Category Archives: Healthcare

Update V: Viva VA's Jihadi-Friendly Hospitals (The Stellar Doc.)

Bush, Healthcare, Homeland Security, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Terrorism, The Military

With his substandard professional performance, do you think Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the Jihadi who committed fratricide at Fort Hood, would have survived for long in the private sector? In a Veterans’ Administration Hospital, on the other hand, nothing threatened Hasan’s employment status, rank, and six-figure income. In the venerated VA system, damaged soldiers are left to the mercies of a man—Major Nidal—whom the mother of one such soldier describes as scary, inappropriate and without empathy.

As you cheer on the state’s encroaching monopoly over medicine, give some thought to the number of Jihadi-prone practitioners the codified laws of political correctness will admit into the new system.

Meantime, the London Telegraph reports that, “Major Nidal Malik Hasan worshipped at a mosque led by a radical imam said to be a ‘spiritual adviser’ to three of the hijackers who attacked America on Sept 11, 2001.”

“What does seem clear is that the army missed an increasing number of red flags that Hasan was a troubled and brooding individual within its ranks.

“‘I was shocked but not surprised by news of Thursday’s attack,’ said Dr Val Finnell, a fellow student on a public health course in 2007-08 who heard Hasan equate the war on terrorism to a war on Islam. Another student had warned military officials that Hasan was a ‘ticking time bomb’ after he reportedly gave a presentation defending suicide bombers. … expressed anti-Jewish sentiments and defended suicide bombings.”

“Hasan had, in fact, already come to the attention of the authorities before Thursday’s massacre. He was suspected of being the author of internet postings that compared suicide bombers with soldiers who throw themselves on grenades to save others and had also reportedly been warned about proselytising to patients.”

“At Fort Hood, he told a colleague, Col Terry Lee, that he believed Muslims should rise up against American ‘aggressors’. He made no attempt to hide his desire to end his military service early or his mortification at the prospect of deployment to Afghanistan. … [and made] strident attacks on US foreign policy.”

More from ABC about the the Army’s dereliction of duty:

U.S. intelligence agencies were aware months ago that Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan was attempting to make contact with people associated with al Qaeda, two American officials briefed on classified material in the case told ABC News.
According to the officials, the Army was informed of Hasan’s contact, but it is unclear what, if anything, the Army did in response.

At all times, retain your cynicism about Repbulican posturing. When it traspired the Bush’s administration ignored all the memos about Muslim men training to fly, not land, jets, what did Bush do? Nada! When “Skeeza” Condoleeza got intelligence about bin Laden, she called it “analytical,” as opposed actionable, and proceeded to ignore the deafening chatter.

“PROTECTED SPECIES”: Lt. Col. Ralph Peters: If Nidal had been a white supremacist, he would have been gone long ago. But becasue he was a protected species, he got a pass again and again. Hasan proselytized for Islam, preached death to the infidel, logged onto to Jihadi websites, and ran around in his Islamic playsuit…—and we are told this has nothing to do with Islam?

Well said!

Update I (Nov. 10): “We are commanded to terrorize the disbelievers.” WND broke the story about this group. Here are its leaders in the flesh.

Update II (Nov. 10): The president is about to speak at the memorial for the victims of the Jihadi, Major Nidal. He will rhapsodize over the incomprehensibility of this event. That perspective is reprehensible and incomprehensible. There is perfect logic to this event if one doesn’t buy into the “Look Away Doctrine.”

Update III: THE STELLAR DOC. Grunts, here’s more information about your government and how it protects you from in-house homicidal Jihadis. According to the WaPo, late in June of 2007, Nidal gave a powerpoint presentation with a difference. It was titled, “The Koranic World View As It Relates to Muslims in the U.S. Military.”

“Maj. Nidal M. Hasan was supposed to make a presentation on a medical topic of his choosing as a culminating exercise of the residency program.”

