Category Archives: Republicans

Adam Kinzinger Can’t Comprehend That A ‘Country’ Is Made Up Of Constituents

Iraq, Military, Morality, Neoconservatism, Republicans

Political pygmy Adam Kinzinger has joined other “original thinkers” of the D.C. uniparty in forging a “new” Republican Party.

The outward aim: Reclaim the “precious” GOP from the “deforming” clutches of Trump, whom Kinzinger also voted to impeach. But there is also the benefit of joining other young GOPers, Nancy Mace comes to mind, on the guest list at MSNBC, CNN, to bigger and better things.

With his Creepy First initiative, Kinzinger’s evinces his inability to comprehending that, for him, the “Country” ought to comprise of constituents. It is the lead of his constituents that Kinzinger is obliged to follow.

“The Republican Party has lost its way. If we are to lead again, we need to muster the courage to remember who we are.”
“We need to remember what we believe and why we believe it,” he continued. “Looking in the mirror can be hard, but the time has come to choose what kind of party we will be, and what kind of future we’ll fight to bring about.” (CNN)

And, while we’re at it, can we please quit rabbiting on about the fabric of the great military (in Kinzinger’s case the reserve)? Isn’t it obvious the military is a cesspool of leftism, statism, interventionism, propositionalism, and other, subordinate, poisonous doctrines?

Adam Kinzinger is a “five-term Illinois congressman, who “has served as a pilot with the Wisconsin Air National Guard for years and will be deployed to Arizona for two weeks. He has served three previous tours along the southwest border and has also deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.” (Wikipedia)

NEW COLUMN: The Ongoing Insurrection Against MAGA America

Criminal Injustice, Democrats, Government, GUNS, Individual Rights, Republicans, The State

NEW COLUMN, “The Ongoing Insurrection Against MAGA America,” is on WND.COM. “Peace Through Strength Is for the State, Not the Sovereign Individual” is on The Unz Review.  And Quarterly Review.

Featured on is “The Criminal Class Now The Armed Wing Of The Democratic Party.”

And on the American Greatness: “Democratic Criminal Class’ Insurrection Against MAGA America“:


…  The Law of Rule

We live under the law of rule, not the rule of law. And the law of rule favors the criminal class. Be they illegal voters, criminal aliens, or just good old vandals, rapists and murderers—the criminal class is now the armed wing of the Democratic Party.

Duly, the Black Lives Matter and Antifa militia continue to riot in cities across the country. Their “best” work is currently being carried out in the Pacific Northwest, where the degenerate, libertine political climate is seemingly most conducive to legalized crime.     

For Americans, reality is refracted through the Fake News cartel and the Deep-Tech manipulated search engine and social media. Try using the search engines to ferret out current news about “riots”—and what these’ll yield is only news about the January 6, storming of the U.S. Capitol building. Not a thing about the Democratic Party’s proxy riots ongoing elsewhere.

Entire city blocks in downtown Seattle and Portland have been commandeered with impunity by these criminals. They face no censure. From licentious city and state leaders, the rioters get not much more than mild rebuke and permissive gestures of good will (although Ted Wheeler, mayor of Portland, outrageously pepper-sprayed a BLM nasty when his own bodily integrity was threatened).

Riots have been a nightly happening in Oregon for eight straight months, including on the inauguration of Joe Biden, when more than 150 insurrectionists besieged “the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement building in Portland’s south waterfront.”

You know by now that when Black Lives Matter dreck roam the country intimidating, bullying, killing cops and ordinary countrymen, knocking out whites; defiling and destroying public monuments, sacking state capitols and courthouses; burning and looting the property of their fellow Americans—that this insurrection against MAGA America amounts to no more than an exercise of free speech and “peaceful protest.”

Parallel events have become a feature in the City of Seattle, where the same insurrectionists, who turn on their neighbors, continue to target businesses and courthouses and assault the police. Tacoma has also been engulfed by America-hating Antifa militia, targeting police for daring to protect people and their property.

Ad nauseum have we heard TV’s ugly mugs channel MLK to rationalize and normalize violent insurrection against MAGA America (a term used here to signify decent, non-deviant, likely non-Democratic America).

“A riot is the language of the unheard,” they chanted from their walled-off, rarified zip codes. The “billions being paid out in insurance claims,” they tell us, are mostly for peaceful protests, amounting to mere “isolated instances of property destruction.” Or, so goes the farrago of misinformation spread by the lying, malpracticing media about the terrifying carnage unleashed in hundreds of cities across the U.S.A., courtesy of Black Lives Matter and their Democratic shock troops. …

READ THE NEW COLUMN. “The Ongoing Insurrection Against MAGA America” is on WND.COM. “Peace Through Strength Is for the State, Not the Sovereign Individual” is on The Unz Review.

