Update III: Thomas Tomfoolery (& Jewish Stupidity)

Anti-Semitism,Democracy,Human Accomplishment,Intelligence,Israel,Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,Judaism & Jews,Political Correctness,Pop-Culture


“Press passes can’t be that hard to come by if the White House allows that old Arab Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the president.”
~Ann Coulter, February 23, 2005

Ms. Coulter got called a racist for that mild dig at Thomas. And she’d be called an anti-Semite if she came out with this Thomas tomfoolery:

UPDATE I (June 6): I don’t know what is more pathetic, Thomas or the organized Jewish response to her. More later.

UPDATE II (June 7): The reason the weak, uncharismatic Democrat Lanny Davis is so popular with Demopublicans is that he is, well, weak and inconsequential.

Now he wants to muscle the outlets that make use of this ancient idiot Thomas’ output. (Why does he not petition her syndicator to drop her, and hire this Jewish Woman–your host? Thomas has had a good run. It’s time for new blood.).

Of course the the old sow is apologizing; the public apology is a ritual as meaningful as are tears on Oprah.

Why extract this meaningless muttering from this woman?

As I once wrote, “It’s bad form to coerce or manipulate people into liking, hiring, renting, or apologizing to you. So long as haters keep their mitts to themselves, insulted parties should, if anything, rise above the fray, act graciously—even turn the other cheek. Subjecting people who don’t like you to reeducation programs smacks of busybody social engineering.”

Thomas may be a fool, but Davis and Ari Fleischer are incorrigible, pushy purveyors of political correctness.

UPDATE III: Robert Glisson is sad to see a woman who had it all blow it away. Sympathies here are misplaced.

And why on earth? Although I liked some of Thomas’ anti-war sentiment—has it been up to snuff with Obama?—I’m thrilled that the cow has been put out to pasture. She’s had a good run. When else, but in the age of mass mediocrity, would such a banal bitch obtain such iconic stature?

14 thoughts on “Update III: Thomas Tomfoolery (& Jewish Stupidity)


    I’m not Jewish, but Oyyvay! I hope that’s a proper exclamation word. Really though, this is why History must be removed from Social Studies. It should be returned to its stand-alone discipline, studied in-depth, peer reviewed, and differing interpretations critically cross-evaluated for accuracy. Professor Keith Windshuttle’s book, THE KILLING OF HISTORY, presents a rational perspective of the situation facing historical accuracy and interpretation. Now, go explain to your kids why history is important.

    [Brilliant point. The book you reference is vital too as it deals with the breakdown by postmodernists of disciplines.]

  2. George Pal

    Looks like an ugly Shar-pei and hasn’t had a pleasant thing to say about anyone or anything in over a quarter century.

    “With age comes wisdom” may now officially be designated a canard

  3. Myron Pauli

    What happened to Jews who survived the holocaust and tried to return to their homes in Poland? Read about the pogrom of Kielce (1946):


    (2) But, other than genocidal massacres, Thomas offers a good deal if Jews can just reclaim every place they ever lived in outside of Palestine. That would be 38% of Baghdad, 60% of Thessaloniki, large chunks of Casablanca, Medina, Amsterdam, Paris, Warsaw, Kiev, Budapest, Algiers, Tunis, Vienna, Toledo, Barcelona, Lyon, and Sanaa. It would even include property in downtown Kaifeng, Shanghai, and Harbin, China. It would include many American inner cities. Somehow, I am skeptical that the “rest of the world” would restore Jewish property taken over the millennia in return for Jews leaving Palestine.

    (3) As for Jewless-Palestine, Mark Twain summed it up in Innocents Abroad (1869):


    “Of all the lands there are for dismal scenery, I think Palestine must be the prince. The hills are barren, they are dull of color, they are unpicturesque in shape. The valleys are unsightly deserts fringed with a feeble vegetation.. Every outline is harsh, every feature is distinct, there is no perspective–distance works no enchantment here. It is a hopeless, dreary, heart-broken land.”

  4. Barbara Grant

    Myron, while your city-by-city analysis is excellent (my father’s father’s family came from Budapest) it excludes primarily rural regions such as the Pale, from which many Jews immigrated to the United States in the early part of the 20th century. So, your figures might need to revised upward.

  5. Roger Chaillet

    Helen’s attitude mirrors that of the reconquistas who are always telling Whitey to go back to Europe.

    Apparently, it’s a contagion of the Left.

  6. Greg

    Where is the Lefts outrage at her statements telling Jews to go back to Germany and Poland? If I tell illegal immigrants from Mexico to go back to where they came I would be hung by the MSM. Such a double standard. This woman is disgusting.

  7. Robert Glisson

    Ms. Thomas is welcome to return to Lebanon. I’m sure she will enjoy being a outspoken woman in a Muslim society.

  8. Nebojsa Malic

    So why doesn’t Helen go where she came from?

    Age does bring wisdom, but it also brings dementia. Not hard to see what is the case here.

  9. Mike Marks

    I wonder if Helen Thomas would like to return to the land of her parents Lebanon. Beruit, once the so called Paris of the Middle East, is quite the garden spot for retirees since the Lebanese Civil War. Things have even improved further with the influence of the Syrians, Iranians, and thier proxies. I’m sure as an American citizen she would be treated well there!

  10. james huggins

    She has always been a real load. I just figured that since she was devoid of real common sense she would always be a pet of the MSM world and Democrat administrations. I was right.

  11. Robert Glisson

    She resigned. “http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews/ynews_ts2427” She is 89 according to the news release. It’s sad to see people who had everything blow it thoughtlessly.

  12. a harrison smith

    I have to say I really have never understood anti-semitism and this virulent left wing type in particular.
    Which also means I don’t understand left wing Jewish people in s. africa and america, who not only do not defend israel; but actively back the wrong politicians and even work against the safety of israel.
    It’s irrational: irrespective of whether one “likes” israeli policy or not.
    Survival against surrounding enemies in the mid-east is hardly a joke.
    And Europe: just half a lifetime after ww2 ! Are they brain dead or hypnotized?

  13. Barbara Grant

    Perhaps Thomas’ next series of appearances will be on the lecture circuit, particularly at American universities, where she can earn lots of money speaking to huge audiences of intellectually-challenged American youth. Maybe the phone is ringing off the hook already. I wouldn’t discount the possibility. As to Thomas’ former syndicator hiring Ilana–it would be a great move!

  14. Robert Glisson

    It doesn’t hurt to have empathy; however, I’m not sad for her but the rhetorical event. Like Why does a person wait until they screw up to learn that it is past time to quit. It seems like a lot of people do that. (No answer required)

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