Category Archives: Africa

Ugly American Abroad

Africa, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Ethics

“Hunting for sport is a barbaric practice suited for Esau, Nimrod and their ilk, and not for the merciful people of Israel.”Node Beyehuda, an authority in Jewish law (1713–1793).


Somehow one can understand the motives of the local Zimbabwean poachers in murdering Cecil The Lion: greed, need, abject poverty. Other than the thrill of the kill, American dentist Walter Palmer, on the other hand, had no justification for tricking, cornering and then killing Cecil The Magnificent. Those are the acts of a blood-thirsty coward, the definition of a canned lion hunt.

Broadcaster Dana Loesch is right to bring up motherf-cker Mugabe’s birthday party menu unmentioned by liberals.(Leave the Planned Parenthood fetuses out of this; one can and should be outraged by both the murder of Cecil and the barter in baby parts. There is no contradiction.) As I wrote at the time:

Question: What do you call a “person” who butchers and barbeques baby elephant?
Answer: A motherf-cker.

Lowbrow Robert Mugabe, as Foreign Policy has reported, “celebrated his 91st birthday followed by a lavish party with an exotic menu, reportedly including barbequed baby elephant. The brazen celebration was yet another reminder of the stark contrast between the increasingly venal lifestyles of the country’s politically-connected nouveau riche and regular Zimbabweans, who are now poorer than they were when Mugabe came to power nearly 35 years ago.”

RELATED “Just A Girl With A Gun; Not A Gratuitous Killer”

This too: “Zoo poisons lion cubs to cut costs”

Rachel Dolezal: Fifty Shades Of Black

Africa, Education, Pseudo-intellectualism, Race

The “Racial Industrial Complex” (a Jack Kerwick coinage) is populated with frauds, shysters, imposters, phonies, morons; black, white and fifty shades of grey. “Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who’s been posing as a black woman and teaching mambo-jumbo studies at the bush college that is Eastern Washington University, is all of those things.

The question is: What kind of an Idiocracy plays along with this pretentious dummy? What kind of an Idiocracy confers her with the respect and authority of a pedagogue, even paying her to spread the disease to college kids?!

The Wall Street Journal:

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People stood behind the president of its Spokane, Wash., chapter, amid assertions by her biological parents that she had been misrepresenting her racial identity.

Rachel Dolezal, who also teaches Africana studies at Eastern Washington University, has focused on equal rights and racial issues in her work, according to the local NAACP website.

“If I was asked, I would definitely say that yes, I do consider myself to be black,” Ms. Dolezal said in an interview this week with Spokane’s KREM television station.

Earlier this week, her parents, Ruthanne and Lawrence Dolezal, told reporters that she isn’t African-American.

“We’re just confused, we’re puzzled, we’re hurt, we’re sad that she feels it is necessary to misrepresent her ethnicity,” Mr. Dolezal said in an interview Friday. “She’s the only one that can answer that question of why did she choose to do it.”

MORE @ Mediaite.

UPDATED: #Boer Mercenaries Bust #BokoHaram

Africa, South-Africa, Terrorism

“If there’s somethin’ strange in your neighborhood, Who you gonna call?” Boko Haram busters. Or Boer “bush warfare experts” form South Africa. Yes, “Mercenaries from South Africa have proved quietly decisive in helping the Nigerian military turn around its campaign against Boko Haram,” writes Colin Freeman from Abuja. Note the dainty disclaimer offered by the Telegraph writer:

With their roots in South Africa apartheid-era security forces, they do not fit the standard image of an army of liberation. But after just three months on the ground, a squad of grizzled, ageing [sic] white mercenaries have helped to end Boko Haram’s six-long year reign of terror in northern Nigeria.

That’s in case you dare think Boers have ever fought for anything noble—unlike mass murdering commies like Che, Castro, Stalin, Lenin, the cuties of the Khmer Rouge, on and on.

… Run by Colonel Eeben Barlow, a former commander in the South African Defence Force, the group of bush warfare experts were recruited in top secrecy in January to train an elite strike group within Nigeria’s disorganised, demoralised army.

Some of the guns-for-hire cut their teeth in South Africa’s border wars 30 years ago. But their formidable fighting skills – backed by their own helicopter pilots flying combat missions – have proved decisive in helping the military turn around its campaign against Boko Haram in its north-eastern strongholds. …

… “The campaign gathered good momentum and wrested much of the initiative from the enemy,” said Col Barlow, 62. “It was not uncommon for the strike force to be met by thousands of cheering locals once the enemy had been driven from an area.”

He added: “Yes, many of us are no longer 20-year-olds. But with our age has come a knowledge of conflicts and wars in Africa that our younger generation employees have yet to learn, and a steady hand when things get rough.”

During apartheid, Col Barlow served with the South African Defence Force … Col Barlow’s new company is known as STTEP, which stands for Specialized Tasks, Training, Equipment and Protection. It is thought to have sent around 100 men to Nigeria, including black troopers who previously served in elite South African units. Others even fought as communist guerrillas against the South African Defence Force. …


“Into the Cannibal’s Pot,” that gift that keeps giving, addresses the early and prescient awakening of the Boers to the dangers of Islam. “Into the Cannibal’s Pot” documents how Afrikaner (and English) clergy—missionaries, as opposed mercenaries—went door-to-door in an attempt to convert South Africa’s Muslims to the religion of peace, Christianity.


* US news reports are crediting these victories to the Nigerian government and military.

* If reader like the history of the Boers, which is exciting, read “Into the Cannibal’s Pot,” in which there is a fast-paced chapter. In fact, in the Intro, I note that men love heroic history and are being deprived of it—and of manhood.

Motherf-cker Mugabe’s Menu

Africa, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Ethics, Race, South-Africa

Question: What do you call a “person” who butchers and barbeques baby elephant?
Answer: A motherf-cker.

Lowbrow Robert Mugabe, as Foreign Policy has reported, “celebrated his 91st birthday followed by a lavish party with an exotic menu, reportedly including barbequed baby elephant. The brazen celebration was yet another reminder of the stark contrast between the increasingly venal lifestyles of the country’s politically-connected nouveau riche and regular Zimbabweans, who are now poorer than they were when Mugabe came to power nearly 35 years ago.”

A much better analysis of Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe, in general, and the significance of the unqualified support Mandela and his predecessors have lent to Mugabe over the decades, in particular, can be found in “Mandela, Mbeki, And Mugabe Sitting In A Baobab Tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G,” the title of Chapter 4 in “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa.”

Read “Just A Girl With A Gun; Not A Gratuitous Killer,” for the origins of the quiz in the post’s lead.