“Instead, … he stood before his supervisors and about 25 other mental health staff members and lectured on Islam, suicide bombers and threats the military could encounter from Muslims conflicted about fighting in the Muslim countries of Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a copy of the presentation obtained by The Washington Post.”

‘It’s getting harder and harder for Muslims in the service to morally justify being in a military that seems constantly engaged against fellow Muslims,’ he said in the presentation.”

“Other slides delved into the history of Islam, its tenets, statistics about the number of Muslims in the military, and explanations of ‘offensive jihad,’ or holy war.”


You’d think that his supervisors would have at least failed him for his curricular creativity (read laziness). Instead they confined themselves to “looking really upset.” With each, escalating display of deviance our Jihadi got the green light, the Go Ahead.

Update IV: It would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic. Whatever gets you kicked out of the American dhimmi force, it is not radical-Muslim status. This confers you with protections. We learn, Via ABC, that authorities had intercepted Hasan’s extensive e-mail exchange with radical cleric, and al Qaida recruiter Anwar al Awlakis, “but later deemed them innocent or protected by the first amendment.”

Investigators are also telling ABC “that alleged Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan had ‘more unexplained connections to people being tracked by the FBI’ than just radical cleric Anwar al Awlaki. The official declined to name the individuals but Congressional sources said their names and countries of origin were likely to emerge soon.”

Update V (Nov. 11): HUNTED. “‘When He Saw Me Move, He Shot At Me.’ A victim of the Fort Hood shooting speaks about his experience, his fallen friends, and the desire to serve his country in Afghanistan.” Premeditated mass murder.

Update V: Viva VA’s Jihadi-Friendly Hospitals (The Stellar Doc.)

Bush, Healthcare, Homeland Security, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Terrorism, The Military

With his substandard professional performance, do you think Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the Jihadi who committed fratricide at Fort Hood, would have survived for long in the private sector? In a Veterans’ Administration Hospital, on the other hand, nothing threatened Hasan’s employment status, rank, and six-figure income. In the venerated VA system, damaged soldiers are left to the mercies of a man—Major Nidal—whom the mother of one such soldier describes as scary, inappropriate and without empathy.

As you cheer on the state’s encroaching monopoly over medicine, give some thought to the number of Jihadi-prone practitioners the codified laws of political correctness will admit into the new system.

Meantime, the London Telegraph reports that, “Major Nidal Malik Hasan worshipped at a mosque led by a radical imam said to be a ‘spiritual adviser’ to three of the hijackers who attacked America on Sept 11, 2001.”

“What does seem clear is that the army missed an increasing number of red flags that Hasan was a troubled and brooding individual within its ranks.

“‘I was shocked but not surprised by news of Thursday’s attack,’ said Dr Val Finnell, a fellow student on a public health course in 2007-08 who heard Hasan equate the war on terrorism to a war on Islam. Another student had warned military officials that Hasan was a ‘ticking time bomb’ after he reportedly gave a presentation defending suicide bombers. … expressed anti-Jewish sentiments and defended suicide bombings.”

“Hasan had, in fact, already come to the attention of the authorities before Thursday’s massacre. He was suspected of being the author of internet postings that compared suicide bombers with soldiers who throw themselves on grenades to save others and had also reportedly been warned about proselytising to patients.”

“At Fort Hood, he told a colleague, Col Terry Lee, that he believed Muslims should rise up against American ‘aggressors’. He made no attempt to hide his desire to end his military service early or his mortification at the prospect of deployment to Afghanistan. … [and made] strident attacks on US foreign policy.”

More from ABC about the the Army’s dereliction of duty:

U.S. intelligence agencies were aware months ago that Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan was attempting to make contact with people associated with al Qaeda, two American officials briefed on classified material in the case told ABC News.
According to the officials, the Army was informed of Hasan’s contact, but it is unclear what, if anything, the Army did in response.

