Category Archives: Classical Liberalism

Update II: The Obama Presidency: Hamiltonian Curse, Marxist Mess, Or Both? (Part I)

Barack Obama, Classical Liberalism, Federal Reserve Bank, History, John McCain, Political Philosophy, Ron Paul

On, “Obama Presidency: Hamiltonian Curse or Marxist Mess?”:

I interview my good friend Thomas J. DiLorenzo about his new book, Hamilton’s Curse: How Jefferson’s Archenemy Betrayed the American Revolution—and What It Means for America Today, with relevance to the events of the day.

Tom DiLorenzo is professor of economics at Loyola College in Maryland, and the author of The Real Lincoln, Lincoln Unmasked, and How Capitalism Saved America.

Update: Says professor DiLorenzo:

“We are a nation of tax slaves for the benefit of our masters on the Washington, D.C. plantation. …”


“Whenever you hear the phrase ‘living Constitution’ [which you’ll hear a great deal from president elect Obama], just substitute the word ‘no’ for ‘living,’ and you’ll understand what it means.”

Be sure to follow up with part II of our conversation on

Update II: Part I of the interview is playing it again on WND:

Obama presidency: Hamiltonian curse or Marxist mess?
Exclusive: Ilana Mercer talks to Tom DiLorenzo about new book exposing Founding Father

You know where to find Part II.

Update II: Bush & The Bailout Bandits

Affirmative Action, Classical Liberalism, Federal Reserve Bank, Ilana Mercer, Inflation, The State

Here’s an excerpt from my new WND column:

A crisis that was created by cheap credit must be corrected by less of the same. … How does a bankrupt person become solvent? He ceases to borrow and spend, pays down what he owes and lives within his means. But Bush and the bailout bandits (here I include Obama and McCain, who’re down with destroying the economy too) would like you to believe such eternal verities do not apply in macroeconomics.

Bush’s idea of a correction is thus to ‘free banks to resume the flow of credit to American families and businesses.’ In the man’s own crazed words!

Those who buy the Bush bailout are – to use the incomparable Paul Gottfried’s coinage – ‘at least as dumb as turkeys, the mouths of which have to be shut when it rains, lest they swallow too much water and drown.'”

An unlovely snapshot of candidates Obama and McCain. …”

The complete column, “Bush & The Bailout Bandits,” is now up on WND.

Update I (September 26): To Robert and all my readers: Surely you know by now that if my image is not on the WND masthead, my weekly column is still on the Commentary Page? If you don’t see my image up on the WND nameplate, please look for it on the Commentary Page. My image is more often than not up there, but, since there are more commentators than slots, there is a rotation. On my new website, ready to launch any day now, you will be able to sign up for the weekly newsletter.

Update II (September 27): I would not ordinarily publish a letter, such as Tom’s hereunder, urging—in the face of all that has been written by this writer—more counterfeiting of the currency, debasement of the coin, and inflation of the money supply. Fraud all. Criminal too. With respect, Tom and his idol “Mort” do not understand a thing about money and the economy. However, this might be an opportunity for Tom and others to study further. (Mort of the halls of power is a goner.) I count on our classical liberal readers to recommend a few classics by Rothbard, Mises, and others. But Tom may want to reread “Bush & the Bailout Bandits,” and move on to the following:

Dubya the Devaluer

US In The Red And Getting Redder” (Note the Chinese’s response to the threat of inflation: exactly opposite to ours. They’ve hindered lending and made living high on the hog harder.)

Politicians: Stop ‘Stimulating’ In Public

Inflation 101 for Women Pundits & Other Tyrants

The Central Bank’s Game is the Same, Whoever’s the Name

Canadian Finance Ministry Pulling Bank Strings as Election Looms

Update II: Bush & The Bailout Bandits

Affirmative Action, Classical Liberalism, Economy, Federal Reserve Bank, Ilana Mercer, Inflation, The State

Here’s an excerpt from my new WND column:

A crisis that was created by cheap credit must be corrected by less of the same. … How does a bankrupt person become solvent? He ceases to borrow and spend, pays down what he owes and lives within his means. But Bush and the bailout bandits (here I include Obama and McCain, who’re down with destroying the economy too) would like you to believe such eternal verities do not apply in macroeconomics.

Bush’s idea of a correction is thus to ‘free banks to resume the flow of credit to American families and businesses.’ In the man’s own crazed words!

Those who buy the Bush bailout are – to use the incomparable Paul Gottfried’s coinage – ‘at least as dumb as turkeys, the mouths of which have to be shut when it rains, lest they swallow too much water and drown.'”

An unlovely snapshot of candidates Obama and McCain. …”

The complete column, “Bush & The Bailout Bandits,” is now up on WND.

Update I (September 26): To Robert and all my readers: Surely you know by now that if my image is not on the WND masthead, my weekly column is still on the Commentary Page? If you don’t see my image up on the WND nameplate, please look for it on the Commentary Page. My image is more often than not up there, but, since there are more commentators than slots, there is a rotation. On my new website, ready to launch any day now, you will be able to sign up for the weekly newsletter.

Update II (September 27): I would not ordinarily publish a letter, such as Tom’s hereunder, urging—in the face of all that has been written by this writer—more counterfeiting of the currency, debasement of the coin, and inflation of the money supply. Fraud all. Criminal too. With respect, Tom and his idol “Mort” do not understand a thing about money and the economy. However, this might be an opportunity for Tom and others to study further. (Mort of the halls of power is a goner.) I count on our classical liberal readers to recommend a few classics by Rothbard, Mises, and others. But Tom may want to reread “Bush & the Bailout Bandits,” and move on to the following:

Dubya the Devaluer

US In The Red And Getting Redder” (Note the Chinese’s response to the threat of inflation: exactly opposite to ours. They’ve hindered lending and made living high on the hog harder.)

Politicians: Stop ‘Stimulating’ In Public

Inflation 101 for Women Pundits & Other Tyrants

The Central Bank’s Game is the Same, Whoever’s the Name

Canadian Finance Ministry Pulling Bank Strings as Election Looms