Category Archives: Intelligence

UPDATED: In The West The Inmates Run The Asylum


“In The West The Inmates Run The Asylum” is the current column, now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine. An excerpt:

“HEY, it’s me, Salah Abdeslam. Did you see the attacks across Paris? Bismillah, may we have many more like them. Brothers Brahim, Abaaoud, myself and others pulled it off. I’m still in Paris. I need a ride back to Brussels. Come get me.”

After executing 130 people in Paris, Nov. 13, and maiming many more, Abdeslam called his compadres in Belgium to ask for a lift home. I can’t vouch for the precise wording of the telephonic exchange between Salah Abdeslam and his contacts in Belgium. But the call took place, as BBC News reported. And it must have been quite a relaxed one, circumstances considered.

Still on the lam, Abdeslam knows he has nothing to fear. The French authorities were on heightened alert. The Kufar’s telephones had all been tapped. Yet Salah’s faith in the French fools was unshaken for a reason.

Without court orders, as The Guardian tells it, François Hollande’s socialist government taps phones and emails, hacks computers, installs “secret cameras and recording devices in private homes”; infects French Internet and phone service providers with “complex algorithms” designed to “alert the authorities to suspicious behavior.”

Yet it all—the French Surveillance State—amounts to naught.

Like gun laws, spy laws oppress only law-abiding, harmless individuals.

As in all western democracies, France’s Big Brother surveillance apparatus is as useless as it is oppressive.

France’s “protectors” knew nothing of the conversations taking place under their noses. … Yes, Salah knew all too well—still knows—that offensive speech French authorities would diligently prosecute, all the more so when uttered by a “white supremacist.” But a suspicious looking swarthy supremacist like himself, hellbent on killing his hosts, would not so much as be stopped for an inquisitive chat. …

Read the rest. “In The West The Inmates Run The Asylum” is the current column, now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine.

UPDATE: PLEASE, I never want to hear Michael Savage’s nonsense about liberalism being a mental illness repeated to me, not by my readers.

There must be no medicalizing of stupidity and misbehavior in this space. This is a gross error of logic. To do that, as Savage does, is the heights of leftism and confused thinking. By that logic, any erroneous thinking is rooted in misfiring neurons, except that there is ZERO evidence for the organic basis of bad thinking and bad behavior. None! A stupid, malevolent person is responsible for what he does and for what he believes. There is no disease process behind liberalism. Readers who repeat this nonsense are hereby assigned the entire Mercer works archived under psychiatry, pop-psychology, and especially “Psychiatry and The Therapeutic State.” Longtime readers who repeat this error must carry added guilt of knowing that they broke my heart today. I expect a thorough familiarity with the thinking of my beloved pal Professor Thomas Stephen Szasz, RIP, on so-called mental disease.

Mindless In Academia


In which MYRON PAULI, PH.D, Barely a Blog’s resident nuclear physicist, sometime poet and opinionator, muses about the whiny, two-legged primates (white and black) running wild on campuses:

Fifty years ago, Tom Lehrer composed “The Wernher von Braun song”. The song ends with the prophetic lines “‘In German, oder Englisch, I know how to count down Und I’m learning Chinese now!’ says Wernher von Braun”.

100 years ago, the German-speaking nations constituted the leading centers of academia from music to psychology to physics. Americans like Albert Michelson and Robert Oppenheimer went to study in Germany. They dominated the Nobel Prize winners. In 1930, “Zeitschrift fur Physik” was THE journal for all to have and took up about 4 feet of shelf space. In 1937, Zeitshrift was down to 1 foot of shelf space. In 2015, the Center for World University Rankings lists Heidelberg University as the top University in Germany and #76 in the world (other rankings have German Universities as high as # 37!).

The source of this debacle, of course, was political perversion in the form of Nazism. I”recommend a wonderful movie for all to watch, “The Mortal Storm.” The movie’s actions start with the birthday of a respected biology professor on January 30, 1933 (the day Hilter took power) applauded by his students and faculty. As the movie progresses, the professor is boycotted by his students, witnesses a book burning, and is shunned and eventually fired by his academic colleagues and administrators. The movie, by the way, was based on a 1938 book long before the death camps (which, arguably, can be seen as the ideological culmination of political intolerance).

Nowadays, it is American academia which is heading down the intellectual toilet. This should not be that surprising after nearly 50 years of neo-Marxist professors, “affirmative action” which takes mostly inferior students and admits them where they do not fit in, segregated dorms and segregated narcissistic sexual-racial-ethnic-religious “studies”, and the massive enlargement of colleges to the point that over 50% of young people attend college regardless of any talent or discipline. Federal largess has caused tuition to skyrocket to over $60,000 a year for these babysitting palaces. Nor are there many jobs for people who take such useful studies as “Network Evolution and the Beauty Advantage” and other courses I mentioned in my Barely A Blog essay, “Academic Disintegration From Homer to Homo”. Naturally, the “college graduates” COULD compete with illegal aliens for landscaping, restaurant, and painting jobs but I expect that to happen when pigs fly.