Poland Pushing Back Against Deep State Digital Oligarchy (And A Caveat)

Europe, Free Speech, Individual Rights, Nationalism, Nationhood, Natural Law, Republicans, Technology

How pathetic is it that, outside of our country, leaders are doing more to defend their citizen’s free speech than anyone in the USA, including the Republicans, who did nothing when they had the chance.—Michelle Malkin

I am envious that the Polish government, as opposed to the American regime, including the just-departed administration, appears to be looking to force the American “Deep Tech” companies to respect the freedom of speech of its citizens. In Poland, social media will be unable to take cover behind, “Your speech violates our community standards” ploy, deployed by the tech oligarchy stateside.

However, if the Polish government simply replaces Deep Tech’s speech politburos with their own—this won’t necessarily be a triumph for speech unpoliced. What must be emphasized is a return to unfettered speech (however abhorrent) for all.

Caveat notwithstanding, Poland is streaks ahead of America.

Meanwhile, and much like Wikipedia, the repulsive “Twitter’s ‘Birdwatch’ feature embraces its self-appointed thought police, giving citizen censors stamp of approval.”

And below, fighting words from Michelle Malkin and guest Matthew Tyrmand. Bravo.

IMPORTANT READ: “Deep Tech: Locked Down And Locked Out, First By The State, Then By Silicon Valley.”


UPDATED (1/25): NEW @AMERICAN GREATNESS: A Hardcore Libertarian Take on the Storming of the Capitol Building

Argument, Classical Liberalism, Government, Ilana Mercer, libertarianism, Old Right, Paleolibertarianism, Private Property, Republicans, The State

“Our country is not to be equated with our Capitol”

FEATURED ON AMERICAN GREATNESS:A Hardcore Libertarian Take on the Storming of the Capitol Building:

… Like us or not, the radical, libertarian propertarian—who does not live inside and off the Beltway—will strongly disagree with the contention of the Trump-blaming Breitbarters.

A certain kind of libertarian, the good kind, distinguishes clearly between those who, like BLM, would trash, loot and level private property—the livelihoods and businesses of private citizens—and between those who would storm the plush seats of state power and corruption.


A YouTube complement to the column is available.

In fact, a chuckle was in order in response to one of the comments on the thread. It reflects a perennial sentiment readers have expressed almost weekly, over the past 20 years (and counting).

Not a week has gone by when this kind of missive hasn’t reached my in-box. This gentlemen, like others I know (“Juvenal Early,” author of “The Dissident Right Has An Idiocracy Problem”), is quite annoyed.

Why in G-d’s name don’t I see your videos posted on American Greatness, American Renaissance, VDARE, Lew Rockwell?! They should be!


(You forgot Taki’s and Chronicles magazine.) American Greatness obviously publishes me. They are … Grrreat. As does AR. As to the others, ask them. The husband (a pretty smart guy) says, “A’s hire A’s and B’s hire C’s.” Ha, ha! Beware the scary lady.

(Highest praise, really. In this context, I am reminded of Alexei Sayle, a scrupulously honest British comedian, perceptive about human nature, too. When asked what he does when he watches a really talented satirist performing, Sayle replied: “I go back stage and tell him he’ll never make it.”)

Anyhoo, “A Hardcore Libertarian Take on the Storming of the Capitol Building” is on The American Greatness, which is leading the intellectual charge in the post-Trump era.

UPDATE (1/25):


….. “The state’s standard operating procedure is to fleece us without flinching . . . to fatten its members . . . [and] increase their sphere of influence

….. “Taxes . . . the shakedown funds extracted by the syndicate that is the state

….. “the cowardice of the garrison city-state that is Washington, D.C. . . . the political parasites who comprise it are shielding themselves from us

ILANA, you’re my kind of gal !!

Your descriptions of “the state” apply to our American federal government—-and to many state
governments—-for only, roughly, last 90 years. Prior to that point, our federal government was much more benign. Much more the way our Founders intended it to be.
Our mission is to re-claim that former style.

It seems to me you are more of a 19th. century-style classical liberal,
than a modern-day, drug-crazed “libertarian.”
You might reconsider your own appellation.

This is the most logical article I’ve seen on this site in a long, long time. The true “conservatives” are classical liberals who actually believe in freedom rather than just being the party in power.

My advice to the writer: duck! That rumbling sound you hear is the sound of the establishment orthodoxy coming for those who dare speak The Truth That Shall Not Be Named.

Finally, an article that properly analyzes what happened on Jan 6., including consideration of the fact that the federal government is no longer legitimate.