Category Archives: Elections 2008

Updated: The Mummified McCain

Elections 2008, John McCain, Politics, Republicans, War

From Crooks and

“John McCain told Wolf Blitzer that he needs to ‘get up to speed’ and stop reporting three-month-old news from Iraq. According to McCain, the surge is working! And the streets of Baghdad are safe for Americans to go strolling down. The only problem? Michael Ware, who is, ya know, in Baghdad, says McCain hasn’t a clue—
Michael Ware: ‘I don’t know what part of Neverland Senator McCain is talking about when he says we can go strolling in Baghdad —Honestly, Wolf, you’ll barely last twenty minutes out there. I don’t know what part of Neverland Senator McCain is talking about when he says we can go strolling in Baghdad.'”

I’ve been watching Ware for years now, and he is without a doubt the finest reporter around. He’s tough (when the girl, Anderson Cooper, interviews him, he doesn’t know how to react to his, “How did it make you feel” fluff) and courageous. He’s a war-time reporter in the old mold. One could only wish the Shrub possessed Ware’s understanding and knowledge of the geopolitical terrain in Iraq.

Update: Mummy McCain visited Iraq. Michael Ware practically lives there. He dared to heckle the Sainted One during the surprise visit McCain made to an undisclosed holiday resort in Iraq. McCain is thinking of buying a bed and breakfast in Baghdad. Drudge reports:

During a live press conference in Bagdad, Senators McCain and Graham were heckled by CNN reporter Michael Ware. An official at the press conference called Ware’s conduct ‘outrageous,’ saying, ‘here you have two United States Senators in Bagdad giving first-hand reports while Ware is laughing and mocking their comments.'”

No, the two privileged protected senators are not —giving first-hand reports — on life in Bagdad; Ware does that daily.

Because Ware failed to show reverence to the pampered duo that popped in for a visit, the Bush press machine has shifted into smear gear. It’s trying to discredit the tough Ware’s first-rate reporting, citing an incident where Ware referred to this war as a “train wreck.” Omigod! I’ll never listen to his reports in the same way! The guy’s reality testing is shot!

(Ware, by the way, was also briefly held captive by al Qaida.)

Elizabeth Edwards

Elections 2008, Politics

Watching snippets of Tim Russet’s October 2006 interview with Elizabeth Edwards, I couldn’t help but like and admire her. (On the other hand, when presidential candidate John Edwards —her husband —speaks, he sounds, as my late grandfather would say, like an ox. But then I never listen to him; I just look, because he’s so handsome.)
She spoke not of politics but of her book, Saving Graces: Finding Solace and Strength From Friends and Strangers. (Her “editor” did her a disservice; the correct preposition is “in,” as far as I can tell. You find solace and strength “in” someone, not “from” them. But then who cares about English, right? The consistent incorrect use of prepositions is one of the tell-tale signs of lowbrow writing, in my opinion.)
Topics such as grief, “closure,” and coping —clichés when expatiated upon by America’s recovery experts and assorted professional grievers —rang so true, coming from Edwards. The interview, a thumbnail sketch of the woman really, revealed a humble, beautifully spoken, intelligent, and refined lady. The Hildebeest (our recent discussion about one of her less menacing attributes is here) and Elizabeth Edwards —the two have personalities that are polar.
Edwards has lost a great deal of weight, probably due to her health ordeal, and is looking quite lovely. There’s a word in Hebrew, “Chen.” It encapsulates more than do the words charm or grace and befits E. Edwards.

'Homie Has Some Rings To Kiss'

Democrats, Elections 2008, Politics, Race

“To me, [Barak] Obama has always seemed a reluctant recruit to racial politics; driven more by expediency and fear —fear of his overbearing wife and the Reverends Jackson and Sharpton.” But this is not how “Debra J. Dickerson, apparently a black racial theorist of note,” sees him. She “argues” in a article that [Obama] doesn’t look right —he looks East African, when he ought to look West African. And horrors, “the handsome Obama” resembles his white mother. In short, he isn’t black enough.
But fear not, Dickerson’s commentary is never skin deep. Our African Aristotle, beloved of the liberal media, goes on to explain that “‘Black,’ in our political and social reality means those descended from West African slaves. Voluntary immigrants of African descent’ are not to be admitted into the Club. (This, of course, is good news for their Designated Oppressors; the tougher the admission criteria into the Club of the Eternally Oppressed, the better.)”

Read the rest in my new WorldNetDaily column, “Homie Has Some Rings To Kiss

‘Homie Has Some Rings To Kiss’

Democrats, Elections 2008, Politics, Race

“To me, [Barak] Obama has always seemed a reluctant recruit to racial politics; driven more by expediency and fear —fear of his overbearing wife and the Reverends Jackson and Sharpton.” But this is not how “Debra J. Dickerson, apparently a black racial theorist of note,” sees him. She “argues” in a article that [Obama] doesn’t look right —he looks East African, when he ought to look West African. And horrors, “the handsome Obama” resembles his white mother. In short, he isn’t black enough.
But fear not, Dickerson’s commentary is never skin deep. Our African Aristotle, beloved of the liberal media, goes on to explain that “‘Black,’ in our political and social reality means those descended from West African slaves. Voluntary immigrants of African descent’ are not to be admitted into the Club. (This, of course, is good news for their Designated Oppressors; the tougher the admission criteria into the Club of the Eternally Oppressed, the better.)”

Read the rest in my new WorldNetDaily column, “Homie Has Some Rings To Kiss