UPDATED: Bull's-Eye, Bill O'Reilly



I thought that the Bill O’Reilly’s July 13th “Talking Points” would have been removed from the FoxNews website, by now. I’ve been waiting for the segment to come online. In it, the famous talker alluded to rates at which blacks commit violent crime proportionate to their numbers in society. It is up. And it was brave of Bill to come straight out and say this:

“African-Americans make up 13 percent of the population, but according to the Justice Department, they comprise 39 percent of violent crime convictions. Thirty-six percent of all murders in America are committed by African-Americans, and 90 percent of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks.”

UPDATE (July 19): “Perhaps we can hear more from the NAACP on the ugliest form of racism in America, interracial violent crime—which, according to FBI statistics, is largely black-on-white, not the reverse.” Pat Buchanan, with the most impassioned response to the allegations of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People against the Tea Party.

6 thoughts on “UPDATED: Bull's-Eye, Bill O'Reilly


    Is the GREAT AMERICAN EXPERIMENT of E PLURIBUS UNUM reaching a limit of other culture absorption, race and ethnic diversity, P-C, Manifest Destiny, and acceptance of lesser-skilled immigrants into a nation in need of high skilled achievers? Does anyone think that it may be impossible for some cultures, races, religions, etc. to co-exist, productively & harmoniously, with others different from themselves? I have heard and read about the “Browning of America”, but what does that really mean – that we’ll all get along if we are all the same hue? Didn’t Ursula Le Guin write a piece of fiction (“THE LATHE OF HEAVEN”?)in which George Orr, the dreamer, dreamt everyone was mono-pigmented, among other commonalities, EXCEPT FOR EYE COLOR? So, guess what? Look at all the other countries of the world and are those with multi-race / culture populations having problems? Read “RACE AND CULTURE” by Thomas Sowell, Ph.D. Once read, what future and solutions (if any are needed) do you see for America? My concern is that a “divide and conquer” strategy may be in-play against all of us commoners. History repeats. The Conquerors are conquered.

  2. michel cloutier

    Oh come on, by now everybody is aware of these statistics, and those who are not steadfastly pretend to ignore them. Can we move on? Any solutions out there?

    I invite those who think these are racist statistics to support black minorities by moving from their nice, lily-white suburbs to the nearest friendly black neighborhood. That should prove a quick and effective cure for PCitis.

  3. Richards

    ‘I thought the homicide figures for blacks was nearer 50%’.

    What is that, Ebonics?

    I thought homicide figures for blacks were nearer 50%.

    I was going to pretend that ‘homicide figures’ could be interpreted as a hyphenated word but that ain’t be right, is it?

  4. james huggins

    As I have stated before the blacks are being raised, if you can call it raising, to respect nothing. Not even themselves, except for an enlarged notion of their own self importance, they are responsible to nobody and responsible for nothing. Add this to what some might argue is a natural volatility—and you have dangerous streets. In Memphis right now we are having at least a shooting a day of blacks on blacks. The usual motive is an “argument” or a “fight”. Don’t come up with some common sense answer to the problem as it would, no doubt, be racist.

  5. Gringo Malo

    I suppose it was courageous of O’Reilly to say what he said. Then again, TV is all about ratings, and he might have made a cold calculation that his statements could improve his ratings among conservatives without causing the Liberal Establishment to expel him from broadcasting.

    O’Reilly didn’t mention that federal spending contributed to the crime problem in our “inner cities.” Still, O’Reilly deserves partial credit for saying, “The problem is that strategy is not cost effective anymore.”

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