A Storm in a Nanny State

Democracy,Government,Homeland Security,Individual Rights,Journalism,Liberty,Media,Private Property,Propaganda,The State


Take this post to be part of the blog series, “What They Do In Dictatorships.” In a highly evolved Managerial State such as ours, where the population has been cowed into submission, storms—even—Category 1 storms—give rise to forced evacuations. Just about half the country has been terrorized, or threatened into fleeing. It’s called “leadership,” and subjects seem to apprecaite being coaxed from their homes by lazy bureaucrats and oink-sector workers who’d rather run themselves, than stick around and do the job taxpayers pay them to do: rescue taxpayers.

In “bad” dictatorships—Libya being the latest one the US and its allies have just voided of a dictator—people might have been left in their homes. OMG. The horror! But not in the US, because the American Managerial State is so much more efficient in encroaching on its citizens than are these tin-pot dictators, whom we have built-up into mega-monsters in our infantile, Disneyfied minds.

In any case, the crappy media in this country forms a cartel of cretins. Such is the nature of this monopoly that all news outlets can safely decide to hype one story—in this case, the storm that petered out—and none of these media see the need to hedge their bets, or moderate the level of hysteria on this most fickle of topics: weather.

Here’s the definition of a “Category 1 storm”:

They “usually cause no significant structural damage; however, they can topple unanchored mobile homes, as well as uproot or snap trees. Poorly attached roof shingles or tiles can blow off. Coastal flooding and pier damage are often associated with Category 1 storms. Power outages are typically widespread to extensive, sometimes lasting several days. Even though it is the least intense type of hurricane, the storm can still produce plenty of widespread damage and can be a life-threatening storm.”

8 thoughts on “A Storm in a Nanny State

  1. Myron Pauli

    I also noticed Dictator Bloomberg (who had the New York City Charter amended so he could be Dictator for Life) who wants to arrest people for the wrong dining habits was ORDERING people to leave their homes DAYS in advance (hmmm – whatever happened to “due process of law”). Residents raus raus!!

    The media had nothing better to do but to all send reporters out to sit off some shore getting wet to all say the same thing. Why, for example, did the local TV reporter for Channel 5 News SEATTLE need to fly to Norfolk VA to stand in the rain to say the same thing being said on CNN, the Weather Channel, and MSNBC other than that the media is a pack of braindead groupthinkers.

  2. Marty

    Not in complete disagreement except,the “oink” police at least in the NYPD don’t all get to “run” they are out working.

  3. sunny black

    I’ve lived on the Gulf Coast for 25+ years and seen a good number of Cat 3’s and higher. The mentality is always the same: Be prepared and equipped, but it’s nothing to freak out over. Of course, if that storm is angling toward the DC and NYC axis, well (!!) — then suddenly, it’s the End of Days looming.

    Preparing for a hurricane only requires having common sense and being sober; though in this day and age of the NYC Man who doesn’t know his way around a hammer, a Philips screwdriver, or how to boil water, I could see the argument that those poor city-slicker Manhattanites have had the survival instincts domesticated out of them and thus required extra-special care. And most of all, if you watch the news, you watch the local news. NOT the sensationalistic overkill of the national hype-sters (honestly, you don’t really need to be in a slicker on a boardwalk reporting LIVE)..

    On average, your worst storm consists of being out of power for a few days, maybe weeks, and having fell trees as road blocks with power lines dangling around. A Katrina (which was a post-hurricane issue) or, in my case, an Ivan can happen. But that’s life. It’s inconvenient, but there it is.

    This desire to make every natural event into a historic, once-in-a- lifetime cataclysm is not only gauche, but unsafe for the time when a legitimate, impending natural disaster requires attention.

    And when Dr. Ron Paul tries to make a simple point that we’ve lived through and survived these events on our own without Federal intervention over the last century (that federal assistance has the potential to do more harm than good), the same national media attempts to imply that he’s archaic.

    But at least Barry gets his photo-op and the opportunity to seem contemplative and decisive. Chris Christie gets to yell at his Jersey Shore constituents. And Mayor Bloomberg shuts down transportation. In other words, no matter what you do, don’t look passive and aloof like Dubya from an airplane window. Give the appearance that you’re doing something. The wrong lesson was learned from Dubya.

  4. Steve Hogan

    Crappy media is right. It’s storm porn 24/7. Evacuate! Run for your lives! The government will shield you from harm, citizen. Obey and all will be well.

    Count me out.

  5. Abelard Lindsey

    I lived in Tokyo area for 9 years. We averaged one typhoon a year and it was usually Cat 2 to Cat 3. I lived in Taiwan for a year and went through 4 typhoons during that time. One of them was a Cat 5 and another was a Cat 4. These did not bother me as I was lining in a ferro-concrete building(as does most everyone in Taiwan).

    The Cat 5 (in Kaoshiung) was actually quite bad as it washed out several highway bridges and several people died, mainly by drowning in floods.

    The main difference is that Japanese and Taiwanese do not build housing right on the waterfront, like people do in Florida. Also, most people live in ferro-concrete buildings or, in the case of Japan, old houses with heavy ceramic tile roofs (which are good for typhoons but not so good for earthquakes).

  6. Dennis

    People…not to worry! Emergency Disaster Funds are the NEW STIMULUS / QE3.

    You can bet that the “BROKEN WINDOW THEORY” of bad Economics will be used to show how the economy will surge ahead, provide jobs, and provide funds to cities and States…never mind that Pension Funds are teetering and that budgets are blown. Keep your eyes on the money and see where it really goes.

    BTW…The Katrina Problem was not Bush’s fault. As I understood it at the time, the GOVERNORS of the affected States were supposed to request the aid from the Feds otherwise the Feds would have been over-stepping their authority. Blame Nagin, Blanco, et al for not acting quickly and properly. Remember Forest Gump’s wise words: STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES.

    ps Lindsey…research ARXX reinforced insulated concrete structures…good stuff!

  7. james huggins

    If some disaster, storm or flood hits your home and you have had time to prepare I submit that you would be more able to meet said emergency than those who count on some corrupt and inefficient government. And, whatever you do don’t let them disarm you or herd you into some central location. Be smart, take care of yourself and pray. You will be ahead of the game.

  8. Tom

    Any excuse in order to avoid reporting the important and truthful news that the lying and treasonous Establishment does not want the ignorant public to know.

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