Category Archives: Aesthetics

Update II: Conservative Chicks


“Blond Squad” is a synonym for the conservatives’ chick of choice. She can be brunette, although that is not as desirable. She has to be dumb.

Here is a cliched comment, if ever there was one, by a conservative columnist about “Carrie [Prejean’s] book, Still Standing:

It “reveals a courageous woman whose Christian faith is still in its infancy. She was thrust into the national spotlight and all too quickly became a heroine for those who are sick and tired of Hollywood and the thought police. Unable to see yet the disconnect between her desire to be a ‘Victoria’s Secret Angel’ and the biblical morality she professes, Carrie is painfully discovering truth as she goes.”

Contrast the comment with the sordid reality:

“Carrie Prejean is known for hard-core sex tapes, nude pictures and a string of lies.”

And this:

“Vivid Entertainment wants to acquire the rights to the ‘erotic footage that Carrie Prejean, former Miss California, produced for her boyfriend,’ according to the letter obtained by In the letter, Hirsch says Prejean could ‘certainly earn millions of dollars’ from a deal to distribute the racy videos.”

Here is more of Fox News’ favorite character’s trademark narcissism and exhibitionism disguised in the liberal language of the professional victim:

Carrie Prejean says a steamy tape she made for an ex-boyfriend a few years ago was “the biggest mistake” of her life.
The former Miss California USA told Fox News’ Sean Hannity Monday that she shot the racy tape by herself for a boyfriend she loved when she was 17. Later, he “betrayed” her and sold it.

Ann Coulter’s powers of deduction seemingly don’t extend to Conservative Victims and Their Assault on America.

Prejean’s looks comport with what I’ve termed the porn aesthetic. She is most certainly not beautiful.


Those who’ve been conditioned to consider beautiful women who look well-used, cheap, unrefined, and whorish even in their youth will object. But you only have to think of Audry Hepburn, or the bare-faced Julie Christie to remember what natural, striking beauty is.

Update I: Julie Banderas brought us the brunette dumb moment at Fox News. The self-important anchor asked an embarrassed co-host and their viewers to look at head shot of herself and a very plain man—guys are getting uglier and luckier. If you look closer, was the inference, you’d see not two, but three people. Thus the nation learned that A Child Would Be Born to A Really Dumb Brunette.

Update II (Nov. 17): It gets rather confusing when, with the approval of the Republican coterie of Fox News—and unchallenged on CNN—Carrie Prejean gets to lump herself with Michelle Bachmann as a brilliant conservative woman maligned by media. Conservatives had better take care to separate their bimbos from their firebrands.

Updated: FLOTUS Fashion


What’s with the waist band the FLOTUS is in the habit of wearing? It’s certainly a fashion accessory I have never seen before (well, they say she is a pioneer). It also looks awful, as it emphasizes her stomach. The “parrot press,” however, will continue calling the woman with the “angry eyeballs and ropey arms” a trend setter as fine as Jacquelin Kennedy. She wishes. You be the judge.


cassini book 2

Update: Jackie K. dressed exquisitely. Why is that bad? What has our reader hereunder got against taste, refinement and femininity? We certainly don’t suffer an abundance of those qualities in contemporary America.

Updated: Sean's Porn Pinup


Kim Karsashian appeared on Sean Hannity’s ostensible news hour, and was praised by the anchor as a role model for “young girls” (read: budding sluts). With reference to this not unfamiliar sight on FoxNews, Richard Spencer, editor of Taki’s Magazine, Writes: “After this, Sean might wanna make some personnel changes in his Research department.” I think not. Has any one seen “the succession of vacuous, narcissistic, pig-ignorant panelists paraded on Sean Hannity’s ‘Great American Panel‘”? The cheap and nasty looking Kim Karsashian belongs on FoxNews, alongside that cable channel’s anchor ladies, and its chosen bimbo commentators who dress and behave a little like Karsashian.

For example, Geraldo is especially attached to a psychologist—a buxom, surgically altered, grotesque blond, who was once a playmate pinup. O’Reilly makes a mockery of the already ridiculous culture-warrior concept by dragging onto the set a very eager, slutty, East-European Internet exhibitionist to impart her “knowledge” of the English language, no less.


The girl on the screen could have been a Fox News anchorwoman, although she was by far prettier and less vulgar looking than the coarse loudmouths, whose lipstick-dripping mouths deliver, in fog-horn decibels, slogans like: “We Report, You Decide” and “Fair and Balanced.”

Appearing on “Your World” with Neil Cavuto, porn star Sunrise Adams attempted, rather touchingly, to play down her cheap hooker looks and sorry syntax with a pair of nerdy spectacles. But while she used the standard, dizzy, woman’s magazine self-realization routine to describe her occupation—“this is a pastime for me. This is just something for me to do and enjoy and to grow with”—it was her host, Cavuto, who was responsible for rolling out the welcoming waterbed for the porn star and her pimp, Steve Hirsch, co-founder of Vivid Entertainment.

But Fox is “sexing up” more than just news. It’s customary to see the skanky Jamison as a commentator on the E! Networks programs, but the news cable networks, with Fox in the lead, are not far behind. These faux-conservatives are certainly helping to mainstream society’s more dubious members. The class act that is Martha Stewart, for instance, is routinely derided on Fox. Their choice of ‘Lifestyle Guru’? The rotting flesh that is Gene Simmons of the band ‘Kiss.'”

FoxNews is full of big, mediocre egos who feel good around pea-brained, Jenna-Jamison lookalikes.

