Category Archives: Elections 2008

Update 2: Axis Of Economic Idiocy

Barack Obama, Economy, Elections 2008, Free Markets, Individual Rights, John McCain, Socialism

Here’s an excerpt from my WorldNetDaily column, which WND has titled “Axis Of Economic Idiocy.” It leads the Commentary Section:

“Obama is an ass with ears when it comes to the economy. The same goes for Clinton. So Sen. McCain did not help himself (or us) by being charmingly self-deprecating about his understanding of the economy. He has allowed Obama and Clinton, infinitely more asinine than he, to assert their superiority…”

“Where Kemp-McCain economics meet Obama-Clinton ‘freakonomics’ is in the unnatural and un-American idea that the government is entitled to a portion of your income; that it has a lien on your life and on what you acquire in the course of sustaining that life…”

Be it Hillary, Hussein or McCain—they all agree that it is up to the all-knowing central planner to determine how much of your life ought to be theirs…

“While McCain will, at least, put in place an economic incentive structure more conducive to prosperity, the other two intend to penalize prudent, productive economic activity. … As another killer collectivist put it, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need…”


Update 1 (March 29): Topic: B. Hussein Obama.

The propriety police has been patrolling our humble blog, and have found me wanting for having fun with Obama’s second name.

So why did I originate—and use now on two occasions—the “Hillary, Hussein McCain Axis of Evil” appellation?

For one, because it sounds good (humor alert for the grim reader). This writer is a sucker for the sound of words. The rhyme is irresistible. Writing is a bit of a craft. I know I’m a throwback in this respect.

More material: I’ve made a substantial case against the man in “Obama’s Racial Ramrodding” for WND and in “The Ethnic Particularism of Barack Obama” for Jewcy (that last sentence has good cadence too, wouldn’t you say?). Once I rested my case against BHO, it was time to play. Let a girl have some fun. I would hope my readers would be bored silly if I did not give them occasion to laugh.

I’m afraid this is not the place for anemic, prissy writing.

Obama is the media’s messiah; Hillary their punching bag; McCain their pet “maverick.” Me you can trust to pick apart this unholy trinity. They’ve all been subject to forceful comment here and here. In “Mitt’s Gone, Bill’s Back,” I exposed McCain as an extension of the neoconservatives. I wrote:

Thanks to the malign McCain, it looked as though the neoconservative whey was finally separating from the conservative curd. What was to remain was not the best concoction, but it promised to be a far cry from the previous accursed ideological amalgam. I had hoped that, in the dust-up between conservatives and neocon-dominated establishment Republicans, McCain would serve as the curdling bacteria. I was wrong.

No doubt, I do find it highly significant and symbolic that a man with the name Hussein may well ascend to the highest office in the US. More disturbing to me is that man’s radical worldview, embraced by virtue of affiliating with a highly political, Afrocentric church for two decades; Obama is not coming clean about his Black-Liberation theology leanings.

Am I someone who believes America has very distinct roots and that those are on the wane? Indeed. Is Obama an antithesis to the authentic America I occasionally catch a glimpse of? I believe so.

Finally, lighten up. Or please take the inquisition elsewhere.

Now what was I saying about B. Hussein Obama?

Update 2 (March 31): I must agree with Patrick about McCain’s language, at least: McCain knows and uses valid terms such as the “unintended consequences of government intervention,” etc. As I said in my column, he is infinitely more familiar with economics than the other two asses with ears.

Incidentally, planned economies are not a branch of economics, as far as I’m concerned, but a branch of statecraft.
There is only one kind of economics, and that is the kind that comports with the laws of nature: the free market.
The free market includes and subsumes the right to enter into voluntary, communistic arrangements!

A Date With Frank of Queens and John of Staten Island

Elections 2008, Ilana On Radio & TV

Tonight, Friday, March 21, at 8:00 PT, I will be speaking to Frank of Queens and John of Staten Island about Obama, his preacher, his Old Lady, and his big, bad, white grandma.
They’re The Right Perspective, WWCR. The frequency is 3.215 MHz Shortwave. These patriots also happen to be the only talkers out there who take a deep interest in my dying homeland; they have a weekly segment called “Hello, Africa!”.

Call (718)761-9996 to be heard on the air!

