Update V: Viva VA’s Jihadi-Friendly Hospitals (The Stellar Doc.)

Bush,Healthcare,Homeland Security,Multiculturalism,Political Correctness,Terrorism,The Military


With his substandard professional performance, do you think Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the Jihadi who committed fratricide at Fort Hood, would have survived for long in the private sector? In a Veterans’ Administration Hospital, on the other hand, nothing threatened Hasan’s employment status, rank, and six-figure income. In the venerated VA system, damaged soldiers are left to the mercies of a man—Major Nidal—whom the mother of one such soldier describes as scary, inappropriate and without empathy.

As you cheer on the state’s encroaching monopoly over medicine, give some thought to the number of Jihadi-prone practitioners the codified laws of political correctness will admit into the new system.

Meantime, the London Telegraph reports that, “Major Nidal Malik Hasan worshipped at a mosque led by a radical imam said to be a ‘spiritual adviser’ to three of the hijackers who attacked America on Sept 11, 2001.”

“What does seem clear is that the army missed an increasing number of red flags that Hasan was a troubled and brooding individual within its ranks.

“‘I was shocked but not surprised by news of Thursday’s attack,’ said Dr Val Finnell, a fellow student on a public health course in 2007-08 who heard Hasan equate the war on terrorism to a war on Islam. Another student had warned military officials that Hasan was a ‘ticking time bomb’ after he reportedly gave a presentation defending suicide bombers. … expressed anti-Jewish sentiments and defended suicide bombings.”

“Hasan had, in fact, already come to the attention of the authorities before Thursday’s massacre. He was suspected of being the author of internet postings that compared suicide bombers with soldiers who throw themselves on grenades to save others and had also reportedly been warned about proselytising to patients.”

“At Fort Hood, he told a colleague, Col Terry Lee, that he believed Muslims should rise up against American ‘aggressors’. He made no attempt to hide his desire to end his military service early or his mortification at the prospect of deployment to Afghanistan. … [and made] strident attacks on US foreign policy.”

More from ABC about the the Army’s dereliction of duty:

U.S. intelligence agencies were aware months ago that Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan was attempting to make contact with people associated with al Qaeda, two American officials briefed on classified material in the case told ABC News.
According to the officials, the Army was informed of Hasan’s contact, but it is unclear what, if anything, the Army did in response.

At all times, retain your cynicism about Repbulican posturing. When it traspired the Bush’s administration ignored all the memos about Muslim men training to fly, not land, jets, what did Bush do? Nada! When “Skeeza” Condoleeza got intelligence about bin Laden, she called it “analytical,” as opposed actionable, and proceeded to ignore the deafening chatter.

“PROTECTED SPECIES”: Lt. Col. Ralph Peters: If Nidal had been a white supremacist, he would have been gone long ago. But becasue he was a protected species, he got a pass again and again. Hasan proselytized for Islam, preached death to the infidel, logged onto to Jihadi websites, and ran around in his Islamic playsuit…—and we are told this has nothing to do with Islam?

Well said!

Update I (Nov. 10): “We are commanded to terrorize the disbelievers.” WND broke the story about this group. Here are its leaders in the flesh.

Update II (Nov. 10): The president is about to speak at the memorial for the victims of the Jihadi, Major Nidal. He will rhapsodize over the incomprehensibility of this event. That perspective is reprehensible and incomprehensible. There is perfect logic to this event if one doesn’t buy into the “Look Away Doctrine.”

Update III: THE STELLAR DOC. Grunts, here’s more information about your government and how it protects you from in-house homicidal Jihadis. According to the WaPo, late in June of 2007, Nidal gave a powerpoint presentation with a difference. It was titled, “The Koranic World View As It Relates to Muslims in the U.S. Military.”

“Maj. Nidal M. Hasan was supposed to make a presentation on a medical topic of his choosing as a culminating exercise of the residency program.”

“Instead, … he stood before his supervisors and about 25 other mental health staff members and lectured on Islam, suicide bombers and threats the military could encounter from Muslims conflicted about fighting in the Muslim countries of Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a copy of the presentation obtained by The Washington Post.”

‘It’s getting harder and harder for Muslims in the service to morally justify being in a military that seems constantly engaged against fellow Muslims,’ he said in the presentation.”

“Other slides delved into the history of Islam, its tenets, statistics about the number of Muslims in the military, and explanations of ‘offensive jihad,’ or holy war.”


You’d think that his supervisors would have at least failed him for his curricular creativity (read laziness). Instead they confined themselves to “looking really upset.” With each, escalating display of deviance our Jihadi got the green light, the Go Ahead.

Update IV: It would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic. Whatever gets you kicked out of the American dhimmi force, it is not radical-Muslim status. This confers you with protections. We learn, Via ABC, that authorities had intercepted Hasan’s extensive e-mail exchange with radical cleric, and al Qaida recruiter Anwar al Awlakis, “but later deemed them innocent or protected by the first amendment.”

