women poised to take charge in Dem majority

UPDATED (10/17/018):

The Hill has forewarned that “Women are poised to take charge in Dem majority.”  “Female lawmakers [will be] in the driver’s seat for some of the most pressing issues facing Congress.”

As American females, this means the phantom issue of sexual oppression of women in America.

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With ‘Women Poised To Take Charge In Dem Majority,’ You’ll See Tyranny Like Nothing Before, If …

Democrats, Elections, Feminism, Gender, Liberty, The State

If there is a blue wave and “Democrats win the House in November.”

With “women poised to take charge in the Dem majority,” 35 Democrat shrews will dominate committees and subcommittees in Congress.

The year of the #MeToo Woman bent on revenge could be upon us.

MORE: “Women poised to take charge in Dem majority.”

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CNN’s Gary Tuchman Ruthlessly Mocks Trump’s America

Constitution, Donald Trump, Government, Journalism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, The State

The Deep State is a legitimate concept. It refers to the intractable, permanent state—the bureaucracy, or the unseen, unelected Juggernaut that reflexively maintains the status quo in government departments.

I first heard the concept in 2014, on … yes, PBS, courtesy of PBS’s Bill Moyers, who is considered an august force on the Left. On the Right, the great James Burnham wrote about the Deep State in 1941, except he termed it the Managerial State.

Reflexively, Trump supporters grasp the nature of the extra-constitutional processes and forces that make voter-supported change near impossible.

Intellectually, most ordinary Trump supporters will find it hard to explain a concept like the Deep State, The Managerial State, etc.

For that, a contemptible coward, Gary Tuchman of CNN, mocks these Americans in a most cruel and asinine way. This segment is statist Big Media in all its contempt for ordinary, sensible folks.

Tuchman’s Deep State mention is 2:14 minutes into this segment, when this contemptible man becomes particularly ugly and patronizing with a Trump-supporting lady. Again, it’s 2:14 minutes into the segment.

Why don’t you pick on thinkers who can explain the concept, you coward?!