Naughty Laura

Free Speech,Journalism,Media,Political Correctness,Race


The difference between the racial transgressions of broadcasters Don Imus and Dr. Laura Schlessinger is that Imus’s “nappy-headed hos” utterance was used to describe the black Rutgers women’s basketball team that he was admiring at the time. Dr. Laura was not describing or addressing blacks when she rattled off the “N” word yesterday on her radio show; she was merely describing the way other blacks use the word liberally. Evidently, you are not even allowed to use the words in reporting on another’s use of it.

Given the level of language policing under which we all labor, it took me some time to locate Dr. Laura’s verbatim words. News reports must have redacted even the indirect use of the word. Here’s the account via Note the childish blanks in “n****r”:

“Schlessinger ignited a firestorm of criticism after Media Matters posted audio from a Tuesday conversation she had with a black female caller. The caller was complaining about her white husband’s friends and their use of the N-word. In response, Schlessinger said:

‘lack guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO and listen to a black comic, and all you hear is n****r, n****r, n****r. I don’t get it. If anybody without enough melanin says it, it’s a horrible thing. But when black people say it, it’s affectionate. It’s very confusing.

When the caller said she was appalled by Schlessinger’s use of the N-word, the radio host demurred, ‘Oh, then I guess you don’t watch HBO or listen to any black comedians. My dear, the point I am trying to make … we’ve got a black man as president and we’ve got more complaining about racism than ever. I think that’s hilarious.'”

“She then criticized the caller, saying ‘Don’t take things out of context. Don’t NAACP me.'”


Laura has decided to “end her radio show.” If she wishes to “come back,” she’ll need to commence her Via Dolorosa. “It [could be] time for page two of the white-celebrity-struggling-with-racism playbook: sitting down with Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson.”

7 thoughts on “Naughty Laura

  1. Roger Chaillet

    She’s been tyrannized.

    Too bad she didn’t understand she was dealing with a member of a protected class.

    Or a registered Democrat.

    They tend to be one and the same.

  2. Myron Pauli

    This mishugash (madness) reminds me of a conversation I had with a very doctrinaire leftist friend. It occurred when there was some big media snit about some utterly silly event – perhaps Imus or Janet Jackson’s b**b.

    I said something like “You notice that the media spends more time on Janet Jackson’s t*t than on the fact that 5 million people have been slaughtered in the Congo. And you know why – because sadly no one gives a s**t when n****rs kill n****rs.” Naturally, being Politically Correct, he got all upset. And then I countered: “You just proved my point. You showed no response over 5 million people getting butchered but you got emotional over me using a curse word. And is f**k worse than millions starving in Darfur and g**k worse than 2 million dead in Cambodia? As Stalin said ‘a million dead is a statistic’ – and if they are not of one’s own ethnicity, an unimportant statistic.”

    [Brilliant, M.]

    The real world – blacks killing blacks, 70% illegitimate births, high mortality rates, a majority of black men arrested before age 30, dreadful illiteracy, no job skills, poor moral role models. SO WHAT – LAURA SAID N****R!!!!

  3. Difster

    My problem with Dr. Laura is twofold on this issue.

    1. She absolutely should NOT NOT NOT have apologized. She should have stood her ground. She is not a woman to use words without intending to mean exactly what she says. So for her to apologize and say it’s a mistake, she’s bowing to the very thing she was railing against.

    2. She claimed she was censored. Unless the government stepped in and fined her for saying it or otherwise told her she was not allowed to use that word or prosecuted her in some other sense, she was not censored, she was criticized (albeit unfairly). She shouldn’t claim censorship, it only undermines her and makes her look weak (as does the apology).

    So GOOD FOR HER for saying it, but a little loss of respect for backing down and then playing the victim.

  4. james huggins

    The Blacks make a big deal out of every slight, imaginary or otherwise, just because they can. Also Blacks killing Blacks is a big deal to me because I live in the line of fire.

  5. Robert Glisson

    “The caller was complaining about her white husband’s friends and their use of the N-word.” Anyone smell a rat here? How many white men marry a black woman and sit around the living room disparaging Blacks? Like ‘0.’ Us average white men don’t even disparage our white in-laws to our wives, at least within her hearing. It’s well known that Laura is not going to do the ‘Oprah’ bit but tell it like it is. Many of the comments on the ‘comment’s list’ of the news article faulted Laura for her ‘insensitivity’ yet she has never been known for sensitivity. She gave the woman just what she as asking for, a ‘quit your bit**ing’ answer, which she gives almost everyone and even if she had not used the word, the ‘insensitivity’ would have come through landing a tape that would have bought fifteen minutes of fame to the caller for Laura’s insensitive attitude to racism; a made up word, used as an indefensible attack on your opponent to force them onto the defensive and stop any logical argument.

  6. John Danforth

    The lady is a control freak and a sadist who enjoys lecturing brain-damaged masochists as if they were six years old. I heard the audio. While her point is intellectually correct, the fact is she had a meltdown when her caller was not sufficiently subservient.

    No wonder advertisers ran for the exits.

    That she went on the Larry King show to whine about her first amendment rights shouldn’t have shocked me, but it did – for the idiocy of her argument. Let her buy her own radio station, then exercise her first amendment rights. She of all people should know that she has the right to say what pleases those who pay her for her services, using their media.

    Listen to the entire audio, then let me know if I’m wrong.

    I’d bet ten dollars she fired the call screener.

  7. NJ_Patriot

    Now it’s the “N-word” which cannot be uttered or written by any sufficiently Caucasian person in any context. I fear that soon; homosexual will become the forbidden “H-word” along with its already ordained cousin, the “F-word” connoting the same thing. Then retarded becomes the “R-word”, fat becomes another “F-word”, and on and on.
    Where the madness ends is anyone’s guess, but I for one would rather not be there.

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