Category Archives: Elections

Ann Coulter Buries Marco Rubio

Ann Coulter, Elections, IMMIGRATION, Republicans

Donald Trumps is all sweetness and light about Marco Rubio (The Donald will lose if he doesn’t trample the little worm good and proper). Sean Hannity has become Rubio’s main media cheerleader. And the anchor’s network, Fox News, Rubio’s SUPER PAC, is keeping the candidate’s most formidable enemy off the air, lest she hamper the presidential hopeful’s rise in popularity. And for good reason. Ann Coulter buries Rubio in “Why Will No Debate Moderator Ask Rubio About The Senate Amnesty Bill He Passed?”:

“We have now had the fourth straight Republican debate in which Marco Rubio was not asked one question about his single legislative accomplishment: Passing amnesty in the U.S. Senate. …
… Rubio was Sen. Chuck Schumer’s patsy on the job-killing amnesty bill. He voted for the job-killing—and widely hated—Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. In a debate on economics, he did not get a question on either one. …
… Rubio gave a brave little speech announcing his opposition to jihadists—setting him apart from everyone else on that stage, who LOVES Islamic jihadists!—and claimed that radical terrorist groups ‘recruit Americans using social media.’ …
… No, Marco, ISIS doesn’t recruit ‘Americans’ on social media. It recruits immigrants and their children—whom you want to import more of, by the way. …”

More Ann Coulter.

Decentralizing and Deregulating Republican Politics

Conservatism, Elections, Media, Politics, Regulation, Republicans

Even a hint of the dreaded GOP establishment creeping back into their midst has some in the Republican campaigns screaming for an exorcist.

Via Breitbart:

Several 2016 GOP presidential campaigns are now revolting, not just against the Republican National Committee (RNC) controlling the debate process, but against controversial GOP establishment lawyer Ben Ginsberg’s efforts to insert himself into the process.
Aides to four top campaigns—those of billionaire Donald Trump, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and Ohio Gov. John Kasich—have all confirmed they will not sign onto a letter organized by Ginsberg after the GOP presidential campaigns all broke from the RNC on Sunday night.

For some candidates it’s all for show: Kasich is establishment. Ditto Christie. Others are for real. But it’s all good. Any challenge to the existing political order is good. The Republican campaigns have begun divesting the Republican National Committee (RNC) of its overweening powers. Why should a central command apparatus control the political process? When it comes to libertarian candidates, we know how the RNC has behaved. The campaigns are also firing a media organ that, together with party apparatchiks, has generally been a bad-faith broker between the public, on the one hand, and any Republican, libertarian or constitutionally minded political candidate.

At this point, in this magnificent upheaval in American party politics, Fox News fans should take a moment to consider why it is that most of the network’s anchors were almost as livid as the liberal media over the ongoing revolt among the ranks of the candidates. The reason is that Fox News is mainstream media. Fox even set the tone of the debates, with a performance almost as odious as that of CNBC. Come to think of it, only little Andy Cooper of CNN did his journalistic due diligence as debate moderator, this year.

Fox News’ Political Insiders Reject Their Insider Status

Democrats, Elections, Politics, Republicans

The Fox News show Political Insiders may have to change its name since the term political insider has, at long last, become a pejorative. Regular Doug Schoen appeared on November 1, right away protesting too much about being no an insider. The pollster declared himself an OUTSIDER. The former “long-time Clinton insider” may no longer be a Clinton insider, but he is the consummate insider in Republican circles; a Democrat house-trained by Republicans insiders.

Pat Caddell, on the other hand, is a different kind of animal. Caddell was perhaps the only Democrat (other that Dennis Kucinich) to express righteous indignation, in 2013, over the treatment of the tea party by no other than “establishment Republicans.” They “wanted the IRS to go after Tea-Party groups,” contended Caddell. These groups “are an outside threat to their power hold, the lobbying-consulting class of the Republican party.

In the wonderful chaos initiated by the Republican campaign of Donald Trump, it’s good to see the insider honorific become a liability.

The Race That Began & Ended In Media’s Mind

Democrats, Elections, Media, Reason

The race that never was: Joe Biden for president.

The Biden presidential bid began in the collective mind of Mainstream-Media, and ended in said swamp. Or has it ended? CNN’s Mad Michael Smerconish postulated, today, that by dropping out of a race he never joined, Biden was brilliantly signaling he’s actually joining it.

Why are these mad men, with zero astuteness or predictive powers, on TV? (“PUNDITS, HEAL THYSELVES!” addressed that quagmire in 2004.)

Meantime, CNN keeps their flame for Biden burning.