Category Archives: Intelligence

Did Hillary’s Recklessness Lead To The Execution Of An American Asset In Iran?

Ethics, Etiquette, Hillary Clinton, Intelligence, Iran

In August of 2016, when it came to light that Hillary Clinton had flouted state secrecy laws, Iran executed an American asset. The execution of “Shahram Amiri appeared linked as effect to cause to Hillary’s infamous emails. Poor Shahram Amiri had the misfortune of being discussed by the secretary of state’s staff on her insecure server. The correlation between Amiri’s demise might not be as strong as the Iran ransom-release cause-and-effect; but it deserves serious consideration.” Still does. (“The Clinton Media’s Manufactured Reality.”)

All the more so now that the extent of Hillary Clinton’s wayward recklessness with lives entrusted to her has been exposed.

One official said the total number of emails recovered in the investigation into Weiner is close to 650,000, although that reflects many emails that are not related to the Clinton investigation. But officials familiar with the case said that the messages include a significant amount of correspondence associated with Clinton and Abedin. (WaPo)


“The F.B.I. on Monday began loading a trove of emails belonging to a top aide to Hillary Clinton into a special computer program that would allow bureau analysts to determine whether they contain classified information, law enforcement officials said. …(WaPo)

Taught By The Best (Bush), Obama Admin Distorts Intelligence

Barack Obama, Bush, Intelligence

George Bush had the “Lie Factory—the Office of Special Plans”—which was a central edifice of the Bush administration. The OSP, reminisces Justin Raimondo (cited in The Trump Revolution) in a retrospective about Bush’s lies, was “a parallel intelligence-gathering agency set up by the neoconservatives in the administration [to feed] Congress and the media ‘factoids’ which were later proved to be false.”

To distort intelligence, Barack Obama ushered in a “structural and management changes” in the “CENTCOM Intelligence Directorate, starting in mid-2014,” to give him “the intelligence products” that would serve his purposes.

I hope you come to this space for the unvarnished truth, because it is this: Obama comes out on top on this issue. Barack finessed the reality about ISIS to avoid going to war; Bush lied to get America into war. Ask Donald.


Intelligence reports produced by U.S. Central Command that tracked the Islamic State’s 2014-15 rise in Iraq and Syria were skewed to present a rosier picture of the situation on the ground, according to a bombshell report released Thursday by a House Republican task force.

The task force investigated a Defense Department whistleblower’s allegations that higher-ups manipulated analysts’ findings to make the campaign against ISIS appear more successful to the American public.

The report concluded that intelligence reports from Central Command were, in fact, “inconsistent with the judgments of many senior, career analysts.”

Further, the report found, “these products also consistently described U.S. actions in a more positive light than other assessments from the [intelligence community] and were typically more optimistic than actual events warranted.”

Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., who was involved in the House report, said Thursday the data was clearly “manipulated.”

“They wanted to tell a story that ISIS was the JV, that we had Al Qaeda on the run,” he told Fox News. “This is incredibly dangerous. We haven’t seen this kind of manipulation of intelligence … in an awfully long time.”

It is unclear how high up the reports in question went, though the task force found “many” Central Command press releases, statements and testimonies were “significantly more positive than actual events” as well. …


Easy Street For Bernie; For Trump It’s A Horribly Hard Row To Hoe

Democrats, Donald Trump, Intellectualism, Intelligence, Paleolibertarianism, Republicans

The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed must be quite a good read. I’ve caught my husband red-handed with a copy and a big grin on his face (unusual—the grin, I mean—since he works for Microsoft).

And, of course, Jack Kerwick is mining The Donald’s Creative Destruction. Most reviewers seek confirmation of their worldview in a work. If they find an unknown quantity; the ego gets in the way of dealing. Kerwick is unusual in his intellectual curiosity, never afraid to joust with ideas, never threatened by them.

The dangers of being too open about Trump in conservative circles don’t deter him either. (Actually, some conservative websites are proving very competitive in the marketplace of ideas—their young millennial editors adapting to the new political landscape and embracing renegades far quicker than some libertarian sites. Kudos.)

In any case, in his latest TownHall column, Kerwick uses The Trump Revolution to drive home an important point I’ve not heard made before: “Bernie Sanders Is No Donald Trump.” To listen to the moron media, you’d think otherwise.

… For obvious reasons, this libertarian defense of the Trump process—the first of its kind—couldn’t be timelier. There is, however, another reason as to why it’s so critically important to read The Trump Revolution.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, Bernie Sanders is not the Democrats’ counterpart to Trump. This is among the many points that Mercer makes in her fine work. Consider the following:

The difference, though, is that Trump has exposed—and defeated—this corruption.

Sanders, in glaring contrast, has acquiesced in it, for he is now urging his supporters—who, by the sounds of it, are much more principled than he—into voting for Hillary Clinton.

Secondly, Sanders hardly accomplished what Trump has accomplished—and what Trump continues to accomplish. Sanders won 22 states in his contest against Clinton. But it was only a two person race, he had been a politician in the Senate for nearly a quarter of a century, had virtually nothing but good press, and his rallies weren’t repeatedly disrupted by violent thugs.

Trump, on the other hand, a business mogul and “reality TV star,” came out of nowhere. Derided and marginalized by “the experts,” this “clown” and “buffoon,” a million-to-one-shot underdog, slayed 16 of the GOP’s best and brightest, including some of its most popular senators and governors. These were the party’s rock stars—and Trump relegated them to the ranks of the Has Beens one after the other. …

Kerwick counts 7 major differences between what the brave-heart Trump has endured—Trump still has a horribly hard row to hoe ahead—as compared to Sanders’s easy street, and ends the column thus:

Bernie Sanders has had nothing like the bumpy road that Trump has had to travel. Ilana Mercer compares the two in her own inimical way: Sanders is “a mouse of a man” compared to the “masculine force at full tilt” that is Trump.

‘Alienated’ Muslims Mutilated, Dismembered & Tortured Their French Victims

IMMIGRATION, Intelligence, Islam, Terrorism, The State

They did it in the 1973 Yom Kippur War to Israeli soldiers caught on the borders unaware: disembowel, gouge out eyes, castrate victims, and shove their testicles in their mouths.

This time, Muslims who’d been welcomed into foolish French society did these deeds to their civilian hosts, with an added flare: At the Bataclan theatre, scene of the December, 2015 execution of over 130 individuals, the Muslims running wild in that country (and in ours) “stabbed women in the genitals and filmed [their handiwork] for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda.”

The French government concealed the facts from those it serves (who don’t seem to care much), just like our FBI and their overlords keep details about Muslim aggressors from Americans. (See “I Told You The FBI Is Rotten & Responsible For Terror Unleashed.”)

“EXCLUSIVE: France ‘Suppressed News of Gruesome Torture’ at Bataclan Massacre”