Category Archives: Healthcare

UPDATED: Grubby Gruber To Enter ‘Smithsonian Museum of Dumbassery’ (CNN Reports?)

Economy, Ethics, Government, Healthcare, Intelligence, Internet

Jonathan Gruber’s “off-the-cuff” trail of stupidity belongs, as Big Bang’s delicious Leslie Winkle would say, in “the Smithsonian Museum of Dumbassery.” Here the Gruber collection is, as uncovered and tracked, not by major media, but by citizen journalist Rich Weinstein:

* Nancy Pelosi is a Liar Too. Tell me something I don’t already know.

* “Gruber suggesting that states that did not create health insurance exchanges risked giving up the ACA’s subsidies.”

* “Clip from Gruber’s year-old appearance at a University of Pennsylvania health care conference.”

* “Gruber … ‘I have no comment.’”

* Gruby “at a January 2012 symposium.”

* “Scholar”? Gruby on “Ronan Farrow Daily”: ““I was speaking off the cuff and I spoke inappropriately, and I regret making those comments.” Aha.

* Gruber second “stupid” tape, uncovered by Megyn Kelly’s team:

In this next clip from also last year, Mr. Gruber explains how Democrats played with the language of the Obamacare law so that it achieved their goals, by again, fooling the stupid public.”
She then played a short 5-second clip of Gruber, saying the following, that a part of the Obamacare passed because “the American people are too stupid to understand the difference.”
Gruber was talking about the so-called “Cadillac tax” in Obamacare, which increased the tax on high-end insurance packages. The fact that Obamacare would raise taxes was seen as politically toxic. But then-Senator John Kerry came up with the idea of taxing the companies providing the Cadillac plans, rather than taxing Americans directly.

(Via Daily Caller.)

Stupid III clip: “It’s a very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter”

… In an effort to add a cost-control measure to Obamacare, former Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, who Gruber called a “hero,” successfully pushed through a 40 percent excise tax on insurance companies for plans that cost more than $10,200 for individuals and $27,000 for families.

“A WONDERFUL shopping experience, economists will tell you.” (Read: I am telling you, fools!)

Gruber is a technocrat, not a scholar; a corrupt central planner extraordinaire, high on his own vapor. He has no right to talk economics. Leave it to the Austrians, freak.

UPDATE (11/14): CNN’s Jake Tapper may have let slip a word or two about Grubby, earlier this week. Today, November 14th, 2014, finally fuller coverage on CNN. What a disgrace.

Obamacare: No-Fault Fraud

Healthcare, Law, Republicans, Taxation

Not a peep has the new class of Republican congressmen and senators uttered about the open admission of fraud made by Jonathan Gruber, one of the architects of Obamacare.

Proudly and bombastically Grubber touted the charade in which he partook in swindling “stupid” Americans:

… this bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies. Okay, so it was written to do that. …. if you had a law that made explicit that healthy people would pay in and sick people would get money, it would not have passed. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever but basically that was really really critical to get this thing to pass… I wish we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this [Obamacare] law than not.

The legal elements of fraud are present:

(1) a false statement of a material fact,(2) knowledge on the part of the defendant that the statement is untrue, (3) intent on the part of the defendant to deceive the alleged victim, (4) justifiable reliance by the alleged victim on the statement, and (5) injury to the alleged victim as a result.

You’d think Republicans would pivot into repeal mode right away. Since when is a supposedly sovereign people compelled to suffer under a law they reject?

The Grubby Jonathan Gruber: Typical Social Sciences Ph.D. from MIT

Education, Healthcare, Intellectualism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Pseudo-intellectualism

A Ph.D. from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Jonathan Gruber is an unscholarly political hack, burdened by political ambition and unburdened by a scholarly mind. Gruber embodies what the American academy tends to produce in the social sciences these days: pure dreck. The guys is a crass opportunist; a charlatan, nothing more.

Here, Gruber, one of the architects of Obamacare, blurts out how and why you were deceived about the law (as the likes of myself warned those who would not listen).

… this bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies. Okay, so it was written to do that. …. if you had a law that made explicit that healthy people would pay in and sick people would get money, it would not have passed. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever but basically that was really really critical to get this thing to pass… I wish we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this [Obamacare] law than not.

Gorgeous-Bird Food

Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Healthcare

If you’re a well cared for parrot—or a bird in fine feather, like raw-food eater the gorgeous Carol Alt, 53—this is what you should be fed. OK, I cheated a bit by adding “bad” treats such as corn on the cob, pasta and granola (carbs all). But you get the gist. (Click to enlarge.)

Medley of raw fruits and vegetables:


Assorted berries and raw pumpkin seed: