Category Archives: Multiculturalism

UPDATED (1/8/018): One Thing Is Certain: South African Immigrants To Russia Won’t Have A Destabilizing Effect

IMMIGRATION, Individual Rights, Multiculturalism, Russia, South-Africa

Thanks, Russia, for accepting 15,000 white South African farmers as the true refugees they are. This via Lana Lokteff, who, like me, is all smiles. I’ve been fighting for years for this day. Tears of joy.

“The Ugly Truth About Democratic South Africa” was published in … 2006!

Around the time Russia was doing this good deed, Braveheart Trump was saying that immigration was destroying Europe; that it’s losing its character. To say nothing about Europe gaining a fractious character, instead. This, as Theresa May cow-ered behind her podium.

One thing is certain: These new South African arrivals to Russia will not have a destabilizing effect on their hosts and new homeland.

UPDATE (1/8/018):

Progressive Pragmatism:

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Israel: Wildly Successful Country, But Too Jewish, Hints Leftist Magazine

Economy, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Multiculturalism, Nationhood

The quintessential ethno-state, Israel, is increasingly coming under attack from within and without for being … a Jewish State.

Israel at 70, grumbles The Economist, is a wildly “successful country.” Having made a successful “transition from a centralized economy,” it also sports a highly skilled labor force (May 19th-25th, 2018).

Israel’s only major problem (no, it’s  not the Palestinians aka the MOPE—the Most Oppressed People Ever): The country is marred by “xenophobia towards non-Jews and African refugees.”

AND: Israel’s “concept of citizenship, based on serving as a haven for all Jews, is hopelessly outdated.”

Time for a change, Israel! Get with it.

To retain respectability in polite circles, a developed nation-state cannot identify as a nation, or remain a nation in any meaningful way. So say the globalists, in not so many words.

It doesn’t occur to this idiocracy that Israel’s success in a failing region may have something to do with its … dominant ethnic composition.

Upper-Crust Brit Publication Blames Enoch Powell’s 1968 Immigration Warning For … Everything Bad

Britain, Criminal Injustice, Government, IMMIGRATION, Multiculturalism, Nationhood, Race, Racism

The Economist claims Enoch Powell’s 1968, April 20th “rivers of blood” speech, “before an audience of Conservative Party activists in the Midland Hotel in Birmingham,” was completely wrong in its predictions.

More than wrong. Not only does The Economist assert that Powell’s claims have been “disproved”; but that despite Britain’s relatively recent “superdiversity”; the “conflagration that Powell predicted has not materialised.”

Nice to know. And, if only.

First, a refresher:

… Powell’s “rivers of blood” speech, so named after the peroration … was a direct and provocative assault on immigration from the Commonwealth, quoting the fears of one constituent that “in 15 or 20 years’ time, the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.” It caused outrage at the time—Powell was sacked from the Tories’ front bench—and still does. Many objected even to an actor reading out his words in a recent BBC radio programme to mark the anniversary. …
… Powell’s main contention was that if mass immigration continued, there would be civil strife. “Like the Roman,” he warned, “I seem to see ‘the River Tiber foaming with much blood’.” The line was from Virgil but the apocalyptic tone was borrowed from America, ablaze with riots after the murder of Martin Luther King on April 4th that year. Powell, “filled with foreboding”, implied that Britain could not continue to absorb the current number of immigrants without mass violence. …
…The subsequent 50 years have disproved that idea. Today’s levels of immigration dwarf those at the time of Powell’s speech (see chart). About 14% of Britain’s population is foreign-born, nearly treble the proportion in 1968. Non-whites made up 14% of the population at the last census, in 2011; non-British whites (mainly Europeans) a further 5%. A tenth of adults reported that they were in mixed-race relationships. All this might have shocked Powell, who died in 1998. Yet the conflagration that he predicted has not materialised. …
… Birmingham itself provides as good a case study as any. Today half of all the non-white people in Britain live in the three largest cities of London, Birmingham and Manchester. Birmingham exemplifies the trend towards what academics call superdiversity. In the past, minority ethnic groups tended to cluster together. Now, unprecedented numbers of people of different ethnicities are mixing. No ward in Birmingham has fewer than 32 ethnic groups, says Jenny Phillimore of Birmingham University. At the extreme is Handsworth, whose 31,000 residents hail from 170 different countries. Here, says Ms Phillimore, “virtually everyone can fit in”.

That “everyone can fit in” may be true if you ignore the nobodies in this equation: white-British and Irish people.” There is,

less contact between whites and ethnic minorities. There has been some “white flight” from superdiverse areas … as whites have moved out of the poorer areas where migrants gather, to the suburbs. The end result is that “minorities are mixing with each other, but less so with the white British.”
… An official review into integration in 2016 by Dame Louise Casey found that white-British and Irish people were the least likely to have ethnically mixed social networks.

Alas, “Perfidious Albion” is not worried about “white-British and Irish people,” presumably there before the rest—but about “Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities. They have the lowest levels of English-language proficiency of any minority group; more than a fifth of Muslim women cannot speak the language well.”

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NEW COLUMN: Is Diversity Driving Decline In The White Population?

America, IMMIGRATION, Multiculturalism, Race, Racism, The West

NEW COLUMN: “Is Diversity Driving Decline In The White Population?” It’s now on and American Renaissance.

And excerpt:

An “aging white population [is] speeding [up] diversity,” blared a headline in The Hill.

Could this be a case of confusing cause-and-effect? Are the two trends—whites dying-out and minorities thriving—really spontaneous and strictly parallel?

The reverse is likely true. Corrected, The Hill headline should have read:

Could speeding up diversity contribute to a decline in the white population?

We learn that “there are growing signs that the rate of change is increasing.” Well of course. America welcomes well over 1 million, mostly non-white, immigrants a year.

If white lives mattered at all to the liberal establishment, an inquiry would ensue:

Is it possibility that an enormous influx of legal and illegal migrants over decades is playing a role in the decline of America’s founding population? (A similar, sad fate was visited on their predecessors, the Amerindians.)

On the one hand, we have the drastic, ongoing decline of America’s white population; on the other, a massive, incessant inpouring of minority immigrants, since 1965. A correlation between the two is not impossible.

A large, well-controlled national survey conducted by Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam, in 2006, found that diversity immiserates and that the historic population is most affected.

Perhaps protracted misery associated with loss of community hastens death?

The logic posits a zero-sum game. The native population has been swamped over time. Resources are scarce—especially when allocated by a wastrel, white-hating Administrative State. In hating on whites, civil society’s institutions are as culpable.

Is it not highly plausible, then, that immigration social engineering, compounded by state policies that privilege non-white newcomers, could contribute to a population decline in white America? …

… READ THE REST. “Is Diversity Driving Decline In The White Population?” is now on and American Renaissance.