Category Archives: Federal Reserve Bank

UPDATED: Mañana: Manna Will Fall From DC Heavens (Bunk Obama)

Barack Obama, Debt, Economy, EU, Europe, Federal Reserve Bank, Journalism, Media, Political Philosophy, Regulation

Streamed into American living rooms, almost hourly, is an ad with MSNBC commentator Rachel Maddow. In the ad, Maddow, whose version of a tinfoil hat is the hardhat, has taken up a position at the foot of the Hoover Dam. Face turned upwards, with childlike faith, she seems to be expressing hope that money will fall like manna from the DC heavens, and that the government will build another such giant dam. Rumor has it that the Messiah will deliver. Mañana.

More to the point, the American cognoscenti, monetary movers-and shakers included, are agreed: The make-work projects of a bankrupt government can cure a country’s economy. Perhaps they don’t know that the money to make work is either stolen (taxed), printed (theft by stealth), or borrowed (fraud if you can’t pay it back).

Among these people a consensus exists: National bankruptcy could never befall the US, because it has a printing press—a paper Pantheon where magic money is manufactured. And we are all expected to believe, based on the divination of the animal spirits, that an abundance of paper, and not production, will produce prosperity.

No less a moocher than the Greek Finance Minister seems to understand that to fix his country’s finances he must privatize industries, cut public-sector wages, and implement a range of labor-market reforms.

He gets it, but not Rachel Maddow. She’s waiting for BHO to deliver. Tomorrow.

UPDATE (Sept. 8): BUNK OBAMA. Please don’t expect a run-down of Zero’s latest plan to spend more money without incurring any more debt. That’s the administration’s claim for its latest political shenanigans.

I’ll be bunking Barack’s speech.

“Illinois Republican Rep. Joe Walsh was the first to announce his intentional absence last week, saying he didn’t want to act as a ‘prop’ for Obama’s speech.” Others have followed, including Ron Paul, who had set the precedent for skipping presidential extravaganzas.

How low have we fallen: The White House is touting
an enhanced live stream with charts, graphs, and quick stats at” Yippee. ONLY NEXT WEEK will the president divulge how he intends to pay for the purported $400 billion in deficit-spending he will be proposing, shortly.

If the guy meant business, he’d repeal ObamaCare and all the thousands of pages of other regulation he has signed into law since his pox-full presidency began. He’d adopt flat, very LOW, corporate and individual tax rates. And he’d stop stimulating his package in public. It’s obscene.

‘I.O.U.S.A’ Forever After

Barack Obama, Debt, Economy, Federal Reserve Bank, Political Economy

I am unable to locate the Bloomberg TV segment in which Robert Auerbach, Professor of Public Affairs at the Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs at The University of Texas at Austin, disputed the fiscal multiplier effect with reference to research he had undertaken with Milton Friedman. Crumbs, for sure …

Milton Friedman was no Austrian economist. Neither is Auerbach—but at least he has admitted that after he “transferred from the teachings of Abba Lerner [some frightful Neo-Keynesian] to the teachings of Milton Friedman at the University of Chicago,” he “became convinced that Abba had made a terrible mistake. ‘Heavy reliance’ on running the printing press to finance government spending is not immune to serious consequences. There are substantial immediate effects as well as expectations of inflation and higher interest rates that may well appear over time.”


The state of political economy in the US being what it is, I can safely copy and paste from past articles a response to current, repeat-offender policies. The latest crazed impetus from Zero and his advisers is a “new” “jobs agenda.” “‘I.O.U.S.A'” was written in 2008 on the occasion of BHO’s first fake money infusion:

“Fresh off the printing press, the trillions in new spending Obama is planning will only make matters worse. Understand, government can’t create wealth; it only consumes it, or moves it about. Not even Magic Man Obama can make sustainable jobs materialize by borrowing and counterfeiting. Only the private sector can create sustainable jobs—-sustainable because driven by consumer preferences, as opposed to bureaucratic whim. The more taxing, printing, and borrowing the government does, in the vain name of job creation, the less capital will the private sector have with which to create long-lasting employment.”

Counterfeiter In Chief in the Crosshairs

Debt, Economy, Federal Reserve Bank, Inflation, Neoconservatism

More and more in mainstreams are finding fault with the US’s counterfeiter-in-chief, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. Jeffrey Bell’s point is mild and purely utilitarian:

To maintain interest rates at zero, the Fed prints endless amounts of dollars, driving down the dollar’s value. In the short run, this props up the bond and stock markets, enabling big banks and big business to thrive. But the absence of interest rates is suppressing the lines of credit that enable small business to expand by a factor of two thirds, according to Stanford economist Ronald McKinnon. And in the U.S., small business is responsible for most new jobs.
So unless this printing of dollars is halted, we’re doomed to continued high unemployment. Gov. Perry should be commended for starting a debate that’s long overdue.

But at least he’s not fussing childishly about the Perry Fed statement, which, according to neoconservative Andrew Sullivan, “disqualifies Perry from the race.” The author of the Daily Dish is furious that “the integrity of a civil servant” has been impugned:

If this guy prints more money between now and the election, I dunno what y’all would do to him in Iowa but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas. Printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history is almost treasonous in my opinion.


Debt, Economy, EU, Europe, Federal Reserve Bank, Inflation

If European Keynesians—the “fattened aristocracy of economic experts”—have their way, northern Europeans will soon be working for Southern Europeans (the more productive Europeans are already subsidizing and bailing out their profligate neighbors). Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy will have to resist “the idea of collective liability, often referred to as ‘eurobonds,’ [which] has been floated various times since last year.” “A full fiscal union, underpinned by eurobonds,” is tantamount to full-throttle debt monetization, in conjunction with a policy of inflating the currency in-unison.

Merkel’s Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble is working against the better instincts of his Boss (Merkel) and supports an integration of Europe’s “national economic policies,” so that they can “act as a single borrower.”

Conservative politicians in Germany and other northern European countries have previously dismissed the proposal as a violation of the European ideal, in which countries cooperate but remain responsible for their own fiscal affairs.

In the prescient “Adieu to the Evil EU,” you an read a better description of what the EU (generally supported by American neoconservatives) aimed to achieve. And has pretty much accomplished.

The EU “endeavors to herd Europeans by stealth into a supranational European State and… block off all the exits. This it intends to achieve by rigid central planning and harmonization of laws across the continent. In the absence of political and economic competition, the bureaucrats of Brussels will be free to rule and regulate; tax and inflate the money supply at will. This is what the rejectionists, including the cheese eating surrender monkeys, have defeated…for now.”

As I wrote in 2005, “An overarching tier of tyrants—the EU—to European governments will benefit Europeans as a second hangman enhances the health of a condemned man.”