Category Archives: Judaism & Jews

Does Sean Spicer Still Need To Dignify Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes Allegations?

Anti-Semitism, Crime, Criminal Injustice, Donald Trump, Judaism & Jews

Why was Sean Spicer nattering about anti-Semitic hate crimes, during a presser the other day? Said Spicer:

“I think that there’s one other piece to this, April. While we unequivocally, no doubt about it, need to call out hate, anti-Semitism where it exists, where’s another thing we have to do. And in your case in particular, I don’t know all of the details, so I don’t want to reference any specific case. But I think we saw this the other day with some of the anti-Semitic behavior that was going out in respect to people of the Jewish faith… we saw these threats coming in to Jewish community centers and there was an immediate jump to criticize folks on the right and to denounce people on the right. And it turns out, it wasn’t someone on the right. And the president said from the get-go ‘I bet it’s not someone from the right’ and he was right.”

Should these accusations still be dignified and pursued when the acts under investigation appear to have been revealed as the combined, un-coordianted efforts of:

1. An African-American scorned. (See “Black Man Makes Anti-Semitic Threats Over Breakup With #Whitegirl.”)

2. An Israeli-American:

The 19-year-old arrested last week, Michael Kaydar, reportedly used advanced technology and voice-altering equipment to call in the threats to more than 100 JCCs, Jewish day schools and other Jewish institutions in the United States in recent months.
While many Jewish groups had blamed white supremacists for the bomb threats, Trump refused to point any fingers. In February he reportedly said that the threats against Jewish communal institutions may be a false flag “to make others look bad.”

Black Man Makes Anti-Semitic Threats Over Breakup With #Whitegirl

Affirmative Action, Anti-Semitism, Education, Judaism & Jews, Race, Racism

A lot of the recent anti-semitism came from a black man, enraged over a breakup.

Thankfully he, Juan Thompson, didn’t call her “bitch.” While making “at least eight of the hoax bomb threats against Jewish American institutions,” Thompson of Missouri (who had worked for The Intercept, no less), tweeted out missives like this one:

“Know any good lawyers? Need to stop this nasty/racist #whitegirl I dated who sent a bomb threat in my name & wants me to be raped in jail.”

Inciting racial hatred against whites is just par for the course, reflexive (imbibed in schools, with the aid of soviet-style doctrinal teachers and teaching aids. “Systemic racism” is one).

As Into The Cannibal’s Pot documents in detail, honky is not the repository of the white hot hate that kills. Colin Flaherty’s “White Girl Bleed A Lot” does the same.

Having implicated Donald Trump in creating atmospheric conditions conducive to anti-semitism, the repugnant Anti-Defamation League has remained unapologetic:

Evan Bernstein, the New York regional director at the Anti-Defamation League, said that Jewish “communities are hurting”.
“There are many more JCC bomb threats that have not been solved,” Mr Bernstein told journalists on Friday.
“We hope all law enforcement will continue to be diligent.”

You don’t represent this Jew!

Try This On For Anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism, Donald Trump, Israel, Judaism & Jews

“Try This on for Anti-semitism” is the current column, now on An excerpt:

Paul Gottfried’s essay, “Are Bannon’s Critics For Real?”, dispenses with the no-brainer that Steve Bannon, “Breitbart executive and Donald Trump adviser,” is a white nationalist. After all, argues Gottfried, Bannon “comes from the world of Washington politics and journalism,” not exactly a hotbed of white identity politics. It’s “not at all clear to me that those who write for Bannon’s website publication, some of whom are Orthodox Jews, have much to do with white identitarians who also use the term ‘Altright,’” contends Gottfried.

As co-originator of the Alternative Right concept and phrase, Gottfried is in the know.

His piece appeared on FrontPage Magazine, which openly debates taboo topics—from black-on-white crime (the predominate kind), to slavery (who abolished it; who still practices it), to Islam (it counsels conquest, not co-existence). And now neoconservatism, a deformation of conservatism drastically weakened, inadvertently, by Donald Trump.

Why inadvertently? As Barack Obama remarked recently (“a stopped clock” and all that stuff), President-elect Trump is not an ideologue. It’s a point made in my latest book, “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed”:

“Donald Trump is no ‘visionary’ vis-à-vis government. If anything, he’s practical and pragmatic. He wants a fix for Americans, not a fantasy. A healthy patriotism is associated with Trump’s kind of robust particularism—petty provincialism, if you like—and certainly not with the deracinated globalism of the neoconservative and liberal establishment. The Left calls it fascism; patriots call it nationalism. Donald Trump has the potential to be just the provincial, America Firster the doctor ordered.”

Bannon is also catching hell for some hearsay. He’s alleged to have complained about wealthy Jews raising “whiney brats.” Try this on for antisemitism. It’s a flashback. I’m seated at a café with my father. We’re being served by a rather animated waiter. I can’t recall how the conversation turned to Ashkenazi Jews, but our waiter let rip: “If only Hitler had killed all of them,” he fulminated.

The café was in Israel of my youth. The waiter was a Yemeni Jew. The time: Well before American political correctness had percolated around the world. The hatred our waiter had expressed for his East-European brethren was perfectly understandable to Israelis back then. …

Read the rest.  “Try This on for Anti-semitism” is now on

Jewish Progressives Petrified Of … Ann Coulter And Donald Trump

Ann Coulter, Anti-Semitism, Donald Trump, Elections, Judaism & Jews, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim

Forward Magazine, a progressive Jewish publication, is petrified not of Muslim immigration (which has seen European Jews come under siege), but of … Ann Coulter and Donald Trump (whose son-in-law is an orthodox Jew). Phoebe Maltz Bovy claims to speak for us “Jews” in “Why Ann Coulter’s Pro-Trump ‘4 Grandparents’ Tweet Is So Scary for Jews”:

Right-wing personality-shall-we-say Ann Coulter tweeted her wishes that “only people with at least 4 grandparents born in America” could vote, because then, Trump would, she believes, win the election. Coulter, who I will confess I’d mostly lost track of, in the blur of 2016 horribleness and 1990s revivalism, has evidently — see Cathy Young — reinvented herself as an alt-right anti-Semite.
The “grandparents” remark — apart from the strangeness of assuming the typical person has more than four grandparents — offers an explicitly exclusionary definition of American national identity. It doesn’t take years’ worth of seminars on Vichy France to see that this is full-on, red-alert we’ve-seen-this-before xenophobia. But if you have studied modern European history, as I have, it’s like, huh, I guess I’m going to be one of those faceless The Jews studied years from now, by doctoral students contemplating whatever happened to America’s Jewish population, which was, they have read, very vibrant at one point. …

Nothing has changed since I wrote the 2004 column, “MUSLIM IMMIGRATION TIME BOMB IGNORED BY AMERICAN JEWS”:

… In Canada, Muslims now greatly outnumber Jews. What remains of a European Jewry devastated by the Holocaust comes under daily assaults and threats, mostly from the 20-million strong Muslim community.
American Jewry is next. Second only to another immigrant constituency—Latinos—the relatively new (roughly 30-year-old) Muslim community is the most anti-Semitic community in the U.S. But its exponential growth through immigration has failed to alarm Jewish leaders. Listening to them, you would think that the chief dangers to Jewish continuity are marauding Mormons (their sin is converting dead Jews) or Mel Gibson, whose movie, “The Passion of the Christ,” they predicted, would unleash “pogroms in Pittsburgh.”