Update (August 24): Conservatives never tire of touting Miley Cyrus as another example of wholesomeness. They were furious with me for suggesting, in “Bomb Them With Bimbos,” that Miley Cyrus be exported to China:

What an excellent preemptive strike that would be. You just know that before long we’re going to be forced to partake in the awakening of yet another vacuous narcissist who flaunts her character flaws, and other folds, before millions of video voyeurs. A Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and Lindsay Lohan in the making.

Admittedly, I know very little about “Hannah Montana” and her handlers. What I’ve seen of the overbearing, extremely precocious, brassy, and not very bright Miley Cyrus doesn’t conjure the “wholesome” descriptive. When I think of “wholesome,” I think of, say, Martina McBride. Miley in various states of undress, nestled in the arms of father Billy Ray Cyrus, gazing at him seductively—this may be cringe-making, but not surprising.

As for the whole blame Dad and Disney thing: Adopted by left and right alike, the paternalistic depiction of women as passive agents, demeaned by male-driven appetites, is feminist fiction. Miley Cyrus may be 15, but she’s a single-minded exhibitionist, propelled by the fame thing. She’s been raised like that. In all likelihood, Miley originated the idea of posing for Vanity Fair and would not stop pestering pappy until he relented. The typical American parent treats his teenager like a Delphic oracle. Any parent who has such a demigod under construction knows I’m right.

Those who persist in the he-done-me-wrong routine don’t have teenagers. Or are oblivious to the reversal in parent-child roles that has come to typify the dynamics in the American family.

In any event, as Lou Dobbs often exhorts, it’s time to get tough on China. I say let’s get dirty. Export Miley to China. What better way to addle the young minds of the competition?”

CHECK OUT this soft porn, suggestive, father-daughter tease. Tender, isn’t it? (NOT: this is twisted):

Updated: Sean’s Porn Pinup


Kim Karsashian appeared on Sean Hannity’s ostensible news hour, and was praised by the anchor as a role model for “young girls” (read: budding sluts). With reference to this not unfamiliar sight on FoxNews, Richard Spencer, editor of Taki’s Magazine, Writes: “After this, Sean might wanna make some personnel changes in his Research department.” I think not. Has any one seen “the succession of vacuous, narcissistic, pig-ignorant panelists paraded on Sean Hannity’s ‘Great American Panel‘”? The cheap and nasty looking Kim Karsashian belongs on FoxNews, alongside that cable channel’s anchor ladies, and its chosen bimbo commentators who dress and behave a little like Karsashian.

For example, Geraldo is especially attached to a psychologist—a buxom, surgically altered, grotesque blond, who was once a playmate pinup. O’Reilly makes a mockery of the already ridiculous culture-warrior concept by dragging onto the set a very eager, slutty, East-European Internet exhibitionist to impart her “knowledge” of the English language, no less.


The girl on the screen could have been a Fox News anchorwoman, although she was by far prettier and less vulgar looking than the coarse loudmouths, whose lipstick-dripping mouths deliver, in fog-horn decibels, slogans like: “We Report, You Decide” and “Fair and Balanced.”

Appearing on “Your World” with Neil Cavuto, porn star Sunrise Adams attempted, rather touchingly, to play down her cheap hooker looks and sorry syntax with a pair of nerdy spectacles. But while she used the standard, dizzy, woman’s magazine self-realization routine to describe her occupation—“this is a pastime for me. This is just something for me to do and enjoy and to grow with”—it was her host, Cavuto, who was responsible for rolling out the welcoming waterbed for the porn star and her pimp, Steve Hirsch, co-founder of Vivid Entertainment.

But Fox is “sexing up” more than just news. It’s customary to see the skanky Jamison as a commentator on the E! Networks programs, but the news cable networks, with Fox in the lead, are not far behind. These faux-conservatives are certainly helping to mainstream society’s more dubious members. The class act that is Martha Stewart, for instance, is routinely derided on Fox. Their choice of ‘Lifestyle Guru’? The rotting flesh that is Gene Simmons of the band ‘Kiss.'”

FoxNews is full of big, mediocre egos who feel good around pea-brained, Jenna-Jamison lookalikes.

Update (August 24): Conservatives never tire of touting Miley Cyrus as another example of wholesomeness. They were furious with me for suggesting, in “Bomb Them With Bimbos,” that Miley Cyrus be exported to China:

What an excellent preemptive strike that would be. You just know that before long we’re going to be forced to partake in the awakening of yet another vacuous narcissist who flaunts her character flaws, and other folds, before millions of video voyeurs. A Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and Lindsay Lohan in the making.

Admittedly, I know very little about “Hannah Montana” and her handlers. What I’ve seen of the overbearing, extremely precocious, brassy, and not very bright Miley Cyrus doesn’t conjure the “wholesome” descriptive. When I think of “wholesome,” I think of, say, Martina McBride. Miley in various states of undress, nestled in the arms of father Billy Ray Cyrus, gazing at him seductively—this may be cringe-making, but not surprising.

As for the whole blame Dad and Disney thing: Adopted by left and right alike, the paternalistic depiction of women as passive agents, demeaned by male-driven appetites, is feminist fiction. Miley Cyrus may be 15, but she’s a single-minded exhibitionist, propelled by the fame thing. She’s been raised like that. In all likelihood, Miley originated the idea of posing for Vanity Fair and would not stop pestering pappy until he relented. The typical American parent treats his teenager like a Delphic oracle. Any parent who has such a demigod under construction knows I’m right.

Those who persist in the he-done-me-wrong routine don’t have teenagers. Or are oblivious to the reversal in parent-child roles that has come to typify the dynamics in the American family.

In any event, as Lou Dobbs often exhorts, it’s time to get tough on China. I say let’s get dirty. Export Miley to China. What better way to addle the young minds of the competition?”

CHECK OUT this soft porn, suggestive, father-daughter tease. Tender, isn’t it? (NOT: this is twisted):