At all times, retain your cynicism about Repbulican posturing. When it traspired the Bush’s administration ignored all the memos about Muslim men training to fly, not land, jets, what did Bush do? Nada! When “Skeeza” Condoleeza got intelligence about bin Laden, she called it “analytical,” as opposed actionable, and proceeded to ignore the deafening chatter.

“PROTECTED SPECIES”: Lt. Col. Ralph Peters: If Nidal had been a white supremacist, he would have been gone long ago. But becasue he was a protected species, he got a pass again and again. Hasan proselytized for Islam, preached death to the infidel, logged onto to Jihadi websites, and ran around in his Islamic playsuit…—and we are told this has nothing to do with Islam?

Well said!

Update I (Nov. 10): “We are commanded to terrorize the disbelievers.” WND broke the story about this group. Here are its leaders in the flesh.

Update II (Nov. 10): The president is about to speak at the memorial for the victims of the Jihadi, Major Nidal. He will rhapsodize over the incomprehensibility of this event. That perspective is reprehensible and incomprehensible. There is perfect logic to this event if one doesn’t buy into the “Look Away Doctrine.”

Update III: THE STELLAR DOC. Grunts, here’s more information about your government and how it protects you from in-house homicidal Jihadis. According to the WaPo, late in June of 2007, Nidal gave a powerpoint presentation with a difference. It was titled, “The Koranic World View As It Relates to Muslims in the U.S. Military.”

“Maj. Nidal M. Hasan was supposed to make a presentation on a medical topic of his choosing as a culminating exercise of the residency program.”

“Instead, … he stood before his supervisors and about 25 other mental health staff members and lectured on Islam, suicide bombers and threats the military could encounter from Muslims conflicted about fighting in the Muslim countries of Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a copy of the presentation obtained by The Washington Post.”

‘It’s getting harder and harder for Muslims in the service to morally justify being in a military that seems constantly engaged against fellow Muslims,’ he said in the presentation.”

“Other slides delved into the history of Islam, its tenets, statistics about the number of Muslims in the military, and explanations of ‘offensive jihad,’ or holy war.”


You’d think that his supervisors would have at least failed him for his curricular creativity (read laziness). Instead they confined themselves to “looking really upset.” With each, escalating display of deviance our Jihadi got the green light, the Go Ahead.

Update IV: It would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic. Whatever gets you kicked out of the American dhimmi force, it is not radical-Muslim status. This confers you with protections. We learn, Via ABC, that authorities had intercepted Hasan’s extensive e-mail exchange with radical cleric, and al Qaida recruiter Anwar al Awlakis, “but later deemed them innocent or protected by the first amendment.”

Investigators are also telling ABC “that alleged Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan had ‘more unexplained connections to people being tracked by the FBI’ than just radical cleric Anwar al Awlaki. The official declined to name the individuals but Congressional sources said their names and countries of origin were likely to emerge soon.”

Update V (Nov. 11): HUNTED. “‘When He Saw Me Move, He Shot At Me.’ A victim of the Fort Hood shooting speaks about his experience, his fallen friends, and the desire to serve his country in Afghanistan.” Premeditated mass murder.

Update II: Pelosi Proctology (Constitutional Creativity)

Constitution, Democrats, Healthcare, Regulation

I wonder if a constitutional challenge will ever be mounted against this Bill’s many manifestly unconstitutional mandates. WSJ:

In a tight vote, the House passed its sweeping health bill late Saturday, marking the biggest victory yet for Democrats in their drive to create near-universal health insurance.

The bill passed by a 220-215 margin, with one Republican, Anh “Joseph” Cao of Louisiana, joining 219 Democrats in favor. Thirty-nine Democrats voted against the bill. The passage came after House leaders made a surprise last-minute concession that blocks abortion from the new government insurance plan in order to win over wavering Democrats.

BETSY MCCAUGHEY parses the Bill:

“What the government will require you to do:

• Sec. 202 (p. 91-92) of the bill requires you to enroll in a “qualified plan.” If you get your insurance at work, your employer will have a “grace period” to switch you to a “qualified plan,” meaning a plan designed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. If you buy your own insurance, there’s no grace period. You’ll have to enroll in a qualified plan as soon as any term in your contract changes, such as the co-pay, deductible or benefit.

