Savage Schultz

Democracy,Democrats,Elections,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Media


I’ve never really given much thought to the accusation, often made by the official Right, that the Left is, as a rule, more vicious and hate-filled. Rabid lefties generally stay away from this blog. But have you ever listened to MSNBC’s Ed Schultz, of the “Ed Show”? I have to; it’s my job.

One has to remain detached and observe Schultz for the engorged, gross worm he is, but Schultz is, for lack of a better word, a thug. A vulgar bully given to verbal violence.

On the one hand, sloganeering about democracy and the will of the people is second nature to left-liberals like Schultz. But these election results have elicited fewer mentions of the “will of the people,” and many more calls for Obama and the Democrats to get tough with the Repbulicans.

“know the enemy,” Schultz advised his people. Here goes that refrain again. Just last week, the twisted brother Obama called his opposition the enemy in need of punishment.

Schultz was referring to “House Speaker–to-be John Boehner,” and to a TIME cover story about him. Read “The New Speaker: Tanned, Tested, Ready,” Schultz advised his demos, so as to get to know the enemy.

10 thoughts on “Savage Schultz

  1. Van Wijk

    I predict that this election will have ushered in more or less open political violence from the left. We are two peoples living within one border, and something has to give. This may be the beginning of the end.

  2. james huggins

    Unimportant, red state rubes, like me, are the enemy too. The left has no respect for nor fear of us, probably with good reason given our history of voting with our collective heads placed right square up our collective back sides but with the rise of the Tea Party hicks, instead of the Washington insider hacks, maybe the Schultzes of the world will have more to slobber about.

  3. derek

    Schultz and Obama are not the only ones who think Republicans are their enemies. Over at the dailykos they are counting down the years until the republican base, this nation’s historic population core, dies off.

    Fine, keep it up. It doesn’t matter.

    Because you’re on the endangered list.

    And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving.

    In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won’t be any more white people around who actually remember that Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, Opie-Taylor-Down-at-the-Fishing Hole cornpone bullshit that you hold so near and dear to your heart.

    There won’t be any more white folks around who think the 1950s were the good old days, because there won’t be any more white folks around who actually remember them, and so therefore, we’ll be able to teach about them accurately and honestly, without hurting your precious feelings, or those of the so-called “greatest generation” — a bunch whose white contingent was top-heavy with ethical miscreants who helped save the world from fascism only to return home and oppose the ending of it here, by doing nothing to lift a finger on behalf of the civil rights struggle.

    It’s OK. Because in about forty years, half the country will be black or brown. And there is nothing you can do about it.

  4. mike

    Schultz is indeed the angriest and most vitriolic man on TV. He’s also a complete imbecile. On his show, he sounds like a raving drunk airing his grievances to no one in particular ten minutes after last call. Sometimes it seems like every third word out of his mouth is “Republicans” – “Republicans want poor people to starve!” – “Republicans want to put African-Americans back on the plantation!” – “Republicans want to stone gays and rape victimes!”

    I didn’t much care for the Jon Stewart rally, but I have to give him credit for putting Big Ed’s insanity up on the big screen for everyone to see. Schultz is everything that leftists believe Glenn Beck to be in their worst fever-dreams. I question the intelligence and/or sanity of anyone who watches his show. He clearly does not even understand his own professed ideology, and is incapable of processing politics beyond rooting for his “side” like the hometown sports team. Unsurprisingly, he came from a sportscasting background and apparently fell upwards via the Peter Principle into his current gig.

    [Sports background: like Old Olby.]

  5. mike

    I just wanted to add to Derek’s post. Here are the parts Tim Wise surreptitiously edited out of his screed after it was published because he realized they sounded a little bit too genocidal:

    We just have to be patient.

    And wait for your hearts to stop beating.

    And stop they will.

    And for some of you, real damned soon truth be told.

    Do you hear it?

    Expressing glee over your opponents’ imminent demise… how progressive.

  6. Brett Gerasim

    Still peddling the Great Day of Demographic Doom over there in la-la land, are they? They’ve changed the date on that more times than the Jehovah’s Witnesses have changed the date of the apocalpyse. The best part of the whole deal is that even if their fantastic vision of a nationwide Los Angeles were to come true, they would find themselves stuck in a nationwide Detroit. They would understand this much better if they actually got out of their lily white suburban neighborhoods from time to time.

    For three generations now, people in my family have had to endure preaching on various iterations of the Great Day of Demographic Doom (the end of tradional culture, the end of organized religion, the end of Evil Whitey, the death of the farmer, the death of the Cowboy, etc.). Shockingly, it looks to me like I am still here. Even if I am wrong, the Great White Bogeyman can continue to poke these clowns in the eye until I am an old man, and in the end all of us are winding up in a version of the movie “Idiocracy” writ large. These people are going to be miserable trying to get 85 IQ morons to kiss their asses, while their dying “enemies” ridicule them on the way to their deathbeds.

  7. james huggins

    When the founding WASP stock is gone, who’s going to feed all the rest?

    [A subject I explore in my new book, still languishing with publishers.—IM]

  8. Van Wijk

    Nice catch, Derek.

    It’s OK. Because in about forty years, half the country will be black or brown. And there is nothing you can do about it.

    Not exactly a student of history, is he? There are ways to reverse demographic trends. Decent men rightly prefer not to think of them, but let’s not pretend they don’t exist. An animal is most dangerous when it is cornered.

  9. Brett Gerasim

    Wise himself did not edit the posts on Daily Kos and the me-too blogs. The full rant is available both on his own site and from Steve Sailer here:

    More info on the man Steve Sailer (and now John Derbyshire) call Uncle Tim:

    Making the argument Wise makes is an absolute boon to White Nationalists, and always has been, by the way.

    The real race against time ivolves the race hustlers, who must get to the first generation anchor babies before it is too late. Visit New Mexico, rural Arizona, or perhaps rural Texas, look at marital patterns of the Xers and millennials, and you will see that the future is one mostly of Blacks and Latinized Whites. These Latinized Whites have almost exclusively White fathers. Will they be Hispanic enough to be recognizable, let alone be succeptable to racist gobbledygook from the likes of Wise? Time will tell. That is how it looks judging from my neck of the woods, anyway.

  10. Robert Glisson

    Conservatives call their Liberal opponents, “Liberals, Progressives and Communists.” Liberals call Conservatives, “Wingnuts, Teabaggers, Nazi,Kooks and Enemies” I would think that from the rhetoric, the Right has a point about the Left being more vicious. Tim Wise is the worst example of Racism, I can imagine. Most definitely doesn’t live up to his name.

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