Category Archives: Intelligence

UPDATE II (1/15): Spooks Are NOT Us; They’re Government

Donald Trump, Government, Homeland Security, Intelligence, Military, The State

Julian Assange is one of us; working for the good of the people. Conversely, the “intelligence community” is an arm of The State, working to keep its enormous sphere of influence in tact (to say nothing of the perks and pensions of its members, going in perpetuity). There are good people among them, like Philip Haney. But they are often fired if they don’t get with the program.

UPDATE I (1/15): The “intelligence community” is trying to cow President-elect Donald Trump into submission. Keep fighting, Mr. Trump. “Trump slams outgoing CIA director Brennan after criticism over Russia threat.”

UPDATE II: What’s Fox News’ Bret Baier up to?

Far more reliable is Glenn Greenwald’s “The Deep State Goes to War With President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer.” Trump has taken on every aspect of a corrupt political system. It’s time for the Deep State, affectionately and deceptively called the Intelligence Community.

‘Why Smart People Don’t Multitask’

Intelligence, Reason, Technology

The spouse and I don’t use smart phones or mobile devices. We have a dedicated cell phone each. That’s it. Although the spouse has been involved in the design of these systems for a long time; he, like myself, considers mobile devices to be toys for the distracted. White noise.

When I’m out and about, I’m away from my email. Nobody can text me. I don’t text (although it’s useful, I am told, in an emergency because the signal is available). You have to want to engage with something.

I have no interest in acquiring a mobile operating system. (Of course I use a cell phone, a computer, etc.) However, it’s hard to explain to people that you’re uninterested in staring at,  fixating on, of fiddling with a small device that yields little useful data.

Now it looks like those who cut out superfluous noise might not be as deficient as I feared:

“Why Smart People Don’t Multitask.”

UPDATED: Rex Tillerson: Private Sector Top-Performer Makes Pols Look Dumb

Business, Donald Trump, Human Accomplishment, Intelligence, Logic, Politics

Rex Tillerson, Donald Trump’s pick for US secretary of state, instantiates the deep differences in intelligence and competency between politicians (those grilling him) and a top-performing individual, at the top of his game in the private sector (Tillerson). It’s night and day.

Impressive are Tillerson’s command of the issues, in-depth insights and meticulous, careful, logical approach. Tillerson’s confirmation hearing is what “no-experience-in-politics” looks like, when exhibited by a legendary top performer in the private-sector.

As historian Clyde Wilson has observed, politics is a degraded sphere. Poor pickings is all you get in politics (with negligible exceptions).


Marco Rubio delivers, during the confirmation hearings, a neocon laundry list & lecture about what the US government must do with its people’s taxes to liberate the world. America First, moron. #MAGA

UPDATED I (1/9): Bye-Bye Barack: Loser Lashes Out Over Legacy

Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Intelligence, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Russia

“Bye-Bye Barack: Loser Lashes Out Over Legacy” is now on The Daily Caller. An excerpt:

… Obama is a case study in hubris. He began his presidency by claiming, in 2008, that his crowning was “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”

“[T]his was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth,” Obama vaporized. “This was the moment—this was the time—when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals.”

His eight lean years Obama ended with similar arrant and arrogant nonsense: “I’m confident that if I had run again and articulated [my vision of progressive change], I think I could’ve mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it.”

It’s perfectly plausible, then, to posit that Obama’s retaliation against Russia, three weeks before the inauguration of his successor, is a last-ditch attempt to gain one-upmanship over Trump, who is dominating the news cycle, a thing the narcissistic incumbent can’t abide.

Essentially, B. Hussein Obama is crashing about like a maniac in trying to retain his unwarranted status. Lo and behold, in the course of BHO’s flailing, we discover that government is perfectly capable of deporting foreigners when it wants to. Witness Obama’s petulant expulsion of Russian diplomats, payback for that country’s alleged harassment of American diplomats (no proof provided). This from the man who did nothing about Muslims murdering an American diplomat in Afghanistan. …

… Read the rest. “Bye-Bye Barack:Loser Lashes Out Over Legacy” is now on The Daily Caller.

UPDATE I (1/9):