Category Archives: Feminism

Ted Cruz’s Feminine Side

Barack Obama, Feminism, Intelligence, Politics, Republicans

Ted Cruz is undeniably a brilliant legal mind and would do well in a Trump Justice Department, where he could busy himself with the task of getting the US out of the UN and helping Donald Trump invalidate other costly, sovereignty sundering treaties and arrangements. Nullifying all those tyrannical laws Mr. Trump has promised to nullify is something Cruz could execute brilliantly.

But Cruz and most of the men on the stage in North Charleston, South Carolina (1/14) , are soft. The new generation of younger men has been house broken. They’ve been trained to tiptoe around the women folk. Ever seen meeker men than Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz?!

I mean, Cruz is running for president. He’s a sitting senator. Yet on his twitter handle, Cruz defines himself first as a “Father of two,” and “Heidi Cruz’s husband.”

Guess who else leads with the kids and his baby mama? President Barack Obama. “Dad” and “husband” is how the most powerful man in the US describes himself first up on Twitter. Such obsequious bull.

Cruz is especially grating when he orates grandiosely. And he has already apologized for his New York values comment, as every other “girly man” is trained to do when he upsets anybody.

How The Donald Defeats Demonic, Democrat Dames

Democrats, Feminism, Gender, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, libertarianism, Morality

“How The Donald Defeats Demonic, Democrat Dames” is the current column, now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine

… Because they’re so obtuse, it’s hard to see what Republicans and their supporters mean, politically, when they declare in opposition to abortion. One can reasonably infer that, since abortion is legal, Republicans are indicating they would like to outlaw the procedure.

A feasible, ethical political position this is not.

Woman or man: As most Americans see it, an adult owns his body and all that’s in it. To outlaw the removal of a body part, however precious to you and me, is to invade and aggress against a woman and her provider for the dominion she has asserted over what is indisputably her private property: her body.

Republicans are hopeless. But as this ineffectual lot keeps repeating, Donald Trump is not one of them. Mr. Trump can and has to be able to say what his Republican rivals have proven incapable of articulating.

When questioned about abortion, Trump needs to tell his detractors the following …

… Read the rest. “How The Donald Defeats Demonic, Democrat Dames” is the current column, now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine

The Perils Of The Female Franchise

Democrats, Elections, Feminism, Gender, Republicans

You and I know Republicans are not to be equated with freedom, smaller government or anything remotely libertarian. Ditto Democrats. It is safe to say, however, that the voting public considers a vote for a Republican to be a vote for less government and more freedom from the state. Assuming support for a Democrat is a reliable proxy for a greater proclivity for statism—we can all agree that women have been—and continue to be—a hindrance to liberty. As I once said, I’d give up my vote if all women were denied a vote.

Via CNN come the latest numbers on how the ladies lean:

Against Bush, Clinton leads 59% to 37% among women, while Bush holds an advantage among men, 51% Bush to 44% Clinton. Against Fiorina, the only woman among the major candidates for the Republican Party’s presidential nominations, women break 60% for Clinton to 39% for Fiorina, while men are about evenly divided, 48% for Fiorina, 46% for Clinton. The largest gender gap — 34 points — comes in a match-up between Clinton and Trump. Women favor Clinton by 23 points, 60% to 37%, while men break in Trump’s favor by 11 points, 53% to 42%.

UPDATED: Chrissie Hynde On Skanks (Serena Williams Agrees)

Crime, Feminism, Gender, Music

Tough, quite talented and smart: Pretenders lead singer Chrissie Hynde also says what needs to be said just to keep the truth alive in the public square: Women who dress like skanks and then sue or cry rape when men come on to them are not blameless.

Where I disagree with Hynde is when she asserts that the rape of a woman who dresses and behaves like a hooker is somehow deserved. No! It’s understandable, not deserved.

Before being abducted, raped and killed by Jesse Matthew, Hannah Graham drew his attention by wondering about with midriff so bare that her crotch is almost visible. In surveillance footage she can be seen swaying as though tipsy.

Skank attire and conduct is sanctioned these days by parents of small girls. What’s in their heads, one wonders.

As for Hynde’s claim “that pop stars who call themselves feminists but use their sex appeal to sell records were effectively just ‘prostitutes'”: More crucially, most are nothing without their looks. They aren’t musicians. Auto-Tune technology is what makes a cast of vain ventriloquists like Katy Perry and other screamers what they are.

UPDATE: Another strong, sensible woman, tennis star Serena Williams, agrees. “If you’re a 16-year-old and you’re drunk like that, your parents should teach you—don’t take drinks from other people,” she said about the case of the intoxicated teen who cried rape in Steubenville, Ohio.

‘She’s 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn’t remember? It could have been much worse. She’s lucky. Obviously I don’t know, maybe she wasn’t a virgin, but she shouldn’t have put herself in that position, unless they slipped her something, then that’s different.’