Category Archives: Hollywood

Bullock: Life Imitates Art

Celebrity, Constitution, Education, Family, Hollywood,, Pop-Culture, Race

Sandra Bullock’s still on a hormonal high after staring in a film (did not see “Blind Side”; would never go see it) about a white family adopting a black young man, or boy, or baby. (Is there any other kind of adoption? Do affluent blacks ever adopt poor white kids, or is such charity a one-way affair?)

Bullock might be imitating art, or emulating the trend of assembling Benetton babies begun by Brangelina and the moronic Madonna. At least Bullock has not searched out exotic kids as has crazy Angie; Louis Bardo Bullock is from New Orleans.

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to homeschooling mothers for whose kids BAB and are required reading. As one of my editors once said, “My home schooled kids receive Mercer’s Constitution-related columns as required reading.”

Sycophant’s Supper

Barack Obama, Celebrity, Hollywood, Journalism, Media

It’s a sickening specter: some of the most pretentious, worthless people in the country—in politics, journalism and entertainment—get together to revel in their ability to petition and curry favor with one another, usually to the detriment of the rest of us.

Those gathered at the annual White House correspondents’ dinner are not the country’s natural aristocracy; but a group of people who make their living pretending to be something they are not. Poseurs and parasites all.

Granted, actors do not coerce the citizenry to patronize their (mostly) lousy flicks. However, when they use their celebrity to push unconstitutional, naturally unlawful policies—then they are acting as enemies of the people.

Mostly, I find Hollywood disgusting. Every time I turn around a “celebrity” is preaching and propagandizing for the leftist cause du jour. Some of these tarts were using their tushes and other assets to tell their betters (YOU) to be good and do your “duty.” (Most of them are agitating against Arizona.)

Like nothing else, the annual White House correspondents’ dinner is a mark of corrupt politics. The un-watchful dogs of the media have no business frolicking with the president and his minions. This is co-optation. And when did the phonies of Hollywood become a fixture in this event?

The toxic “tradition” began in 1920, and, as far as I know, is sponsored by THE WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENTS’ ASSOCIATION. “The White House Correspondents’ Association was formed in 1914 as a liaison between the press and the president.” The event and the invited tell a great deal about the Association and its ethics and code of conduct. ”

MSNBC presenters swore by the president’s routine and said he bested Jay Leno. I happen to think Obama can be a very funny guy; but better than Leno? I laughed at this Obama dig a lot:

“I happen to know that my approval ratings are still very high in the country of my birth.”

You have to love BHO a hell of a lot to think that anything he said could approximate JL’s “Cash for Flunkers” skit. Still Leno is getting bad reviews.

Sycophant's Supper

Barack Obama, Celebrity, Hollywood, Journalism, Media

It’s a sickening specter: some of the most pretentious, worthless people in the country—in politics, journalism and entertainment—get together to revel in their ability to petition and curry favor with one another, usually to the detriment of the rest of us.

Those gathered at the annual White House correspondents’ dinner are not the country’s natural aristocracy; but a group of people who make their living pretending to be something they are not. Poseurs and parasites all.

Granted, actors do not coerce the citizenry to patronize their (mostly) lousy flicks. However, when they use their celebrity to push unconstitutional, naturally unlawful policies—then they are acting as enemies of the people.

Mostly, I find Hollywood disgusting. Every time I turn around a “celebrity” is preaching and propagandizing for the leftist cause du jour. Some of these tarts were using their tushes and other assets to tell their betters (YOU) to be good and do your “duty.” (Most of them are agitating against Arizona.)

Like nothing else, the annual White House correspondents’ dinner is a mark of corrupt politics. The un-watchful dogs of the media have no business frolicking with the president and his minions. This is co-optation. And when did the phonies of Hollywood become a fixture in this event?

The toxic “tradition” began in 1920, and, as far as I know, is sponsored by THE WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENTS’ ASSOCIATION. “The White House Correspondents’ Association was formed in 1914 as a liaison between the press and the president.” The event and the invited tell a great deal about the Association and its ethics and code of conduct. ”

MSNBC presenters swore by the president’s routine and said he bested Jay Leno. I happen to think Obama can be a very funny guy; but better than Leno? I laughed at this Obama dig a lot:

“I happen to know that my approval ratings are still very high in the country of my birth.”

You have to love BHO a hell of a lot to think that anything he said could approximate JL’s “Cash for Flunkers” skit. Still Leno is getting bad reviews.

Precious Or Grotesque?

Film, Hollywood, Objectivism, Pop-Culture, Reason, The Zeitgeist

The following excerpt is from this week’s WND.COM column, “Precious Or Grotesque?”:

“….What is so grotesque about the film ‘Precious’ is not the actress—who seems pleasant enough—so much as the film; the fiction, the yarn it spins and the emotions it calculatingly elicits. ‘Precious’ is intended to tug at every single sentimental fiber in a person’s being.

Mired in the misery of Harlem, the ugliest, fattest, most abused and tormented young girl is kicked about some more after spending earlier formative years as the ugliest, fattest, most abused and tormented child in the world, born to the cruelest most craven parents ever, who—although they don’t sacrifice her in a ritual murder—make up for this show of restraint by beating, impregnating, and infecting their daughter with HIV. …

“‘Precious’ … is a gratuitous orgy of pornography, pathology, and sentimentality. It is extreme fiction aimed at exaggerated emotion.” …

THE COMPLETE COLUMN IS “Precious Or Grotesque?”

Do read my libertarian manifesto, Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash With A Corrupt Society.

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