Category Archives: GUNS

Democrat-Rigged ‘Democracy’

Democracy, Democrats, GUNS, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim

“Make sure it doesn’t happen in your state next,” warns Michelle Malkin, in “Rocky Mountain Heist,” a documentary in which the columnist puts her trademark shoe-leather journalistic sleuthing to work in exposing the Democrat-rigged “democracy” of Colorado, where a “group of wealthy liberals overtook Colorado. They used every scheme possible to impose a backward agenda and they transformed the place [she] love[s] into a testing ground for their liberal ideology.”

Malkin, who once resided in our state, might already know that the dice are loaded against decent people in Washington State too. I-594 is, by Rachel Alexander’s telling, “the only gun-control measure on the ballot this fall anywhere across the country.” It “is being bankrolled by billionaires on the left in favor of gun control, including anti-gun activist and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, as well as former wealthy Microsoft execs Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer.

Let us not forget Paul Allen, also a billionaire and also of Microsoft. He and the other bastards—who no doubt have security details guarding their abodes—“have raised more than $6 million” to make it more difficult for ordinary folks to defend life and property.

In 2011, another unfathomably wealthy individual got behind an effort to bilk business men and women of modest means. The Service Employees International Union (state and national locals), the National Education Association, and Washington teachers union locals all united to champion a new income tax, the poster boy for which was William H. Gates Sr., father of Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

How Did Canadian Killer Get A Shotgun? Give Me A Break!

Canada, GUNS, Individual Rights, Jihad

As much as I love Canada—I’m a citizen—I could not live in a place that practically outlaws the right to defend life and property. Ordinary Canadian citizens are de facto barred from owning firearms. Read Second-Amendment scholar David Kopel’s account of Canada’s draconian gun laws:

… it is virtually impossible for an ordinary citizen to obtain a permit to carry a loaded handgun for self-defense. Handgun carry permits for self-protection are issued “only in exceptional cases” where the issuing officer is “satisfied” of the applicant’s need. A 600 page National Firearms Manual, prepared by the Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, provides ample reasons for an officer to accept or deny a self-protection application as he sees fit. In contrast, permits to carry unloaded, locked handguns to target ranges are readily obtainable.
… How strict the police departments are in issuing handgun target licenses varies from region to region. In some jurisdictions, a person might legally buy a handgun, but the police would hold the gun for several months, while the central government in Ottawa completed its paperwork. Only then would the police allow the gun to be taken to a target range.

Notice how law-enforcement are first to champion gun control against the populace, by using the pretext that it’ll stop criminals from arming themselves. This is the case in the US too. Currently, in Washington State, one is treated to TV footage of weepy “vaginas” (not my coinage; I’m innocent here) plumping for a ballot initiative that would, as these simpletons promise, stop violence against women. Explains Rachel Alexander:

I-594 has been cleverly drafted to sound like it merely makes small changes to gun laws, not a flat-out ban or gun registration scheme. This is why it is so dangerous. People are less likely to oppose it; in fact, polls show that even a majority of gun owners – 54 percent of the 35 percent of Washington residents who own a gun – are in favor of it.

The initiative, or so the professional criers claims, is backed by thousands of policemen.

But I digress. Gun restrictions impact the law-abiding citizen; criminals by definition are outlaws. The criminal who “ambushed the Parliament building in Ottawa” had no qualms about violating Canada’s pernicious anti-gun laws to carry out an attack on the Canadian parliament.

Still, the moron media stateside pushes more gun control in … Canada.

Media Headless Like A Chicken Over Beheading

GUNS, Islam, Jihad, Terrorism

The headless chickens of media, and that includes the friendlies of Fox News, keep muttering the acronym ISIS in connection with the beheading of a woman at a Vaughan Foods factory, in Moore, Oklahoma. Colleen Hufford was butchered by Alton Nolen, 30, an angry black man who had converted to Islam and was terrorizing co-workers into doing the same.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is incidental to this act. ISIS might have been a catalyst or an inspiration for the slaughter, but beheadings in the homeland will be inspired by Islam. Pure and simple. It’s elementary. Draw your own conclusions about the compatibility of Islam’s practitioners to a peaceful, safe America.

Qur’an 47:4: “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks …” (

Want more home-truths? Sorry to break this to you, but Islam attaches to angry, innately violent individuals.

Thanks to multiculturalist efforts to appease the Islamist lobby [going back to G. Bush] it has infiltrated deep into American society. A Muslim chaplain corps has been created in the U.S. military and a Saudi-based front for al-Qaeda employed to minister to the approximately twenty thousand Muslim soldiers. The same religious recruiters are active in penitentiaries, where there are two hundred thousand Muslim inmates. In fact, the prison system is now the top recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda in the U.S.

MORE in “Exposing The Muslim Lobby.”

A gun-owner—Oklahoma County Reserve Deputy Sheriff Mark Vaughan, also a CEO of Vaughan Foods—stopped Nolen in his tracks. It’s a shame Vaughan didn’t stop the butcher dead in his tracks and dispatch him to the hereafter.

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Constitution, GUNS, Judaism & Jews

As some readers already know, I was recruited to “Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership,” on whose blog, “Packing Heat; Shedding Light,” I blog together with other natural-rights nuts.

As is often the case with us Jews—especially a sample selected for its proclivity and affinity for uncompromising argument in favor of freedom—there’s much intrigue.

Check it out. Do use the Comments Section liberally.