Another factor affecting American students is how intense competition from Asia has basically pushed native Americans out of the highly competitive science/health/engineering disciplines (not to mention the “all-nighters”, brains, and studying required to get through). I doubt that there are many “all-nighters” and lab work required to get a degree the Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies.

Hence, what else is there for these modern American “students” to do but whine, march, protest, and be insulted by the “hostile work environment” of microagressions, Zionism, sexism, racism, and even Halloween costumes. Cao, Chang, Chen, Chen, Chen, Chuang, Duan, Gao, …, Li, Li, Li, Liang, Liao, Lin, Lin, 3 Lius! , Lu, Lu, Luan, … ,7 Wangs!, Wong, Xu, Xu, Yang, Yang, Ye, Yue, Zhang, Zhang, Zhao, Zhen, Zhen, Zheng, Zhong, Zhou are busy studying Material Science and Engineering at Columbia University while the rest of American academia burns. The sobbing, whiny two-legged primates (white and black) may take selfies at the protest rallies but haven’t the slightest idea how a cell phone or a biological cell or a transistor function. Nor do 99% of them care.

Worst of all are the American academic “administrators” who care only about the bottom line of football team revenues, scientific grant money, and happy students. Unlike Franklin (America’s leading, first scientist) or Jefferson or Adams, modern American politicians of both parties are generally ignorant of science, technology, history, classical literature, or anything other than getting votes. Taxpayer money flows to the Greek-columned Romper Rooms and intellectual capital slowly flows to Asia.

One hundred years from now, American Universities will probably be highly rated in the fields of basketball and football but little else. Decades of University indulgence has passed the point of no return.


Barely a Blog (BAB) contributor Myron Pauli grew up in Sunnyside Queens, went off to college in Cleveland and then spent time in a mental institution in Cambridge MA (MIT) with Benjamin Netanyahu (did not know him), and others until he was released with the “hostages” and Jimmy Carter on January 20, 1981, having defended his dissertation in nuclear physics. Most of the time since, he has worked on infrared sensors, mainly at Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC. He was NOT named after Ron Paul but is distantly related to physicist Wolftgang Pauli; unfortunately, only the “good looks” were handed down and not the brains. He writes assorted song lyrics and essays reflecting his cynicism and classical liberalism. Click on the “BAB’s A List” category to access the Pauli archive.

The Quality Of ‘Argument’ On Leftist Campus


The quality of argument one can expect from the Left, which dominates campuses, is as follows: When confronted about the fact that 99 percent of colleges faculty are left-liberals, the reply from the Left is that to get into college you need to be smart and libertarians, classical liberals, conservatives and independents are simply not as smart as the Left. The argument is distilled by King’s College Politics Professor David Corbin as, “You’re stupid because you’re not like me.”

These are the folks that are shaping your kinds’ minds. More about the Zombie Nation in “Continuum Of Propaganda: Yale, Mizzou & Your Child’s School.”

The Muslim Murderers Among Us & Their Enablers


In the days to come, the rest of the hobbled West will praise the poor Parisians for their “brave” displays of tears, teddy bears and candles, during vigils that will be held for their 153 compatriots, slaughtered across the city. Thanks will be given to an inept French intelligence and security apparatus, which was said to have been “overwhelmed” by tracking 1500 or so returning Jihadis, instead of deporting them. The Muslim friendly, open-immigration policies established by successive treacherous, left-liberal governments will be applauded as a triumph of “our way of life.” The traitor class will persist in declaring French Islam as French as the beret and the baguette.

Patriots who promise to make France safe for its people, once again—Marine Le Pen’s Front National, the Freedom Party of Austria, and Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom, to be joined, we hope, by Donald Trump, stateside—will be called “far-right, anti-immigrant nationalists” by the traitor class, starting with The New York Times. The difference: Trump will join the ostracized and normalize the quaint ideas of national survival and good sense.

B. Hussein Obama will blah blah about our flaccid affinity for liberty, equality, fraternity, the French national motto. (Thanks to our public school system, your kids will be none-the-wiser about the fact that America’s founding principles of life, liberty and property are the philosophical opposite of the French Revolution.) The European population, starting with the French, will be convinced by their leaders to declare victory for their “way of life,” as the bodies of the tens of victims, who can’t be consulted about the terms of this “freedom,” freeze over in the morgue.

Yes, in the West, crying and dying is tantamount to … winning.