Category Archives: Morality

Dayko Dog Didn’t Need To Die (Sean Hannity 100% Correct On Pet Food)

Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Ethics, Hebrew Testament, Morality, Parrots

Handlers clearly neglected a wonderful working dog, Dayko, who died of exhaustion (“massive coronary myocardial infarction and acute respiratory failure”), rooting for survivors of the Ecuador earthquake. Now the Ibara fire service is glorifying Dayko somewhat self-servingly, in my opinion, when a couple of big bowls of water infused with electrolytes would have kept Dayko alive.

I never understand it when people are unresponsive to my many educational posts about parrots. “I’m a dog person,” they shrug. Despite being a parrot person—indeed, nothing compares to a parrot for sheer intelligent, sociability, use of language (a thing no other animal musters) and cuteness—the plight of all abused and neglected animals pains.

37ILANA Mercer, Puckering With Precious Poi

Guiltily, Sean Hannity commented today on the radio about dog food. He thinks he’s wrong to feed his dogs chunks of what he himself eats. Mr. Hannity has clearly been told by pushers of fake food that dogs need extruded pellets.

WTF? And why? That people can be led to think extruded foodstuff, out of packets, is better for an animal than fresh food—a little meat, fish, chicken (BONES!), fruit, vegetables, nuts (for birdies)—is idiotic. (Birds do not thrive on seed or lettuce. They will become malnourished and exhibit deformities.)

Where in nature do animals eat processed food? I’m sure you can save money by going back to the old-fashioned practice of feeding your pets scraps or, still better, apportioning them a little of your food, before eating. As Mr. Hannity does.

The Hebrew Bible tells us to feed our (servants) and animals first.

In any event, this sweet soul didn’t need to die. Rest in peace, Dayko.

P.S.: Oscar-Wood, the parrot of the house is currently evicting all the “bad toys” from his toy box. (Parrots always have a plan; always up to something.) He keeps only the toys he likes. The room is strewn with “bad toys,” tossed high and low emphatically and as he gives me dirty looks: “don’t you know I don’t tolerate these toys?” He roots around, actively separating out the toys, until in the toy box remain only the favored wooden toys. Adorable hook-bill.

The ‘We’re Only Following The Republican Party Rules’ Argument

Ethics, Law, Morality, Regulation, Republicans

“The rules are the rule; We are following The Rules”: When in history did we hear a riff on that theme before? Not to invoke the invalid Argumentum ad Hitlerum, which would be incredibly wrong—even in the context of the GOP—but when Republican regimists refer to THE RULES OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY as their source of moral authority; it DOESN’T SOUND GOOD and it isn’t good.

RELATED: “Trump Vs. The Banana Republicans”.

Good Man Vs. Bad: Carson Rejects Contested Convention; Kasich Embraces It

Democracy, Donald Trump, Morality, Republicans

It’s the difference between a good man and a bad man. When, in Dec. 2015, Ben Carson (good) got wind of the Republican Party’s schemes for a contested convention in the year ahead, he “condemned the GOP heads … for trying to ‘manipulate’ the primary outcome.” Carson persists in this ethical position.

“If the leaders of the Republican Party want to destroy the party, they should continue to hold meetings like the one described in the Washington Post this morning,” Carson said in a statement, which described the monthly dinner as a “party boss insider meeting.”

When weak, whiny, insider John Kasich heard he might be the anointed one, chosen by Republican Party operatives to steal the nomination from Donald Trump, he rejoiced.

We will go into Cleveland with momentum, and then the delegates are going to consider two things,” Kasich said. “No. 1, who can win in the fall — and I’m the only one that can, that’s what the polls indicate — and No. 2, a really crazy consideration, like, who could actually be president of the United States.”

How bad is Kasich? HuffPost and MSNBC, left-liberal outfits, are proposing a Clinton-Kasich ticket:

Hillary Clinton should ask John Kasich, the Republican governor of Ohio, to join her in creating a “unity ticket.” It’s time for a national ticket that reflects our national desire for a new type of politics for our modern America.

Mitt Romney Gives Mormons (I Love The Mormons) A Bad Name

Bush, Donald Trump, Elections, Iraq, Morality, Republicans, Taxation

Mitt Romney, who inherited his privileges, says of Donald Trump, “He inherited his business, he didn’t create it.” Pot, kettle, black?

But above all, Romney is utterly morally bankrupt in his praise for war criminal George W. Bush, while condemning Trump (who has never ordered the killing of a single Iraqi kid) for destroying Dubya’s precious memory:

“Donald Trump says he admires Vladimir Putin, while has called George W. Bush a liar. That is a twisted example of evil trumping good.”

(Required reading: “Trump Called Bush A Liar & He Won South Carolina (Nevada, too)” & “Making America Great Means Exposing ‘W.’”)

“On foreign policy,” says Romney, “Donald Trump tells us that he is very, very smart. I’m afraid that when it comes to foreign policy he is very, very not smart.”

Sounds like ad hominen, not argument, Mitt.

At least Trump has not promised to bomb the world as Romney did during his failed, meek, mild and obsequious run against Barack Obama, in 2012.

On Iraq, says malevolent Mitt, Trump “spoke in favor of invading.”

Well, Trump did come out forcefully against the invasion of Iraq early in the game, when Romney was cheering the Republican blood hounds he runs with. But it is true that Trump has a horrible record of actually speaking coherently and consistently. His linguistic infelicities are unbearable. Surprising, too, given Trump was such a well-spoken, refined young man. Then again, Trump has not been a politician and should not be treated as such.

Trump has never passed a law. He’s political tabula rasa to Mitt Romney’s iffy record.

On his wealth: Romney predicts “that there are more bombshells in his tax returns. I predict that he doesn’t give much if anything to the disabled and to our veterans. … And I predict that despite his promise to do so, first made over a year ago, he will never ever release his tax returns. Never. Not the returns under audit, not even the returns that are no longer being audited. He has too much to hide.”

Let’s see. Trump’s tax returns will indeed be revealing.

MORE from the bitter and twisted Mitt, who respects the Republican base not at all.