CAIR Commences 'Share the Quran' Campaign



“Today,” reports Daniel Pipes, “CAIR took what is probably the most major step ever in the direction of da’wa (call to Islam) with the announcement of a ‘Share the Quran’ campaign. It involves sending free copies of the Koran over the next six months to 100,000 leaders: ‘governors, state attorney generals, educators, law enforcement officials, state and national legislators, local elected and public officials, media professionals, and other local or national leaders who shape public opinion or determine policy.'”

Dr. Pipes continues:

The Hamas-founded Council on American-Islamic Relations has long pretended to be a civil rights organization, comparing itself at times to the NAACP, but a close look at its record reveals the real CAIR agenda to be – in common with all Islamists – promoting the Shari’a. This can be achieved two ways. The more circuitous method influences American public opinion through the educational system, the media, the arts, the courts, and the political process. The more direct method converts Americans to Islam.
Route #1 is CAIR’s stock-in-trade, what it does most of the time. But every so often it tries route #2. For example, in 2004, CAIR published an advertisement titled “More in Common Than You Think” that argued for the similarities between Christian and Islam: “Like Christians, Muslims respect and revere Jesus. … Like Christians, every day, over 1.3 billion Muslims strive to live by his teachings of love, peace, and forgiveness.”

Here’s the part I’m not clear on. Pipes adds that “testimony by converts to Islam reiterates that putting the Koran into the hands of non-Muslims is the best bet for winning them to the faith.”

But to read the Kuran is to know it for the manual for murder it is. The good messages therein are plagiarized. Why would that be attractive?

Oops: ilana, what’s come over you? Need you ask—in the Age of the Idiot of all stripes—what it is about a political system masquerading as a religion, sanctioning blood-letting, and promising supremacy and power; what is it about such a belief system that a base, brutal idiot would find attractive? Okay, okay; you made your point.

6 thoughts on “CAIR Commences 'Share the Quran' Campaign

  1. james huggins

    It won’t be long before the twits who determine public policy and especially those in authority in academia will be breathlessly passing out and endorsing the koran. I would like to see what reaction I would get in the Middle East if I set out to distribute 100 King James bibles, let alone 100,000. I would be stoned or beheaded or something of the sort. Oh well, I would probably be stoned if I tried to pass out bibles in an American “blue” state.

    [Welcome back Huggs: Why go all the way to Saudi? Try spreading the word in an American place of work and see what befalls you.]

  2. Barbara Grant

    I’m not quite sure how Christians, who believe that Jesus is Lord, can be won over to the Muslim faith. Muslims believe that Jesus is a prophet, only, not the Second Person of the Trinity. You’d have to be a really stupid Christian to take the Koran at face value.

    [Islam, I believe, is the leading religion of conversion among Africa’s blacks. They were formerly christian.]

  3. Myron Pauli

    More on the “Religion of Peace”: ” Taliban delivers death threats to non-Muslims – Taliban militants are threatening Christians, Sikhs, and Muslim minority sects with death and onerous headtaxes should they not convert to their violent version of Islam.” See:…/article.asp?…Taliban+delivers+death+threats…non-Muslims. And here is another gem from Istanbul, one of the most civilized places in the Moslem world: ” Police have declared three Pakistani men innocent of raping a
    13-year-old Christian girl despite eyewitness accounts and medical evidence indicating their guilt. ” See Then we have
    more Taliban attacks on Christians – see
    And how are human rights and rule of law respected in the Islamic world compared to predominantly Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist and Christian countries? How many Christians and Jews live in Arabia? How are Christians doing in Nigeria and Sudan? How are the rights of women in Moslem-ruled countries? What is the relative level of corruption compared to non-Moslem countries. What happens to a Moslem who converts to Christianity? Nevertheless, I expect to hear Obama uttering this CAIR propaganda as part of a message of conciliation. Is it CAIR’s position that the Koran is wonderful and it is just the followers who are real screwups?!

  4. Robert Glisson

    Most Christian’s never read the Bible in its entirety, Many pastors are preaching stuff that totally ignores or contradicts the Jewish teaching of Jesus,who was a contemporary of Hillel. (For an example, the Rev. Wright comes to mind.) Many Christian’s can’t distinguish Muslim teaching from Christian. Muslims are against abortion, alcohol/drugs, immorality too so they aren’t so bad in the US, just the Middle East. It’s easy to convert people who don’t know much about their own religion. The Koran is a very boring book and I doubt if many converts come from reading it but some will. Modern politicians will take the free books, have their aides find the right verses to use in their speeches, salt their speeches with ‘religion’ without considering the repercussions.

  5. JP Strauss

    In all fairness to the black africans: they were converted to Christianity by the “white devils”, so it is only natural for them to rebel against the supposed “creators of their miserable circumstances” by converting to a faith that also seeks to rid the world of the “white devils”.

  6. james huggins

    Hi Mercer. Glad to be back, if only temporarily. Trying to spread the “word” in an American place of business was my point when I mentioned passing out bibles in an American blue state. Your reader Mr Glisson has hit the nail on the head about lukewarm Christians in name only. Americans are prime targets for conversion into any “new and improved” cult that comes along. As we progress along the trail from citizenship to braindead serfdom to the state this will come into play more and more.

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