Updated: Barbara Boxer Speaks Down To Head Of Black Chamber Of Commerce

Business,Democrats,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Race,Racism,Reason


Democrat Barbara Boxer takes a slow, labored, condescending tone with Harry Alfred, Head Of the Black Chamber Of Commerce. The Senator also makes sure that the testimonies she produces to counteract his are all from black groups. Watch Alfred deftly nail her for appealing to his race rather than to his facts. The annoyance in this little vingette is that only a black or Latin person could hope to get away issuing a similar challenge. And: there are very few such crusaders around.

Update (July 18): John Danforth is absolutely right: Mr. Alfred is locked in a performative contradiction. He is a participant in the discussion in his capacity as a representative of a racial organization, yet he objects when his data is discarded and his race addressed instead. Still, beggars can’t be choosy. Truth is in such short supply that we must welcome it even when it comes from imperfect, self-serving sources.

14 thoughts on “Updated: Barbara Boxer Speaks Down To Head Of Black Chamber Of Commerce

  1. Roy Bleckert

    With Babs Boxers’ smart aleck comment to General Walsh,

    “Could you say ‘senator’ instead of ‘ma’am? It’s just a thing. I worked so hard to get that title. I’d appreciate it.”

    And Harry Alfred’s skewering of her convoluted logic (we in Ca. have been enduring this from Babs since 92), maybe Californians will finally vote this ditzy broad out of office in 2010.

  2. Van Wijk

    “As someone who’s married to a veteran…”

    You’ll have to help me with my Latin. Would it be argumentum ad militis uxor or argumentum ad uxor militis?

    I’m going to have to put a book together of all the brand new logical fallacies of Obama’s creatures.

  3. Bob Schaefer

    Ms. Boxer is one of the most obnoxious persons in public life. It is ironic, though, that the CEO of the National BLACK Chamber of Commerce accuses her of being “racial.”

  4. Fred Mangels

    “maybe Californians will finally vote this ditzy broad out of office in 2010.”.

    Her and Feinstein both!

    Nah. It will never happen. Both are very popular here, which says something about the people who live in California.

  5. JP Strauss

    OMG! Are you sure this isn’t a hoax! I admire the man’s self-control because I would’ve done something very impulsive and stupid if I were in his shoes.

  6. Louise Unsoeld

    Good for Harry Alfred! This native Californian has intensly disliked Boxer’s politics ever since she was a supervisor in Marin County! Do not think that all Californians agree with her pap. If there is a way to get her out of office, I will be the first in line. She is a menace. Again, kudos for Mr. Alfred for speaking up.

  7. Steve

    I wouldn’t hold your breath Roy. Mrs. Boxer has little understanding of reality. She is only after one thing and that is absolute power. She has no interest in job creation unless of course it benefits her own interest. Mr. Alfred showed a tremendous amount of restraint. I probably would have lost it and called her several unsuitable names, unfit for publication.

  8. EN

    Typical Babs. She always talks SLLOOOOOOLLLLLY to those she doesn’t consider bright enough match her magnificent mind. Her condescension is always directed at the little people. Congrats to Mr. Alfred for giving it back to her.

  9. Barbara Grant

    What a disgusting exchange, on Sen. Boxer’s part! This gentleman clearly wanted his statement to be judged on its merits alone, without regard to what other “black groups” have concluded. In short, he wanted to be viewed as an individual, not as a “black man,” or “representative of a black group.” Boxer’s arrogance was obvious as she worked overtime to deny him that consideration.

  10. John Danforth

    Sorry, but my ignorance of the set-up leaves me a little disconcerted.

    If Harry wanted his points to be judged on merit alone, why is he there as the head of the BLACK Chamber of Commerce? Is there a white chamber of commerce I never heard of?

    If he wanted to be viewed as an individual and not as a ‘black man’ or ‘representative of a black group’, why does his organization put the racist distinction right up front in its title?

    Boxer’s idiocy and arrogance are inescapable, and it’s grand that they are on display for people to wake up to. Still, from out here in the flatlands, it looked a lot like a euchre game, with the race cards being trump. Boxer led with a trump and got beat with the ace.

    Lost on me in all this is why the opinions of the Black Chamber of Commerce on idiotic energy policy would carry any more weight than anyone else’s. I know a lot more about science, thermodynamics, and economics than the average senator, but my views aren’t welcome. Probably because I don’t belong to the right group.

  11. John Danforth

    To cure my ignorance and to be fair, I visited the Black Chamber’s website and spent 30 seconds perusing the content. I stand by my comments.

  12. Myron Pauli

    Well, we’ve been having a very mild summer here in the Washington DC area – this is, obviously, attributed to Al Gore’s Nobel Prize, Obama’s election, the Waxman-Markey bill, and Barbara Boxer’s Congressional hearings. It CERTAINLY has nothing whatsoever with any astronomical objects 93,000,000 miles away.

  13. John Danforth

    The truth, if presented by a token black on one side of an issue, simply canceled out by the ‘views’ of another black group, no matter whether either side is qualified to weigh in on the matter.

    Still, watching Boxer get skewered for trying such a transparent ploy was amusing.

    We all know it’s a power grab, and nobody is interested in the truth. None of them can even do the math.

    And the dead calm on the sun continues. Better stock up on firewood.

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