Category Archives: Israel

Israel-All-The-Time Crowd Should Lay Off Ann Coulter (Says This Jew)

Ann Coulter, Anti-Semitism, Israel, Neoconservatism, Republicans

How crooked are the so-called anti-establishment Republicans? Twisted enough to attempt to destroy a patriot, Ann Coulter (primarily because she is smarter than they, is my guess, although I usually refrain from psychologizing). I am told that Mark Levin called Ann Coulter a “jackass” and Michael Savage “suggested a career for her writing propaganda for Muslims”—all because Ms. Coulter inartfully, perhaps, remarked on the absurdity of American presidential candidates answering questions about their plans (plots, really) for America by swearing allegiance to … Israel.

Ms. Coulter’s position is mine. Other than to do no harm, the duty of a hired hand of the American people is to AMERICA FIRST.

Ann Coulter forgot to chastise Carly Fiorina, who promised to call Bibi Netanyahu on the first day she’s elected … US president. Ridiculous.

I’ve defended Ann Coulter once before against charges of antisemitism in “Disentangling The Coulter/Deutsch Dust-Up.”

Donald Trump Speaks Our Language

Bush, Conservatism, Economy, English, Intelligence, Israel, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Political Correctness, Republicans

“Donald Trump Speaks Our Language” is the current column, now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine. An excerpt:

WHEN IN THE US, SPEAK ENGLISH. Donald Trump’s retort to Jeb Bush’s rattling off in Spanish on the campaign trail conjures an old joke told in Israel of my youth. It was aimed at the ultra-orthodox Jew who dresses weirdly and won’t speak Hebrew. Here goes:

Walking down the street is a Sabra (a Jew born in Israel), clad in the pioneer’s outfit of shorts and a Tembel Hat. (“Tembel” is Hebrew for silly. The image below illustrates how not even a beautiful Israeli girl can dignify a hat so useless as to provide no protection from the merciless sun.)

From across the street, in Yiddish—the language of the diaspora—an ultra-orthodox Jew clad in black garb shouts obscenities at the Sabra. The minuscule ultra-orthodox community believes that speaking Hebrew before Messiah arrives is heretic and will delay the coming of Messiah (also known as the longest coming in history). For Messiah to materialize, the Jew must remain weak, dispossessed and persecuted—a sickly spirit without a corporeal country to call his own.

The Israeli shouts back, “Speak Hebrew, goy!” Goy meaning non-Jew.

Trump took a jab at Jeb for using Spanish to dismiss the mogul’s conservative credentials. Via CNN:

“‘I like Jeb,’ Trump told Breitbart News. ‘He’s a nice man. But he should really set the example by speaking English while in the United States.'”

The Trumpian reference was to the former Florida governor’s comments to reporters … about Trump’s policies. “‘El hombre no es conservador,’ Bush said, which translates to, ‘This man is not a conservative.'”

Not only was Trump’s visceral retort in defense of English righteous; it was also culturally conservative in the best of ways. …

… Read the rest. “Donald Trump Speaks Our Language” is now on The Unz Review.

UPDATED: Traitors To Their People (Except For Bibi Netanyahu)

Classical Liberalism, Europe, Foreign Aid, Foreign Policy, IMMIGRATION, Israel, Nationhood

Agree or disagree with him, Benjamin Netanyahu stands alone on the world stage, right now, as a magnificent contradiction to the Angela Merkels of the world. Merkel, elected for life, or so it would appear, squints at small-town Germany from behind the all-too-familiar parapets of global government. By absorbing “an unprecedented influx of immigrants who will fundamentally change the country,” Merkel is intent on foisting a new identity on Germany without the broadest consent of her citizens. (SPIEGEL)

Netanyahu, on the other hand, is a patriot who knows that a government’s duty is first and foremost to the people it represents. The prime minister of Israel knows it is his obligation to work to ensure the viability and continuity of The Jewish State. Netanyahu thus vowed that,

he would not allow Israel to be “submerged” by refugees after calls for the Jewish state to take in those fleeing Syria’s war.

Speaking at the weekly cabinet meeting, Netanyahu also announced the start of construction of a fence along Israel’s border with Jordan, according to his office.

“We will not allow Israel to be submerged by a wave of illegal migrants and terrorist activists,” Netanyahu said.

“Israel is not indifferent to the human tragedy of Syrian and African refugees… but Israel is a small country — very small — without demographic or geographic depth. That is why we must control our borders.”

UPDATE (9/7): Remember the causes of the refugee crisis: “Bush, Obama And Hillary Destabilized The … World.”

When In The US, Speak English

Conservatism, English, Israel, Nationhood, Republicans

I remember an old joke that was told in Israel, and was aimed at the ultra-orthodox who dress oddly and won’t speak Hebrew:

An Israeli in shorts and a Tembel Hat is walking down the street, when from across the street an ultra-orthodox Jew in black garb shouts obscenities at him in Yiddish. These Jews believe that speaking Hebrew before Messiah arrives is heretic. To ensure messiah comes (often referred to as the longest coming in history), the Jew has to remain weak, dispossessed and persecuted—a sickly spirit without a corporeal country.

The Israeli shouts back, “Speak Hebrew, goy!” Goy means non-Jew.

Kova Tembel:

This reminds me of Donald Trump’s retort to Jeb Bush rattling off in Spanish on the campaign trail. The Trump retort was, incidentally, not only righteous but culturally conservative in the extreme. CNN:

Trump took a jab Wednesday at Jeb Bush for using Spanish to dismiss the mogul’s conservative credibility.

… “I like Jeb,” Trump told Breitbart News. “He’s a nice man. But he should really set the example by speaking English while in the United States.”

Trump was referring to the former Florida governor’s comments to reporters on Tuesday about Trump’s policies.

“El hombre no es conservador,” Bush said, which translates to, “This man is not a conservative.” …