Updated: Obama’s Racial Ramrodding

Ann Coulter, Barack Obama, Democrats, Elections 2008, Race, Racism

Obama just can’t stop pounding on grandma. Today he told a radio show host that the woman who raised him with a great deal of love apparently was “a typical white woman.” Trust me, this was not a compliment. I can’t help thinking that Rev. Wright is not the only one to have coached Obama for over 20 years. Militant Mama Obama (as opposed grandma Obama), any one?

In any event, good luck finding the item on the Internet, although even Obama Boy Anderson Cooper covered it, but failed to post it. Send us a link if you get lucky.

Against the backdrop of Barack beating up on grandma yet again, my WND column is apropos. Frequenters of Barely a Blog will be very familiar with the themes:

“Richly revealing was the way Obama tarred his maternal (white) grandma with the taint of racism because she ‘once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street,’ among her other cardinal sins…”

“Obama gets away with conjecture—he saddles white America with black America’s woes. Grandma, however, has still not acquitted herself for expressing a visceral fear borne of the brutal reality of crime in this country…”

Read the complete WND column, “Obama’s Racial Ramrodding.”

Update (March 21): I occasionally check DIGG to see what they’re saying.
Incidentally, appended to last week’s column was a long comment in support of the Palestinian cause. It dealt with the issues (although his facts were problematic). The writer did not attack me for having a different (correct) perspective.
The missive may not have been very intelligent, but it is an example of how anyone who aspires to debate must proceed.
How different is this example from the addled orgy of idiocy directed at Mercer, into which the congenital idiot “Shshshaun” plunged the lost souls on the chat board. “Shshshsaun” is a creature I had allowed, in my generosity, to post on BAB. (Here is his first offering.) Kudos to Dan, our reader, for trying to tutor that malevolent moron in clear thinking. A waste of time, but Dan did at least get the chat on track again.

This one is a DIGG to “Obama’s Racial Ramrodding”:

Darel99 4 hours ago
Dear Ilana,

“… Ilana’s summary blows Ann Coulter’s off the map. You are an excellent communicator. I must state that if it wasn’t for Corsi, Vox, you and a few others I would have no reason to visit WND. Great job.”

Update 2: The Ethnic Particularism Of Barack Obama

Barack Obama, Democrats, Elections 2008, Race, Racism

“The solutions offered by conservative commentators to Barack Obama’s existential crisis have been conspicuous in their shallowness. Unlike Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Victor Davis Hanson is no fake scholar; Hanson has intellectual heft. Yet he proposed that ‘all Obama would have to do is apologize, quit the church, and begin talking about the issues.’

How about admitting himself to rehab, or, even better, expiating on Oprah? (I read on the Los Angeles Times’ blog that Oprah, wise woman that she is, had long ago quit Trinity United Church of Christ for reasons that evaded Obama, her protégé.)

No, I give Obama credit. His reaction to the nation-wide reaction to Rev. Wright’s fulminating—everywhere on full display—was anything but shallow. It was, however, profoundly disturbing.”

Read the complete column, “The Ethnic Particularism Of Barack Obama,” on Join the debate on Jewcy; post your comments here, or, even better, do both.

Update 1: What fun; I’ve been fending off a few attacks on the Jewcy Comments forum, here. Jump in.

Update 2: Well, I learned my lesson and that is never to mix it up with the masses. This was the first time I went ahead and partook in an open forum exchange. Before long, the malignant “Shshshshaun,” with whom I’ve been very generous on this forum over the years, chimed in, began attributing quotations to me that are not mine, assigning views to me that aren’t mine, and lumping me with company I do not keep.
This is the Zeitgeist folks. People cannot tell assertion from argument; fact from fiction. As to manners and ethics; they do not exist. One cannot retain dignity in debate around fulminating hordes.
The funny thing is this non-entity; this repulsive little unmanly maggot—here is one of his first letters to our forum, which one headless chicken on the Jewcy forum has crowned a fine argument—thinks he can, with his limited cerebral agility and reach, damage me intellectually. Who raises these inflated gas bags—and there are many like maggot man roaming the Internet—to believe they are what they’re not?

Lesson learned: stay far from the madding crowds. And stop allowing scum onto Barely a Blog.