Investigators are also telling ABC “that alleged Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan had ‘more unexplained connections to people being tracked by the FBI’ than just radical cleric Anwar al Awlaki. The official declined to name the individuals but Congressional sources said their names and countries of origin were likely to emerge soon.”

Update V (Nov. 11): HUNTED. “‘When He Saw Me Move, He Shot At Me.’ A victim of the Fort Hood shooting speaks about his experience, his fallen friends, and the desire to serve his country in Afghanistan.” Premeditated mass murder.

9 thoughts on “Update V: Viva VA’s Jihadi-Friendly Hospitals (The Stellar Doc.)

  1. Stephen Sacks

    It certainly is a little jarring to all of us realize that the fairly daft codified US Military policy of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell extended to terrorists as well …

  2. Bob Harrison

    Senator Lieberman is actually calling for an investigation into the possible “oversights” of Hasan’s warning signs. “In the U.S. Army, this is not a matter of constitutional freedom of speech… If Hasan was showing signs, saying to people that he had become an Islamist extremist, the U.S. Army has to have zero tolerance. He should have been gone.” I’m glad he pointed out the obvious regarding free speech in the military, let us hope he follows through with an investigation. The usual suspects will fight him with cries of “witch hunt” and “McCarthyism.” Would it be asking to much of other senators to back him on this one?

  3. Haym

    Yes, Lt. Col. Ralph Peters says is succinctly: “Give me a break!” Any other denomination of person would have been out of the Army so fast that it would have made The Flash jealous.

    And the Pres. instructs us not to rush to judgment. Who does he think he is talking to? Third Graders?? The facts are out there to see – for all not blinded by the PC movement.

    PC kills – it has killed free thought and expression, it has stifled the free market of ideas (allowing inferior views to die out), and now the tolerance of PC has led to the death of people.

    Maybe this will be the final nail in the coffin of the PC movement in this country. But a heavy price has been paid!

  4. Robert Glisson

    HAYM- The only answer to bad policy is more bad policy, anything else is “McCarthyism.”

  5. Roger Chaillet

    Joe Lieberman has no credibility on this matter. I remember him together with John McCain whoring themselves to the Mexican elites. These two warmongering buffoons were looking for more cannon fodder for their imperial adventures in the Middle East. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/44/2008/07/03/jeb_bush_joins_mccain_on_tour.html I’m surprised that Jeb
    Bush didn’t bring the whole leadership roster from La Raza with him as well.

    Anyone else remember this case of yet another unassimilated soldier bringing his cultural baggage with him to the US? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,325188,00.html

  6. Myron Pauli

    Today is the birthday of the Marine Corps. One of the Marines who worked with testing our electro-optical equipment in Iraq was the late SSgt. Travis Twiggs, who served several tours in Iraq and came back with severe PTSD:


    Excerpt: “…he saw several doctors, “and it seemed that each one had a different medicine. I often wondered if they ever talked with each other.” At one point, he wrote, he was taking twelve different medications a day—Kellee recalls the number reaching nineteen, and says that the drugs turned her husband into “a zombie”—“and I was experiencing visual and audible hallucinations that I firmly believe were a direct result of being overmedicated. ”

    Ssgt. Twiggs even wrote an article in the Marine Corps Gazette urging Marines to get treated for PTSD and advocating better treatment. Sadly, our “military medicine”, run by the likes of
    Major Doctor Hasan, just pumped him up on drugs. He eventually went with his brother on a carjacking “suicide-by-cop” episode in Arizona. Naturally, he does not count as one of the “casualties” of the War in Iraq although it killed him just the same. America misuses and abuses its own loyal “troops”.

  7. MeMyselfI

    Say you are a higher-up in the military.

    You know your CIC isn’t sympathetic to the war on terror.

    You notice a Muslim that’s gone off the deep edge. He might flip out, might go postal.

    Do you stop him?

    If you do stop him, especially *before* he actually does anything, then it’s the end of your career.

    If you don’t stop him, and he goes postal, what have you lost? The public is reminded of the realities of the world we live in. Your CIC is (hopefully, maybe) chastised – at least behind the scenes maybe the war on terror gets a little more attention. As a military leader this would be a preferable outcome.

    Such is the harvest of political correctness. We have sown the wind… we reap the whirlwind.

  8. Jim

    Ilana, this story is filled with paradox. A man was just arrested and his house searched when the FBI caught him telling demonstrators where the police were during the G20 summit. He was on Twitter… And yet they knew about Hasan sending emails to an Al Queda operative and never questioned him.

    Meanwhile, we suspend a boy with a Boy scout knife at school because of the zero tolerance laws on knives at school.

    When the young killer went on a rampage at Va Tech, I remember thinking he would never think of doing so on a military controlled school; they’d shoot him as soon as he took out his gun. It turns out the military base is more PC than the population.

    Are we all so silly and stupid? The lack of discernment expected of us would insult an 9 year old.

  9. M. B. Moon

    “war on terror” MeMySelfI

    It should more appropriately be called “the war against Muslims who object violently to US troops on Muslim soil.”

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