Category Archives: libertarianism

The Neoconservative & Left-Libertarian Positions: Liberty Is Universal


Judge Andrew Napolitano, courted by libertarians on the Right, articulates the essence of left-libertarianism, left-liberalism and neoconservatism. (The “What if?” style of writing is hard to stomach, too.)

What if liberty really is attached to humanity? What if all rational people yearn for personal freedom? What if the government — in order to stay in power — has detached liberty from humanity and made it a gift of the state instead of a gift of God? What if government knows that by restricting and then expanding liberty, it can command loyalty?

Essentially, liberty has no cultural or historical or religious dimension; it’s a universal quest. Inside every Afghani or Yemeni is a Jeffersonian waiting to break free. Blame governments, not the people, for barbarism in certain parts of the world (which is what I call a form of social determinism, “the state made me do it”).

Napolitano’s position is not paleolibertarianism, but it’s a position inherent in left-libertarianism, left-liberalism and neoconservatism.

UPDATED (10/15): What Matters To Women: The Coming American Matriarchy


The malevolent matriarchy. Moronic, too:

UPDATED (10/19):

First up is the First Lady:

Don’t marry a female Democrat. You know she’s got mush for brains, as she doesn’t understand liberty. But she’s also more likely to look like this woman:

The matriarchy won’t abide naughty words about women, but can’t think ahead to the rape and murder that’ll come with Hillary’s rapefugees and free-for-all immigration policies:

She has a dream for us. Heeeere’s Hillary:

Mr. Putin; you’re using man logic. The prevailing logic is the US is different. Nobody has the right to hack Hillary’s campaign emails—even if it’s our right to know how she’s scheming on hoodwinking us.

WikiLeaks: Hillary hates you if you’re the hoi polloi and not like her:

Judge Napolitano, left-libertarian lightweight, approves of Hillary’s legal style.

This lady, Amal Cloony, is actually right to rail at the UN:



“TRUMP TAXES” is the current column, now on, America’s “top source for conservative commentary.” An excerpt:

….At the risk of offending the crass utilitarians who make up the cattle that is the commentariat, I’ll talk natural rights.

It has become anathema to float the outrageous idea that a man owns the proceeds from his labor, completely, and that whatever government takes from him or her amounts to private property stolen.

It’s considered an equal outrage to so much as suggest that your prime real estate is your body. And that what you do to sustain your corporeal self—the money you make—is an extension of your body and 100 percent yours.

Certainly from the fact that the state skims 30 percent or 45 percent, or some random sum, from your pay—it does not follow that this law is preordained by a higher power.

Neither does it follow that, by virtue of being decided by 535-odd clowns in the Lower and Upper Houses, property confiscated by force—taxation—is sanctioned by the same higher power.

You may also wish to consider that the US government no longer pays for its obligations, but continues to borrow against the future earnings of its people. What is not borrowed by government or counterfeited by the Federal Reserve is confiscated from individual Americans via taxation.

So preventing a thief and counterfeiter from seizing funds that’ll be further misused and misspent is a laudable thing. Moreover, what the state takes from you is fungible—in other words, the government can put your money to use as it sees fit, not as you see fit. It can meddle all over the world, sponsor the importation of refugees who may kill Americans and consume resources you’d rather see spent on America’s own displaced and destitute.

While I’m making mischief, in the context of self-ownership, consider the following:

Liberals insist a woman owns her body. That’s what undergirds their insistence that she may eliminate fetal tissue from within her body.

But if ownership of their bodies is the ethical basis upon which women can choose to abort their babies; why can’t a man or a woman, for that matter—both of whom presumably own their bodies—keep private property accrued through the use of that same body’s labor and smarts? …

… Read the rest. “TRUMP TAXES” is the current column, now on, America’s “top source for conservative commentary.”