Category Archives: Celebrity

Megyn Kelly Off To Lick Her Wounds

Celebrity, Media, Republicans

Having never, as far as I know, announced the vacation schedule of the Golden Goose that henpecked Donald Trump—Fox News has done just that. It’s “R & R for Megyn,” announced the network, today. I suspect that having been licked into shape by Trump, Kelly is off to lick her wounds.

MEGYN KELLY, FOX NEWS HOST: “It’s been an interesting week. A long six months, without a vacation for yours truly, do you know that? [That’s untrue, if memory serves. And, try working for Microsoft.] It’s been six months since I’ve had a vacation. Just ask my assistant. So I’ll be taking the next week and a half off, spending some time with my husband and my kids, trying to relax. The big challenge is trying to put down the Electronica and unplug it. Can you do it? When you go on vacation, I am going to try to look at my little one’s faces and go for bike rides and play at the beach and not look at you. And when I see you back here on the 24th, we’ll pick it all up again. Have a great week. See you soon.”

UPDATED (4/27/021): Caitlyn Jenner’s Greatest Achievement: She Still Loves Women

Celebrity, Gender, Politics, Pop-Culture, Sex

I watched a little of Caitlyn Jenner’s acceptance speech for the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at Wednesday’s ESPYs. It’s hard not to feel oodles of sympathy when one watches the awkward gait and masculine stride and hears that still-booming voice of Bruce Jenner. Many transgender people I’ve seen on TV truly look their new gender part. Having “transitioned,” you can see they are indeed more comfortable in their new skin. But not poor Caitlyn. I hope for her sake that she knows what she’s doing. There is no going back. (And if only he/she did not feel the need for the plastic pout that made her diction so hissy. Why must “transitioning” be accompanied with that much silicone and plumping agents?) I do believe that Caitlyn will still love women.

And that is a true achievement, given the women—Kardashians—who surround him.

UPDATE (4/27/021): This. The GOP show goes on.

*Image courtesy here

No Trump Apology Tour?

Celebrity, Elections, IMMIGRATION, Media

Donald Trump is on the right track, speaking truth to the powers that be, and refusing to be cowed into apologies for his outspokenness. There is no greater achievement for an anti-politician than to be denounced by career politicians and their puppeteers.

“NBC is so weak and so foolish,” Trump taunted, “to not understand the serious illegal immigration problem in the United States.” And: “They will stand behind lying Brian Williams, but won’t stand behind people that tell it like it is, as unpleasant as that may be.”

The billionaire was responding to NBC’s decision to sever ties with him and boycott his shows because he, Trump, spoke candidly about the chaos on the border with Mexico.

Donald Trump: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. … They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with [them]. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards, and they tell us what they’re getting.”

A Candidate To ‘Kick The Crap Out Of All The Politicians’

Business, Celebrity, Crime, Elections, IMMIGRATION, Media, Politics

“A Candidate To ‘Kick The Crap Out Of All The Politicians’” is the current column, now on The Unz Review. An excerpt:

Since he announced for president, real-estate tycoon Donald Trump has distinguished himself from the pack of Republican presidential hopefuls.

Trump claims he opposed the invasion of Iraq. If this is true, it would make him better than almost all his Republican competitors, who mulishly continue to justify the most disastrous military campaign in American history (besides the War Between The States).

Decisive and to the point was Trump about liberalizing ties with Cuba: “It’s time!” he stated. The man who wrote “The Art of The Deal,” however, would rather a “deal” with Cuba favored ordinary Americans and Cubans, and would know how to “deliver the goods.”

We inhabit a world of managed, not free, trade. Trump is no rent-seeking political rat like every other Republican competing for the throne (besides Ben Carson, who is similarly motivated). Better than any self-interested politician, Trump can probably negotiate winning deals on all Treaties in Force, to the benefit of Americans.

“I’m really rich,” Trump swanked disarmingly. Being independently and stupendously wealthy means that this American individualist can continue to march to his own drumbeat; be as blunt and bold as he wants and pander to nobody.

“His fellow GOP presidential candidates,” explained Trump, are “totally controlled by their donors, by the lobbyists and by the special interests. If we have another politician, this country’s going down. … I’ve watched the politicians, I’ve dealt with them all my life. They will never make America great again. They don’t even have a chance.”

In the productive, non-parasitical economy, Trump has been enormously successful. Career politicians have created the hot mess that is America. The Founding Fathers wanted regular citizens to serve the public, not live off it as a vocation. Such upstanding Americans were to return to their careers after serving.

The consummate homo economicus, Trump is a rational actor in the market place. Unlike the rest of the GOP contenders who’re guided by political calculations; Trump speaks like a man to whom rational economic choices are second nature. …

Read the rest. “A Candidate To ‘Kick The Crap Out Of All The Politicians’” is the current column, now on The Unz Review.