Category Archives: Feminism

Motormouth Megyn Kelly & The Mad Matriarchy

Celebrity, Feminism, Journalism, Media

“Motormouth Megyn Kelly & The Mad Matriarchy” is the current column, now on “The Unz Review,” America’s smartest webzine. An excerpt:

… Megyn Kelly … has fast succumbed to the female instinct to show-off, bare skin, flirt and wink. She now also regularly motormouths it over the occasional smart guest she entertains (correction: the one smart guest, Ann Coulter). At the same time, Kelly has dignified the tinnitus named Dana Perino with a daily slot as Delphic-oracle.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, has proven he can be trusted to beat up on the right women.

Exhibit A is Elizabeth Beck, a multitasking “attorney,” who once deposed Donald Trump while also waving her breast pump in his face, demanding to break for a breast-pumping session.

“You’re disgusting. You’re disgusting,” the busy billionaire blurted in disbelief. And she was. Still is. Accoutered for battle, Beck recently did the rounds on the networks. In addition to a mad glint in the eye, Beck brought to each broadcast a big bag packed with milking paraphernalia.

Had she cared about boundaries and propriety, Kelly would have asked Trump how he kept his cool during a legal deposition, with an (ostensible) professional, who insisted on bringing attention to her lactating breasts.

Writes Fred Reed, who regularly tracks our malevolent matriarchy’s “poor sense of social boundaries”:

The United States has embarked, or been embarked, on a headlong rush into matriarchy, something never before attempted in a major country. Men remain numerically dominant in positions of power, yes, but their behavior and freedom are ever more constrained by the wishes of hostile women. The effects have been disastrous. They are likely to be more so. The control, or near control, extends all through society. Politicians are terrified of women. … The pathological egalitarianism of the age makes it career-ending to mention that women in fact are neither equal nor identical to men. …

Not quite in the league of Elizabeth Beck yet, Megyn Kelly was, nevertheless, in need of a dressing-down and a time-out. …

Read the rest. “Motormouth Megyn Kelly & The Mad Matriarchy” is the current column, now on “The Unz Review,” America’s smartest webzine.

Dragons’ Dragnet Ensnares Innocent Teen Boys

Criminal Injustice, Feminism, Gender, Sex

Feminists pushed for an all-out war on men as a class of oppressors. Be they innocent boys—hundred of thousands of them—or seasoned sex offenders; men have been swept up in this dragon’s dragnet. Now the dragons realize, belatedly, that these kids who have sex with other kids are their sons and grandsons; just hormonal, normal teens whose lives they’d helped wreck with ideologies that rape reality. CNN’s Kyra Phillips investigates how a nerdy teenage boy landed on the sex offender registry:

Zach Anderson is 19 and a typical teenager. He’s into computers and wants to build a career around his love for electronics.

But those plans and any semblance of a normal life are for now out the window. Under court order, he can’t access the Internet, go to a mall or linger near a school or playground. His parents say because he has a 15-year-old brother, he can’t even live at home any longer.

Why? He’s been placed on the sex offender registry after a dating app hookup.

It began, Zach and his family say, when he went on a racy dating app called “Hot Or Not.”

He was at his home in Elkhart, Indiana, when he met the girl, who lived across the state line in nearby southern Michigan.

The girl told Zach she was 17, but she lied. She was only 14, and by having sex with her, Zach was committing a crime. He was arrested and convicted.

He was given a 90-day jail sentence, five years probation and placed on both Indiana and Michigan’s sex offender registry for the next 25 years. …

My guess is that this feminist, one among many rabid reporters at CNN, may have some regrets, now that she has a son of her own. More.

Trump Against Elizabeth Beck & America’s Maniacal Matriarchy

Feminism, Gender, Sex

But she is disgusting. Elizabeth Beck, the attorney who once deposed Donald Trump, flaunted her breast pump in his face, and demanded to break for a breast-milk pumping session, was told by the busy billionaire: “You’re disgusting. You’re disgusting:”

Beck is worse than disgusting. She is exhibit A in the trials and tribulations of a society in the grips of a maniacal matriarchy. Every single reporter who cares about boundaries and propriety ought to be asking Trump how he kept his cool when an ostensibly professional attorney brought attention to her lactating breasts during a business meeting.

Over to Fred Reed, who regularly tracks our malevolent matriarchy’s “poor sense of social boundaries”:

The United States has embarked, or been embarked, on a headlong rush into matriarchy, something never before attempted in a major country. Men remain numerically dominant in positions of power, yes, but their behavior and freedom are ever more constrained by the wishes of hostile women. The effects have been disastrous. They are likely to be more so.

The control, or near control, extends all through society. Politicians are terrified of women. … Read on…

Media frame the Beck matter from their perspective, the perspective of the maniacal matriarchy. But most sane Americans will agree with Trump. Someone must finally stand up for civilized conduct and that includes keeping your lactating breasts out of the boardroom.

Deborah Nucatola & Mary Gatter Ugly Through-And-Through

Ethics, Feminism, Healthcare, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Morality

When they’re base, crass, cruel and grotesque, left-liberal females are especially base, crass, cruel and grotesque. Is there an abomination uglier than Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood, holding forth about the harvesting of fetal body parts, all the while gorging on salad and gulping down wine?

Yes, there is an entity, a blob, to compete with Nucatola. It’s Mary Gatter, aka Less-Crunchy-Technique, I-Want-A-Lamborghini Mary, the Medical director at Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley in California.

The affectatious tart tones the first creature makes! And the way Mary swooshes her gums with her tongue. These women are ugly in and out.