• Sec. 224 (p. 118) provides that 18 months after the bill becomes law, the Secretary of Health and Human Services will decide what a “qualified plan” covers and how much you’ll be legally required to pay for it. That’s like a banker telling you to sign the loan agreement now, then filling in the interest rate and repayment terms 18 months later.

On Nov. 2, the Congressional Budget Office estimated what the plans will likely cost. An individual earning $44,000 before taxes who purchases his own insurance will have to pay a $5,300 premium and an estimated $2,000 in out-of-pocket expenses, for a total of $7,300 a year, which is 17% of his pre-tax income. A family earning $102,100 a year before taxes will have to pay a $15,000 premium plus an estimated $5,300 out-of-pocket, for a $20,300 total, or 20% of its pre-tax income. Individuals and families earning less than these amounts will be eligible for subsidies paid directly to their insurer.

• Sec. 303 (pp. 167-168) makes it clear that, although the “qualified plan” is not yet designed, it will be of the “one size fits all” variety. The bill claims to offer choice—basic, enhanced and premium levels—but the benefits are the same. Only the co-pays and deductibles differ. You will have to enroll in the same plan, whether the government is paying for it or you and your employer are footing the bill.

• Sec. 59b (pp. 297-299) says that when you file your taxes, you must include proof that you are in a qualified plan. If not, you will be fined thousands of dollars. Illegal immigrants are exempt from this requirement.

• Sec. 412 (p. 272) says that employers must provide a “qualified plan” for their employees and pay 72.5% of the cost, and a smaller share of family coverage, or incur an 8% payroll tax. Small businesses, with payrolls from $500,000 to $750,000, are fined less.

Eviscerating Medicare:

In addition to reducing future Medicare funding by an estimated $500 billion, the bill fundamentally changes how Medicare pays doctors and hospitals, permitting the government to dictate treatment decisions.

• Sec. 1302 (pp. 672-692) moves Medicare from a fee-for-service payment system, in which patients choose which doctors to see and doctors are paid for each service they provide, toward what’s called a “medical home.”

The medical home is this decade’s version of HMO-restrictions on care. A primary-care provider manages access to costly specialists and diagnostic tests for a flat monthly fee. The bill specifies that patients may have to settle for a nurse practitioner rather than a physician as the primary-care provider. Medical homes begin with demonstration projects, but the HHS secretary is authorized to “disseminate this approach rapidly on a national basis.”

A December 2008 Congressional Budget Office report noted that “medical homes” were likely to resemble the unpopular gatekeepers of 20 years ago if cost control was a priority.

• Sec. 1114 (pp. 391-393) replaces physicians with physician assistants in overseeing care for hospice patients.

• Secs. 1158-1160 (pp. 499-520) initiates programs to reduce payments for patient care to what it costs in the lowest cost regions of the country. This will reduce payments for care (and by implication the standard of care) for hospital patients in higher cost areas such as New York and Florida.

• Sec. 1161 (pp. 520-545) cuts payments to Medicare Advantage plans (used by 20% of seniors). Advantage plans have warned this will result in reductions in optional benefits such as vision and dental care.

• Sec. 1402 (p. 756) says that the results of comparative effectiveness research conducted by the government will be delivered to doctors electronically to guide their use of “medical items and services.”

Questionable Priorities:

While the bill will slash Medicare funding, it will also direct billions of dollars to numerous inner-city social work and diversity programs with vague standards of accountability.

• Sec. 399V (p. 1422) provides for grants to community “entities” with no required qualifications except having “documented community activity and experience with community healthcare workers” to “educate, guide, and provide experiential learning opportunities” aimed at drug abuse, poor nutrition, smoking and obesity. “Each community health worker program receiving funds under the grant will provide services in the cultural context most appropriate for the individual served by the program.”

