Category Archives: GUNS

Survivalism, Resistance, Self-Defense For South Africans

Crime, Criminal Injustice, GUNS, Individual Rights, Race, Racism, South-Africa

AS PROMISED, via friend and activist Dan Roodt, who writes:

People can join the Pro-Afrikaner Action Group (PRAAG) here:

Afrikaans (local):
English (international):

While PRAAG is driving the internet, media and strategic communications to inform and educate people about the imminent danger and options in facing it, we have teamed up with three other groups involved in community security. One of them, the Kommandokorps, is currently recruiting people all over the country into sixty district groups of about 1000 each, to be trained in self-defense and community security. Within the next few weeks and months we aim to have 60,000 trained people on the ground, able to protect and organise the communities where they are based.

I am also putting them in touch with a communications expert so that we can set up a country-wide radio network independent of all cellphone and landline infrastructure, with two-way radios in vehicles that will therefore function even when the power might be down, driven by the cars’ batteries.

Anyone should be able to get joint PRAAG/Kommandokorps membership for R75 per month, i.e. the equivalent of ten dollars per month. For that, they will also receive training in self-defense, how to make their home or farm environment safer and how to handle all kinds of weapons. They can simply join on the above website. The Kommandokorps is also holding meetings in various towns and suburbs almost every day of the week, attended by on average a thousand people every time.

There is another group called the Suidlanders who are counselling people to get out of the cities into rural areas, but we do not agree with that doctrine as we believe our chances of survival in our own homes and streets are better than in an unfamiliar rural area where food or water could run out and where large concentrations of people will be easily spotted from the air or from afar.

SA is definitely getting more and more unstable. The other day the black taxi drivers stormed the Union Buildings and got access to them, harassed and attacked motorists in Pretoria and generally caused mayhem in the capital.

The general expectation is that after the soccer world cup all hell will break loose as the ANC government will no longer have to put its best foot forward in dealing with white discontent. It will also have a free hand in implementing the second, radical phase of its revolution when all farmland and mining assets might be nationalised and “redistributed”, mainly to party officials, of course. So that gives us less than three months to get really organised.

I will follow-up with a more detailed, coherent and persuasive “call to arms,” which I will send to your Barely A Blog [now a repository for facts and analysis about what’s underway in our once glorious homeland, South Africa].



Update III: Why No One Robs A 7-11 In Israel:

Feminism, Gender, GUNS, Individual Rights, Israel, Military

The adorable, armed girls of Israel (via Walter Block). (I’d be careful not to shortchange the redhead.)

Clearly, mowing down Israeli soldiers on and off base is not as easy as it is stateside. When a Jihadi committed fratricide last year at Fort Hood, murdering 13 people and maiming 31, Lieutenant General Robert W. Cone, commander of III Corps at that based, boasted: “We don’t carry weapons here, this is our home.”

Invert that and you’ll arrive at my philosophy, and that of most patriots.

Be it on the border or on base, the American treason class proves over and over again that it hates its own.

As hateful as they are to some of Israel’s enemies, Israeli politicians (there is no such thing as a Jerusalem Elite) simply don’t hate their own as much as Washington hates its underlings.

Update I (Feb. 15): Unlike the US Army—and contrary to the utter ignoramuses who’ve called Israel a “bristling Sparta” without ever having visited there—Israelis society, its armed forces especially, is very informal. There is no jumping to attention every second; uniforms are worse than casual (positively disheveled, I’d say), etc. Women—again, unlike our crazy PC military—don’t go into combat. They serve in auxiliary roles, as they should. This does not mean they are unable to drop a Jihadi.

Update II (Feb. 16): Van Wijk makes an astute comment. These Israeli girls carry rifles as naturally as other women carry handbags or pooches, or adopted, exotic ankle biters. That’s precisely what’s so good about the image.

Update III: “Hottie with Krinkov Uses Live Ammo On Attacker.” This is an ad, yes? Which means it’s not real, right? So in a phony universe, where everything comes alive provided it’s on TV or YouTube, a scantily clad bimbo shooting off a machine gun—in real-life probably a lefty who opposes what she’s doings—this is better than ordinary kids buying candy, guns strung across their shoulders?

Phony, stylized illusion (model filmed shooting a nice toy) is preferred over natural, organic behavior (Israeli lasses)?

I give up. Or perhaps the reader was just joking.

The attempts to demote the Israeli youngsters, a representative sample of tens of thousands of such kids in that country, is pathetic.

As reader Alan Butler notes, “the 2nd lady on the right has a 30 round magazine in her belt. Only seconds away from lock and load!!!”

The girls’ outfits indicate to me that they are undergoing basic training, which mean these sweet things are all of 18! Babies.

Shame on their detractors. Most of you, in secret, wish you had such daughters.

Heroic Homeowner Shot By His ‘Protectors’

Crime, Criminal Injustice, GUNS, Individual Rights, Private Property

Not once, but six times. “Police tried to ‘cover up’ last year’s mistaken shooting of a homeowner who’d been holding an intruder at gunpoint, a lawsuit against the city claims.” (Via The Phoenix New Times.)

“Tony Arambula, 35, was shot six times by Officer Brian Lilly — including twice after he fell to the ground — on September 17, 2008, just moments after Arambula rescued his family from a berserk man wielding a 9-millimeter handgun. Amazingly, Arambula survived, though doctors believe he’ll suffer pain and problems with his nearly amputated wrist for the rest of his life. … In the claim, Arambula demands at least $5.75 million to right the wrong.”

And my question to you is this: does being armed</a> increase the likelihood that the police will take you out?

Heroic Homeowner Shot By His ‘Protectors’

Crime, Criminal Injustice, GUNS, Individual Rights, Private Property

Not once, but six times. “Police tried to ‘cover up’ last year’s mistaken shooting of a homeowner who’d been holding an intruder at gunpoint, a lawsuit against the city claims.” (Via The Phoenix New Times.)

“Tony Arambula, 35, was shot six times by Officer Brian Lilly — including twice after he fell to the ground — on September 17, 2008, just moments after Arambula rescued his family from a berserk man wielding a 9-millimeter handgun. Amazingly, Arambula survived, though doctors believe he’ll suffer pain and problems with his nearly amputated wrist for the rest of his life. … In the claim, Arambula demands at least $5.75 million to right the wrong.”

And my question to you is this: does being armed increase the likelihood that the police will take you out?