Category Archives: Elections 2008

Will ‘Racial Bean Counter’ Be The First Black Attorney General?

Affirmative Action, Barack Obama, Elections 2008, Race, Racism

You had better hope not.

About the “racial bean counter” that may inherit the earth if Obama does, VDARE.COM’s Matthew Richer writes the following:

“What was most strikingly unique about Assistant Attorney General Deval Patrick’s leadership was the degree to which he used the power of his office to intimidate American citizens into conforming with his vision of civil rights. Patrick knew well that most cities, towns and small businesses cannot afford to defend themselves against a Justice Department lawsuit. All it often took was for Patrick to initiate a Justice Department “probe” of some civil organization, and then he could bend it to his vision of justice.

During his confirmation hearings, of course, Deval Patrick claimed that he did not believe in racial quotas. But once confirmed, Patrick arrogantly began to impose racial preferences in the guise of law enforcement. He was especially opposed to cognitive examinations for prospective police officers and firemen alleging that they result in an unjustly high failure rate for black applicants. Patrick then tried to force municipalities to adopt a Justice…”

The complete column is “Governor Deval Patrick: ‘Together We Can”…Have Racial Preferences.’” Read it!

A War He Can Call His Own

Barack Obama, Elections 2008, Foreign Policy, Iraq, War

Here’s an excerpt from my new WND column, “A War He Can Call His Own”:

“Obama wants to maintain a meaty presence in Afghanistan. He may even be conjuring up new monsters and new missions. This is because Obama needs a “good” war. Electability in fin de siècle America hinges on projecting strength around the world—an American leader has to aspire to protect borders and people not his own. In other words, Obama needs a war he can call his own.

In Afghanistan, Obama has found such a war.”

Comments are welcome.

Flaccid Republicans

Democrats, Elections 2008, John McCain, Republicans

Now where would I get the impression that Republicans are growing softer by the day? McCain’s blushing at the mention of masculinity-related medication? Close.

McCain has devotes a hell of a lot of time to condemning the few remaining passionate Republicans who dare to defile the Democrats. He condemned any and all who dwelled on Obama’s ties to his spiritual guide of 20 years, the revolting Rev. Wright.

And now McCain, in that somnambulist drone, promises to knock the stuffing out of the one Republican voter who’s motivated enough to pay for a billboard depicting the burning Twin Towers, and exhorting fellow Floridians not to vote Democratic. McCain will get to him as soon as he’s through prostrating himself before the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). (He told them Obama was an “impressive fellow.”)

Meanwhile, songwriter Senator Orrin Hatch, the conservative Utah Republican, is serenading the “legendary liberal” Teddy Kennedy. Warning: refrain from reading further while ingesting anything other than anti-nausea meds.

When he’s not praying to Kennedy, Hatch can be found praying for him: “I pray for him several times a day,” Hatch said.

In case you wondered where your representatives are and why they don’t respond to your demands, it’s because they’re tied up. As Hatch explained, “A lot of Republicans are praying for [Teddy].”

Hussein/McCain & Other Invasive Species

Barack Obama, Elections 2008, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, John McCain

The excerpt is from my new WND column, “Hussein/McCain and Other Invasive Species”:

“About the interminable electioneering we’ve been subjected to for over a year, maybe two, I have less and less to say by the day. The duo dueling for the presidency doesn’t represent me, speak for me, interest me, or intend to uphold my rights. The latter Obama proves daily—most recently by voting to sunder what remains of the Fourth Amendment after Bush.

For his part, McCain didn’t even bother to show up for the vote that leaves the president with the usurped power to spy on Americans. The passing of the updated FISA, seconded by Obama and skipped by McCain, will grant retrospective immunity to telecommunications companies that have both contravened the Constitution and breached their contracts with clients. …

There is a disconnect, if you get my drift. The Hussein/McCain couple says tomato, I say tomahto. “Potato, potahto, tomato, tomahto!” If only we could call the whole thing off!

But beggars can’t be choosers. With American freedoms on the wane, freedom lovers must contend with small pleasures. And there is some good news on the environmental front….

Read the rest in“Hussein/McCain and Other Invasive Species.