Category Archives: Gender

All The President’s Women II

Barack Obama, Feminism, Gender, Government

Departing Secret Service Director Julia Pierson, Marie Barf, the sibilant spokeswoman at the State Department, Lois Lerner of the IRS, Martha Johnson, head-honcho for the General Services Administration, and the heavy hitters, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and Samantha Power: In “All The President’s Women,” we chronicled the qualities that make some of the president’s women such smashing successes.

But there are more. A “hell of a job” did Sylvia M. Burwell do, as head of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), at preventing Ebola from reaching the US. Two young women have been infected and are fighting for their lives. “We know how to do this, and we will do it again,” boasted House Homeland Security adviser Lisa Monaco, who has also shown great promise, you’ll agree, at executing the one and only duty the feds should legitimately be doing: protecting innocent Americans from the invasion of an exotic killer.

UPDATED: Bar one man, all HHS Regional Leaders are women.

UPDATED: Is King County Cretin Alisha Griswold Paid To Sniff Out Racists? (Marie Barf Of The Pacific Northwest)

Feminism, Gender, Healthcare, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Race, Racism

Fee-Fi-Fo-Fem Alisha Griswold Smells The Blood Of A Racist (to paraphrase a rather neat column). It’s difficult to make out her acronym-infested tweet, but Griswold, the King County tw-t whose wages we pay, “thinks” that concerns about Ebola are, you guessed it, rooted in racism. So glad this cloistered cretin has gone on a fee-fi-fo-fem’s expedition to sniff out the bad guys.

UPDATED (10/16): Marie Barf Of The Pacific Northwest. FACEBOOK thread: Griswold is worse that “incompetent,” as I wrote in “All The President’s Women (Well, Almost),” schoolmarmish, tartish, intellectually inconsequential.”

Blaming Men For Women’s Groupthink

Gender, Government, libertarianism, Sex, Welfare

You heard it from the mouth of the Daily Beast’s Eleanor Clift herself, on the McLaughlin Group. Women are less likely than men to identify as independent or libertarian and more inclined than men to stick with the “major brands,” the Demopublicans (the Democrat and Republican colluding quislings). Awful Eleanor, naturally, blames men for the female conformity and affinity for big government: Women know they can’t trust men, so they look to Sugar Daddy Sam to take care of them (by taking from some to give to others).


Via the Pew Research Center come some more well-known yet interesting demographic and socioeconomic correlations with libertarianism.

All The President’s Women (Well, Almost)

Feminism, Gender, Government, Politics, Sex

“All The President’s Women (Well, Almost)” is the current column, now on WND:

The pols and the pundits are cut up about a breach or two in the White House’s formidably protected perimeter. The People should not be. Working for government ought to be one of the most dangerous jobs ever. Thomas Jefferson, a real prince among men, traveled on horseback and wore plain clothes. Not only was he unguarded, his house in Washington was open to all-comers. Anyone who wrote to Jefferson received a reply in the great man’s hand. He paid for postage out of pocket. Never again will a Jefferson occupy the People’s House. But occupational hazard might just get us a better class of parasite.

In any event, the latest security breach at the White House—there have been many under departing Secret Service Director Julia Pierson—saw 42-year-old Omar J. Gonzalez rush across the lawn and into the first family’s residence, where the trespasser was “confronted by a female Secret Service agent, whom he [naturally] overpowered.” No wonder Pierson and the press have circled the wagons. The same lady officer, or another with a similar skillset, had also failed to lock the front door. Disarmed too was an alarm meant to alert officers to intruders.

All in all, officers on-duty stood down and an off-duty officer manned up. (The canine unit, sick of eating Michelle Obama’s carrots, was busy digging for bones.) Gonzales could have bounded up the stairs to the first family’s living quarters had the off-duty officer not tackled him. He must be male. Were he a woman, or something in-between, he’d be up for a medal of honor.

It’s always good to see gender set-asides and affirmative action—in particular, the delusion that women are just as qualified as men to be soldiers, security guards, firefighters and cops—hurt those who inflict it on non-believers.

A for Pierson, like other ciphers in skirts (or pantsuits) promoted by this administration, she is something else—but nothing like stumblebum Marie Harf, the sibilant spokeswoman at the State Department. …

Read on. The complete column is “All The President’s Women (Well, Almost),” now on WND.