Category Archives: Socialism

Bernie Sanders Economics: The Reason Venezuela Is Starving


If you plant a Bernie Sanders sign in your yard—a man who has promises variations on price controls and nationalization of industries—you should suffer the worst of fates. The problem: Everybody will be affected by your emotions-driven economic and ethical ignorance—ignorance of the natural laws of economics and oblivion to the rights of free individuals to freely exchange titles to private property. In Bernie style, shortages will be blamed on “evil producers.” Further incursions will follow as “evil producers” are roped into bondage by the state. As such interventions beget more of the same, we will end up with the “Venezuela Playbook: The Communist Manifesto.”

… This choice between “fair” prices and arrest is now the norm for business owners in Venezuela. The most outrageous instance of this took place in early November, when government security forces occupied local electronics stores and began handing out TVs and other wares at “fair” (read: rock-bottom) prices. Hebert Garcia, head of the High Commission for the People’s Defense of the Economy, put it bluntly: “We have to guarantee that everybody has a plasma television and the latest-generation fridge.”
Not surprisingly, the masses lined up around the block for their piece of the government’s action. Too bad the government has failed to provide enough electricity to power the plunder. In most countries, this would be called government theft. But, under Maduro’s reign of Marxism, this redistribution has become business as usual. …

Discussion on Facebook.

Michael Walls: The fact that communism appeals so heavily to “intellectuals” is disturbing. Socialism is just “communism lite”, and the communism that socialism derived from is so absurd in it’s details it’s hard not to laugh out loud reading it. Maybe we need to re-examine the term “intellectual”.

Ilana Mercer No, Michael Walls, the fact that some communists are deemed or called “heavily intellectual” is what’s disturbing—disturbing for what it says on how we judge intellect. Your conclusion is 100%.

Educate yourself by reading.

Week’s Tweets (5/8): Paul Ryan Probably In Throes Of Political Death


Gloria Alvarez:

Hannity, VPs, Iraq & Foreign Policy

Megyn Kelly:


Seattle’s May Day Morons Should Depart For North Korea


Molotov cocktails are the only things used by Seattle May Day marchers that bear the name of a communist, a monster of a man called Vyacheslav Molotov. For the rest, the clothes they wear, the devices they use to transmit their sub-intelligent message; the food they buy on the way, likely with welfare dollars—these are all produced, or brought to market by the productive-sector, by the capitalists these anti-capitalists dream of destroying.

Even Bernie Sanders is made in America. In North Korea, Sanders would be in a labor camp learning the ropes, which is where these dumb and dangerous protesters should be.

The Seattle Police Department is trying more vigorously than years past to prevent wanton destruction of private property by this most stupid, dispensable segment of society.

This being the Age of the Idiot, our mindless media are providing giving wall-to-wall coverage.

‘Think About The Kids: No! F-ck The Kids. Adult Lives Matter, Too’


“F-ck The Kids. Adult Lives Matter, Too.” That’s it. That’s my official statement about all kid-related arguments, first “articulated”—in scare quotes, because not exactly articulate—in “GOP Debate: America-First Alliance Emerges; Neoconservatives Neutralized,” scrubbed from the WND version but sensibly retained by the other editors.

After fielding another angry “Think About The Kids’ missive on a Twitter thread, I thought I should make my “position” (self-deprecating quotes) clear.

The kids are overrated. Most of them are socialists. (Their brains are not fully formed until the early 20s, or something.) Traditionalists value hierarchy (see August 14 … 2002 column). True-blue cultural conservatism doesn’t deify the effing Kids.

As the great Florence King put it, “… children have no business expressing opinions on anything except, ‘Do you have enough room in the toes?'”

Oscar Wilde: Youth is wasted on the young.

Facebook Thread is Here.