Category Archives: Elections 2008

Mama Obama

Barack Obama, Democrats, Elections 2008, Judaism & Jews, Race

As you can imagine, it wasn’t an easy item to find in mainstream media. I looked all over for Michelle Obama’s bitter slip of the tongue—at MSNBC’s website, the Washington Times’, and others—before finding it buried at the bottom of the New York Times’ page and framed as cat fight initiated by Cindy McCain. Ditto Time. Michelle Obama makes a snide snippy comment, and Time asks the McCain campaign to comment on Cindy McCain’s retort. Apparently, anyone shining light where the media sheds only darkness must answer for it.

Here’s what Mrs. Obama told a Wisconsin audience:

“For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country.”

A good column calls the events and the characters correctly. I hate to keep reminding my readers, but, if I don’t, who will? As Hillel, the Jewish sage, said, “If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?” (Let Obama beat that brilliance) In “Homie Has Some Rings to Kiss,” I did not delude readers about Obama’s militant wife:

“Obama has always seemed a reluctant recruit to racial politics; driven more by expediency and fear—fear of his overbearing wife and the Reverends Jackson and Sharpton.”

Mark Halperin of “The Page” worried that conservative media would begin to scrutinize Michelle Obama if she kept such comments coming. He saw no reason to dissect the sainted one’s vicious remarks.

There is no finessing what Michelle Obama meant. Her comments come from the same bottomless pit from which the Reverends Sharpton and Jackson launch their periodical grievance campaigns; that festering reservoir of racial animus and envy. This is a comment from a woman who’s led a charmed life, yet feels aggrieved and angry.

(An aside: Mama is quite masculine.)

The Hillary, Hussein, McCain Axis of Evil

Barack Obama, Elections 2008, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Politics

“So what do I think of the next president? I didn’t like his predecessor’s ‘New New Deal,’ so why would I like Barack Hussein Obama’s Great Great Society?

H. L. Mencken called elections ‘a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.’ Henry Hazlitt said that “government has nothing to give to anybody that it doesn’t first take from somebody else.” But while robbing Peter to pay Paul is a philosophical given to the clowns competing for the commander-in-chief’s crown, it’s really much worse than that.

The nation’s treasury is empty. Right now, and for the foreseeable future, the three musketeers plan on a whole lot of deficit spending. To keep running-up debt on an account that is not yours is fraud by any other name. It’s manifestly clear how close on the unconstitutional continuum Hillary, Hussein and McCain stand.”

We lead the WND Commentary Page today with “The Hillary, Hussein, McCain Axis of Evil.”

Updated: Bargaining with Barack

Barack Obama, Elections 2008, Politics, Race

The “truism” perpetuated by the “intelligentsia” has it that white Americans are inherently racists. The only condition that exempts one from this affliction is being non-white. Ergo, Hispanics, blacks, and other pigmentally burdened people can fall victim to racism, but never be racist.
If American whites were as good at driving a bargain as they are at coming out in droves for Obama, they’d insist that he insist that they never again be smeared as racists.
Of course, if the “intelligentsia” applied minimal standards of logic to its claims making, they’d know that the Obamarama in itself is proof that Americans are not bigots—Americans are voting for this genial blackish man because they like him. His skin color is not a factor in how they judge him.

So, how about it Hussein, isn’t it only right that you help put an end to the racism smear?

Update (Feb 12):Homie Has Some Rings To Kiss” alludes to—and takes license with—the next president’s ridiculous name.
Also, Huggs reminds us hereunder that it’s not as straightforward as all that: black is not only beautiful in the US, but it has its special privileges.

Update # II: In response to the assertions in the Comments Section about Obama’s color-neutral campaign: I was certainly lulled into that belief. I wrote that much in “Homie Has Some Rings to Kiss.” I had no illusions about Obama’s Oprah-like militant wife:
“To me, Obama has always seemed a reluctant recruit to racial politics; driven more by expediency and fear—fear of his overbearing wife and the Reverends Jackson and Sharpton.”
Steve Sailer offers evidence to the contrary. Read “Obama Exposed As Race Racketeer.”