In Brief: Unemployment, Climagedon, Jihad

Debt,Economy,Energy,Environmentalism & Animal Rights,EU,Homeland Security,Inflation,Law,Propaganda,Pseudoscience,Regulation


Mainstream press has stumbled on an alarming figure, which I reported way back on 8/28/2009 : “nearly 1 in 5 Americans is either out of work or under-employed.”

The real unemployment rate is 16.3 percent. The discrepancy between the official and the awful numbers has arisen because the former count, conveniently, “only those who have looked for work in the last four weeks.”

Climagedon or, rather, ClimaGate. Reports The IBD: “Hacked e-mails from Britain’s Climate Research Unit are only the latest evidence of climate fraud. Just ask NASA’s James Hansen about the faking of climate data or EPA employees about the suppression of climate fact.”

For years, noted scientists and other global warming skeptics have been accused of being on the take, their research tainted and funded by grants from Big Oil and other fossil-fuel interests.
Now, it turns out, it’s the warm-mongers who are fudging the numbers and concealing the inconvenient truth.

• To further hobble the economy and contribute to the climate chicanery, the president “will propose an emissions reduction target at a U.N. climate change summit in Copenhagen next month, the White House said Monday. … Obama said during his trip to Asia last week that the U.S. and China want the Copenhagen summit to lead to an agreement that has ‘immediate operational effect.'”

“Reincarnation of the Reds” is what it is.

MORE on the Obama connection.

• Finally, “Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the others are going to plead ‘not guilty.'” Read the cuss-studded comments from the Daily Kos coterie.
This is an unremarkable defense. Still, Obama will rue the day he brings this circus to New York. Posturing on the Left and the Right will not change the fact that a show trial of the 9/11 defendants will turn into a farce.

4 thoughts on “In Brief: Unemployment, Climagedon, Jihad

  1. james huggins

    What? The government is not telling the truth about unemployment? What a shock! What? The government and their minions are BSing the public with lies about global warming so they can advance what even Lord Monckton calls a “global governance”? What a shock! What? Obama and his henchmen are stacking the deck in favor of anti-American jihadists? What a shock! I’m just a red state rube who has never been to an Ivy League school, not even for just a football game. (Come to think of it why would anybody go to an Ivy league football game?) But that’s another subject. My point is, none of this should be news to anybody who even remotely uses a little logic and common sense in reviewing the news of the day.

  2. Myron Pauli

    UNEMPLOYMENT – I live in America’s wealthiest county (Fairfax, VA – full of federal parasites) and while it is not Detroit, I have seen some 7-11’s and small malls going belly up and franchises closing recently. If the contractions are here, they must be a lot worse out in the “boondocks”.

    CLIMATE-GATE – It is not clear to me that Obama has the political skills to govern effectively. The “Oh look, a black man can become President” Hope-n-Change romantic dream hooey has lost its luster. These environmental restrictions are a major damper on an already bad economy and may be political suicide for the Democrats and their Messiah.

    KHALID Sheikh Mohammed – also known as KSM. It ought to be possible to give him a jury given so-called “overwhelming evidence” of guilt – presumably beyond confessions.
    Clowns in judicial robes like Lance Ito should be removed from the bench. A competent legal system should be able to hold a fair but not out-of-control trial and convict those who are guilty. Perhaps I ask too much of American jurisprudence. Televisions must be kept out of courtrooms lest we turn them into entertainment studios.

  3. M. B. Moon

    OK, a little beloved reductionism:

    Three topics:
    1) unemployment
    2) environmental extremism.
    3) terrorism

    All can be traced back to government backed central banking.

    1) is self-evident so I won’t bother.
    2) is more subtle but basically environmental destruction is a form of mal-investment that the illustrious School of Austrian Economics teaches about. Communism (Reincarnation of the Reds) is a flawed reaction to the boom/bust cycle caused by government backed central banking. Marx mistakenly blamed the free market for the sins of government enforced money and banking cartels.
    3) is not so subtle. My wise and witty brother said the US dollar is based on the “Plutonium Standard.” Basically, the US enforces its privilege of issuer of the world’s reserve currency by military aggression if necessary. The “sin” of Iraq and Iran was/is repudiation of the US dollar in favor of the Euro, IMO.

    He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance with its income. This too is vanity. Ecclesiastes 5:10

    For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 1 Timothy 6:10

  4. George Pal

    Re unemployment: Drunk, lazy, and stupid I can understand but “last to know” is no way to fake being a journalist.

    Re Climagedon: Seems the science is less settled and the jig is more up.

    Re KSM goes to NYC: carnival sideshow barkers Obama and Holder bring a three-ring circus to NYC. If Obama’s ostensible concern for the economy were genuine he might entertain the idea of holding the trial in Madison Square Garden, making it a pay-per-view event, and sell the foreign rights to a Saudi/Wahabi syndicate.

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