Category Archives: Pseudoscience

Rachel Dolezal: A Racially Abused Girl—Really

Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Pseudoscience, Psychiatry, Race, Racism, The Zeitgeist

“Rachel Dolezal: A Racially Abused Girl—Really” is the current column. An excerpt:

… Poor Rachel [Dolezal] painted her face orange, gave herself a Sideshow Bob hairdo, and adopted the ideology of the eternally oppressed. Big deal. Most of America’s authentic poseurs are phonies who’ve never been oppressed.

Unlike most blacks, Dolezal—by the admission of the president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s Washington-State chapter—had done “quality work” to “elevate the issues of civil rights.”

“I just want to feel beautiful, and this is how I feel beautiful,” the woman said rather plaintively. Yes, Dolezal is the white face of parental and societal displacement. Why am I the only one to find her pitiful, even deserving of pity?

In America, black is beautiful.

To be black is to be more righteous, nobler; carry the heaviest historic baggage—heavier than the Holocaust—and be encouraged to perpetually and publicly pick at those suppurating sores.

To be black is to have an unwritten, implicit social contract with wider, whiter society.

To be black it to be born with an IOY (I Owe You); it is to be owed apologies, obsequiousness, education, and auto-exculpation for any wrongdoing.

Why can’t Rachel have some of that?

Was not Ms. Dolezal displaced for real in her parents’ affections? Rachel’s story should begin with parents Larry and Ruthanne Dolezal, who adopted four children, “three of whom were African-American while the other was from Haiti.”

Does this fashionable adoption not send a message to a vulnerable girl that she and her biological brother are too pale for their pious parents? …

Read the rest. “Rachel Dolezal: A Racially Abused Girl—Really” is now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine.

Murder In The Skies

Morality, Pseudoscience, Psychiatry

Whenever someone commits an evil act, it is inferred, reasoning backwards—B, therefore A is a logical fallacy; a non sequitur—that the criminal was ill, not evil. It is but a matter of time before the exculpation industry adopts their perennial position with respect to Andreas Lubitz, “the co-pilot of Germanwings Flight 9525, who was in the cockpit when the plane crashed into the French Alps. Investigators called it a ‘deliberate’ move, one that killed Lubitz and 149 others.” (CBS News)

His motive is still unclear, leading to questions about how the aviation industry screens pilots for issues like mental health. … According to investigators, Andreas Lubitz deliberately set the plane on a doomed descent. Data from an aviation flight-tracking service shows the altitude setting was turned down to 100 feet — its lowest possible level. That action appears to firmly rule out any possibility of an accident.

“Overt action is required to reach up, turn a knob many times to change it from 38,000 feet, to in this case, to 100 feet ,” said Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger – known for the Miracle on the Hudson. “One would never normally in flight set an altitude of 100 feet.”

If Andreas Lubitz did indeed do the deed; he is guilty of murder in the skies. Mass murder in the skies.

Cameron Todd Willingham & The Witchdoctors Who Killed Him

Crime, Criminal Injustice, Law, Pseudoscience

As it has been practiced for decades, arson investigations were more voodoo than science, and “arson sleuths” were often dabblers; “old-timers” who lay claim to a “a body of wisdom,” passed down from one old timer to the next arson investigator. The problem? An innocent individual, Cameron Todd Willingham, was “executed for the arson murder of his three young daughters,” in Texas, in 2004, based on this hocus-pocus.

Many arson investigators, it turned out, had only a high-school education. In most states, in order to be certified, investigators had to take a forty-hour course on fire investigation, and pass a written exam. Often, the bulk of an investigator’s training came on the job, learning from “old-timers” in the field, who passed down a body of wisdom about the telltale signs of arson, even though a study in 1977 warned that there was nothing in “the scientific literature to substantiate their validity.”

In 1992, the National Fire Protection Association, which promotes fire prevention and safety, published its first scientifically based guidelines to arson investigation. Still, many arson investigators believed that what they did was more an art than a science—a blend of experience and intuition. In 1997, the International Association of Arson Investigators filed a legal brief arguing that arson sleuths should not be bound by a 1993 Supreme Court decision requiring experts who testified at trials to adhere to the scientific method. What arson sleuths did, the brief claimed, was “less scientific.” By 2000, after the courts had rejected such claims, arson investigators increasingly recognized the scientific method, but there remained great variance in the field, with many practitioners still relying on the unverified techniques that had been used for generations. “People investigated fire largely with a flat-earth approach,” Hurst told me. “It looks like arson—therefore, it’s arson.” He went on, “My view is you have to have a scientific basis. Otherwise, it’s no different than witch-hunting.”

On September 7, 2009, the New Yorker’s David Grann wrote a lengthy expose, “Trial by Fire,” in which he asked, “Did Texas execute an innocent man?”

On March 9, this year, Maurice Possley, of The Marshall Project, all but confirmed that yes, Texas executed an innocent man.

Read the horror story of Cameron Todd Willingham, who “insisted upon his innocence in the deaths of his children and refused an offer to plead guilty in return for a life sentence.”

And the update.

UPDATED: The Farce Of ‘Black Arrests’ In Ferguson

Crime, Propaganda, Pseudoscience, Race

Ann Coulter channels Steve Sailer, who compared the arrest rates of blacks in various left wing precincts like the “People’s Republic of Santa Monica, CA”: “the black arrest rate in Santa Monica is three times as high as the black arrest rate in Ferguson, Mo.”

More than three times higher:


Related: “The Ferguson Report: The Best Of Pseudoscience (‘Disparate Impact Gambit’)”

More Steve Sailer.

UPDATE (3/16): Facebook Thread:

Myron Robert Pauli: 631/1000 – that’s 63% of the entire black population although probably many are the “usual suspects” getting arrested multiple times per year! Still an enormous number. Pretty high even for whities. The arrest rate in North Dakota (evil Republican state with lots of gun owners) is 24/1000 – although apparently the oil boom is bringing in more crime. Utah also has low crime but the crime rate does not correlate that much with RED (Idaho and Utah) vs BLUE (Vermont, Maine, and Minnesota have low crime) as much as the absence of a certain population which perhaps Steven Sailer can point out – see enclosed picture.

Myron Robert Pauli: … and the District of Columbia is # 1 … with Ward 8 being the most criminal in DC (interesting fact is that a certain research lab in Ward 8 has more patents than the rest of the Department of Defense put together – but that Lab has a barbed wire fence and guards – presumably to keep the “Russians” out!!) … – just don’t get lost can have your car break down if you are coming to visit Naval Research Lab! Still, it seems rather odd that gun-friendly Idaho has lower crime than such as a paradise as the District of Columbia with its anti-gun laws… after all, don’t we get taught that guns cause crime????!!!