As if we doubted it, Ron Paul promises that he is “in this race for the long haul.” The following is from a circular sent out by WND.COM:
Ron Paul’s constitutional conservative credentials are unmatched.
He is:
*** 100% Pro-Second Amendment. Paul has received a lifetime “A” rating from the NRA, and I was given the “Defender of the Second Amendment Award” by Gun Owners of America in 2011. I’ve voted against gun control – EVERY time.
*** 100% Pro-Right to Work. Paul has never caved to the union bosses’ pressure. I voted to defeat Big Labor’s “Card Check” scheme, and I will continue the fight I’ve led as a congressman to the White House by fighting for passage of a National Right to Work Act.
*** 100% Pro-Health Freedom. Paul has introduced legislation in Congress to repeal ObamaCare’s hated individual mandate. As President, I will order all federal agencies to stop enforcing any rules and regulations related to ObamaCare, and I will veto any bills that fund this unconstitutional powergrab.
While Mitt Romney receives his most contributions from Wall Street, the top three donors to Ron Paul’s campaign by occupation are U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy.
Paul has received more support from active duty military than all my opponents combined, and my other donors are everyday grassroots Patriots like you who just want to enjoy the full blessings of freedom and pass them on to the next generation.
UPDATE: New contributors to BAB’s Comments Section: you may enjoy our Ron Paul Articles archive. Click on “Ron Paul.”