These programs will “enhance the capacity of individuals to utilize health services and health related social services under Federal, State and local programs by assisting individuals in establishing eligibility . . . and in receiving services and other benefits” including transportation and translation services.

• Sec. 222 (p. 617) provides reimbursement for culturally and linguistically appropriate services. This program will train health-care workers to inform Medicare beneficiaries of their “right” to have an interpreter at all times and with no co-pays for language services.

• Secs. 2521 and 2533 (pp. 1379 and 1437) establishes racial and ethnic preferences in awarding grants for training nurses and creating secondary-school health science programs. For example, grants for nursing schools should “give preference to programs that provide for improving the diversity of new nurse graduates to reflect changes in the demographics of the patient population.” And secondary-school grants should go to schools “graduating students from disadvantaged backgrounds including racial and ethnic minorities.”

• Sec. 305 (p. 189) Provides for automatic Medicaid enrollment of newborns who do not otherwise have insurance.”

For the text of the bill with page numbers, see

Ms. McCaughey is chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths and a former Lt. Governor of New York state.

Update I (Nov. Eighth): THIS IS FOR POSTERITY. A CNSNews reporter asks a retarded Speaker where specifically does the Constitution allow the enactment of individual health mandates. Pelosi’s retort: “Are you serious?”

Update II (Nov. 9): Sen. Roland Burris (D-Ill.) is a little more creative than Pelosi.

When asked by what specific part of the Constitution authorizes Congress to mandate that individuals must purchase health insurance, Sen. Roland Burris (D-Ill.) pointed to the part of the Constitution that he says authorizes the federal government “to provide for the health, welfare and the defense of the country.” In fact, the word “health” appears nowhere in the Constitution.
“Well, that’s under certainly the laws of the–protect the health, welfare of the country,” said Burris. “That’s under the Constitution.”

Life Under The Big Government Party

Democrats, Healthcare, Liberty, Regulation, Republicans

Andrew Napolitano:

“Congress recognizes no limits on its power. It doesn’t care about the Constitution, it doesn’t care about your inalienable rights. If this health care bill becomes law, America, life as you have known it, freedom as you have exercised it and privacy as you have enjoyed it will cease to be.”

“Tomorrow, the House of Representatives will vote on a 2,000 page bill to give the federal government the power to micromanage the health care of every single American. The bill will no doubt pass. It will raise your taxes, steal your freedom, invade your privacy, and ration your health care. Even the Republicans have introduced their version of Obamacare Lite. It, too, if passed, will compel employers to provide coverage, bribe the states to change their court rules, and tell insurance companies whom to insure.”

We do not have two political parties in this country, America. We have one party; called the Big Government Party. The Republican wing likes deficits, war, and assaults on civil liberties. The Democratic wing likes wealth transfer, taxes, and assaults on commercial liberties. Both parties like power; and neither is interested in your freedoms. Think about it. Government is the negation of freedom. Freedom is your power and ability to follow your own free will and your own conscience. The government wants you to follow the will of some faceless bureaucrat.”

“When I recently asked Congressman James Clyburn, the third ranking Democrat in the House, to tell me ‘Where in the Constitution the federal government is authorized to regulate everyone’s healthcare’—he replied that most of what Congress does is not authorized by the Constitution, but they do it anyway. There you have it. Congress recognizes no limits on its power. It doesn’t care about the Constitution, it doesn’t care about your inalienable rights, it doesn’t care about the liberties protected by the Bill of Rights, it doesn’t even read the laws it writes.”

“America, this is not an academic issue. If this health care bill becomes law, life as you have known it, freedom as you have exercised it, privacy as you have enjoyed it, will cease to be.”

“When Congress takes away our freedoms, they will be gone forever. What will you do to prevent this from happening?”– November 06, 2009

Let your representative know how you expect him or her to vote. Contacts can be obtained here.