A View Of The Nation

Barack Obama,Celebrity,Feminism,Gender,Media,Pop-Culture


Must I cover the president playing figurative footsie with the nation’s Delphic dames? You already know how much I dislike these idiot women—even more than BHO, whom I find quite funny when he steers clear of things about which he knows nothing: economy, liberty, etc.

Nevertheless, the “charmer-in-chief” (Drudge’s moniker) prattling, as he did on “The View,” about family, race, and pop-culture to these friendly, foolish females (that includes harebrained Hasselbeck) made headlines today. So, it’s news.

One juicy tidbit I did find interesting was BHO’s disclosure that he was not invited to witness the Clinton wedding.

One thought on “A View Of The Nation

  1. Daniel

    All of this nonsense just goes to show how little dignity is left in the office of the President of these United States. Could one imagine George Washington or John Adams socializing with the local bird-brained twits of their day so score some popularity points? Obama is a pathetic disgrace.

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