Category Archives: Aesthetics

World's Hottest Soccer Fan

Aesthetics, Africa, Crime, South-Africa, Sport

PORTUGUESE GIRL IS. Don’t go changing your overlapping teeth, anonymous. That’s the habit in the USA, where everyone sports an overbite stacked with mega white, veneered blocks, created in some monster tooth factory.

The 2010 Soccer World Cup has commenced. Let’s hope the carnage is limited to these kinds of incidents, from the Mail & Guardian’s crime page:

* Greece players have money stolen from hotel
* Chinese journalists robbed in SA
* Arrests after foreign journo robbery
* Foreign journos robbed ahead of World Cup
* Security firms make killing from World Cup

Updated: Miss Ummah America?

Aesthetics, Affirmative Action, Intelligence

I thought she was merely stupid and definitely not beautiful, but it turns out that the Miss Ummah America might be the beneficiary of a pattern of Muslim affirmative action in western beauty pageants

That might explain why these women are winners, although not one is particularly beautiful.

Rima Fakih certainly isn’t. I was struck by how conceited and stupid she was.

Conceited because during the competition she described herself as beautiful, intelligent, and a “goddess.” Modesty and a little less self-awareness and narcissism are what make a woman attractive in my old-fashioned opinion. These brazen creatures have repulsing personae.

Stupid because in her reply to that question that gets asked typically by the prototypical radical liberal gay (Oscar Nunez) or by a retarded glamor puss (Trump trophy wife), Fakih managed to promote taxpayer support for the birth-control pill (“b/c it’s expensive”), as well as claim the Pill was a “controlled substance.”

We’ll be exporting more stupidity with her as representative.

The first runner-up, Miss Oklahoma Morgan Elizabeth Woolard, sealed her fate when, in reply to one Oscar Nunez’s question about where she stood on Arizona’s SB 1070, she said she was “a huge believer in states’ rights”: “I think that’s what’s so wonderful about America, so I think it’s perfectly fine for Arizona to create that law.” “The crowd erupted in boos over the intrusion of politics,” Fox News reported.

This girl had a bit more of a brain than Carrie Prejean, that’s for sure, however, since the competition is ultimately about beauty, it should be noted that one or two real beauties were eliminated early on in the competition.

The finalists were certainly not the fairest.

Update (May 18): Myron’s favorite of 1992 has that regal look, as opposed the pole-slip-sliding appeal. There were a couple like her in the 2010 intake, but they were, obviously, dismissed in favor of the porn (and the politically correct) aesthetic.

To those who confuse cheap, sexy with beautiful: no, Rima Fakih is no beauty. She looks like porn star Kim Kardashian, who, frankly, repulses. She may be sexy in that cheap way, but in my view, the culture has adopted the male-centered porn aesthetic. So enamored are we with it, that we would not know refined beauty if we saw it. Witness the classic beauties (one in particular with green eyes and brown hair) who never made the finals in this year’s pageant. Obviously, all contestants had fabulous figures.

Grotesque Or Precious?

Aesthetics, Film, Hollywood, Pop-Culture, Psychology & Pop-Psychology, Reason, The Zeitgeist

“There’s the most enormous, fat black chick I’ve ever seen. She is enormous. Everyone’s pretending she’s a part of show business and she’s never going to be in another movie. She should have gotten the Best Actress award because she’s never going to have another shot. What movie is she gonna be in?” That was degenerate DJ Howard Stern on Gabourey Sidibe (yes, she’s American-born), the mountain of human flesh that stars in the film “Precious,” pushed by Oprah.

Stern reminds me of the claims made repeatedly on the O’Reilly Show, that “Shangri-La of Socratic disinterest.”Have you heard them? Not speaking proper English, behaving like a rapper, not studying—these will get you nowhere. That’s so not true. And he says it to rich rappers who’ve followed exactly that path.

This is the age of the idiot first—but also the age of the halt, the lame, the plain dysfunctional, the retrograde, the exhibitionist, and above all, the black person, in all shapes and sizes. Sidibe will do just fine, embraced as she will be by the constellation of flesh-creeping cretins in Hollywood and beyond.

What’s grotesque here is not the actress, so much as the film Precious, the story. From what I’ve gleaned (I’d never go see such a film), it’s designed to schlep every sentimental fiber of a stupid person’s being.

The ugliest, fattest, most abused and tormented girl gets kicked around some more after spending her formative years as the ugliest, fattest, most abused and tormented daughter in the world. Then she hits the big time. Or delves into herself, and with the aid of a lesser version of “To Sir With Love,” finds some reservoir of strength and talent to prevail. She makes everyone involved in unleashing her gifts see the light. They are lucky to bask in her riches. Am I wrong? Is it about something totally different?

If Stern was anything other than a shock jock he’d have zeroed in on the obscene sentimentality pervading this film and the culture at large. If you think I’m heartless for excoriating sentimentality in the strongest of terms, think again. Sappy sentimentality is the opposite of compassion. It causes a person to misplace compassion.

Bite Me, Bitches!

Aesthetics, Democrats, Elections, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Sarah Palin

You gotta love Sarah Palin for her staying power in the face of the foul attacks she’s endured for annotating the palm of her hand in a rather endearing way, during the Q & A at the first Tea Party Convention. Something her favorite child would do (that would be the poppet Piper, if you’ve read Going Rogue).

Here’s the little Botticelli embraced by the same slender hand (my, the Palin kids are beautiful. Ditto the Palin spouse).

So today (or was it the day before), during her campaign stop with Governor Rick Perry of Texas, Palin had a laugh at the expense of all those loathsome liberals. The message inked into her palm this time was, “Hi Mom!”