Category Archives: Law

UPDATED (10/1): NEW COLUMN: GOP Betrayal: The Cross Examination That Never Was

Constitution, Criminal Injustice, Justice, Law, Natural Law, Republicans

THE NEW COLUMN IS “GOP Betrayal: The Cross Examination That Never Was.” It’s now on and the Unz Review.

An excerpt:

By the time this column goes to press, Christine Blah-Blah Ford would’ve appeared before the coven once considered the greatest deliberative body in the world: The United States Senate.

At the time of writing, however—on the eve of a hearing conducted by the Senate Judiciary Committee to ascertain the veracity of Blasey Ford’s sexual assault claim against Judge Brett Kavanaugh—I hazard that voter distrust in the Republicans will prove justified.

True to type, Republicans will deliver a disaster to their supporters—to those banking on the confirmation of another conservative to the Supreme Court bench.

To question the two adversaries, the psychology professor versus the Supreme Court nominee, the Republicans chose an unknown, unremarkable quantity—a Phoenix-based prosecutor named Rachel Mitchell. Mitchell heads the Special Victims Division of Maricopa County, which consists of “sex-crimes and family-violence bureaus.”

This slipshod selection seemed forensically tailored to Judge Kavanaugh’s alleged crime. It almost suggested Republicans believe such a crime had occurred. Or, worse: These slithering opportunistic reptiles (with apologies to the reptile community) must feel politically compelled to conduct themselves as if Kavanaugh were indeed culpable.

Days before the hearing, this writer had warned that the Republicans did not have the male bits to defend Kavanaugh themselves: “With their choice of sex-crimes prosecutor Mitchell to quiz Brett Kavanaugh and his nemesis, what are Republicans saying? That they think a sex crime occurred?”

A better choice would have been Olivia Benson, leading lady on TV’s “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.” Actress Mariska Hargitay would’ve put on a better show than Mitchell and consulted with sharper legal minds for her script. Hargitay is a liberal, but she’s a pro.

Mitchell, a humdrum, minor state functionary, was unlikely to effect a cross examination for the ages—which is what was required if Brett Kavanaugh was to have a fair shake.

For his part, Kavanaugh is oddly obtuse for one who is said to be such a great jurist. Meek, mild and emotional, he does not seem up to the task of defending himself.

Had the Republicans, also the laggards who dominate the Judiciary Committee, chosen to meaningfully fight for their candidate; they might have opted for one of two dazzling legal scholars. (Please, gentle reader, do not, in the same breath, mention TV judge Andrew Napolitano. Napolitano is a left-libertarian mediocrity who, predictably, has taken the Left’s position on the violence-against-women sub-science.) …

… READ THE REST. “GOP Betrayal: The Cross Examination That Never Was” is now on and the Unz Review.

UPDATE (10/1):

Thrown to the wolves: ‘The White House authorizes FBI to expand Kavanaugh investigation.

Sick society. A well-to-do, whiny Cali prof gets boatloads of money for?

Poor mom.

Blah-Blah’s Year Book:

The New American ‘Justice’

Constitution, Justice, Law, Republicans

“… never in our lifetimes have sitting members of Congress attacked our justice system as they now are. Lawmakers had never mocked the idea of due process, called for the collective punishment of American citizens or declared that the burden of proof is on the accused.“—Tucker Carlson.

“… Elected officials have announced they no longer believe in our Western understanding of justice … We accuse you of a felony. Your job is to show you’re innocent. You’re a sex criminal, prove you’re not. …”

… Senate Republicans declared in effect that all allegations against Brett Kavanaugh must be heard no matter how frivolous or obviously fraudulent they are. We can’t control the Senate Republicans, obviously. They exist in their own world. But we can remind them what is at stake here.

… You wanted secure borders. You wanted an end to ObamaCare and you wanted non-crazy people on the Supreme Court of the United States.

You didn’t get the first two. You’re starting to realize you probably never will, because Republicans in the Senate don’t care enough to protect you.

Don’t feel too bad: They don’t care enough about Brett Kavanaugh or our Constitution to protect them, either.

MORE: “If you’re a Republican, you may be wondering why should I bother to vote?

UPDATES (9/26): Christine Blasey Ford’s Contempt For Kavanaugh’s 6th Amendment Confrontation Rights

Constitution, Criminal Injustice, Feminism, Gender, Justice, Law, Morality, Sex

A family member of Christine Blasey Ford told a friendly network that Ford was a serious person, a scientist, no less.

For one thing, Ford is a psychologist. As such, she can only be a social scientist, not a scientist.

For another, if Ford’s “science” is anything like her callous attitude toward the rights of the accused in our adversarial understanding of the law—then she is not  a”scientist,” and most definitely no “serious person.” She might even be legitimately considered a bit of a menace.

One item on Blasey Ford’s long list of demands to the US Senate Judiciary Committee, before she relents and goes away, is that “Brett Kavanaugh should be questioned first, before he has the opportunity to hear Ford’s testimony.”

Kavanaugh goes first and is denied the opportunity to hear the accusations against him, confront his accuser, and fashion a response to her accusations.

Make no mistake, Blasey Ford is submitting Kavanaugh to a public lynching, a trial by any other name, except that this trail is without protections such as the presumption of innocence.

And certainly without the 6th amendment constitutional protections:

The 6th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution sets out many rights for defendants during a criminal prosecution, including the right of the accused to confront their accusers. The relevant text of the Confrontation Clause of the 6th Amendment reads as follows: In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to be confronted with the witnesses against him.

Impotent Republicans are incapable of standing up for anything. GOP Chairman Chuck Grassley JUST caved again to Blasey Ford, giving her Highness still more time to decide on yet MORE conditions for her appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

UPDATES (9/26):

Why not Harmeet K. Dhillon?

A sex-crimes prosecutor? What on earth for?

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American Justice: See If You Can Plea-Bargain Yourself Out Of Jail

Criminal Injustice, Justice, Law, The State

From Paul Craig Roberts comes the most important sentences you’ll read today. It encapsulates the fate of Paul Manafort and so many others:

Justice no longer exists in America as 97% of felony convictions result from self-incrimination—plea bargains in which the defendant, innocent or guilty, advised by his attorney that a fair trial is impossible, admits to some offense in exchange for a watered-down sentence.


Decades ago when there was still some semblance of justice in the American justice system, police had to provide sound evidence for their case in order for the prosecutor to take up the case. The reason was that prosecutorial budgets were limited, and the career interests of prosecutors was to get as many convictions out of their budget as possible. Today, however, when even the innocent prefer to admit a crime rather than run the risk of a trial, prosecutors have endless strings of “convictions” without having to spend days or weeks in trial.

Today prosecutors no longer have to prove a case before a jury. They only negotiate with the defendant’s attorney a crime, whether committed or not, that settles the case. …

MORE: “Evidence Is No Longer A Western Value.”