Category Archives: The State

UPDATED (12/11): Another Great Stride For Mankind Made By Donald Trump: Slap The CIA

Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Hillary Clinton, Intelligence, Iraq, Media, Russia, The State

Joy. The most powerful man in the world, President-elect Donald Trump, has mainstreamed a truth for which some of us were ostracized 14 years ago. Mr. Trump continues to call out and disavow the malicious lie (from beginning to end) that was Bush’s war on Iraq:

“President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team questioned the credibility of the CIA late Friday in response to a report the agency found Russia intervened in the election to boost his prospects. ‘These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction,’ the Trump transition team said in a statement. ‘The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. It’s now time to move on and ‘Make America Great Again.'” (USA Today)

As reported here last night, a secret assessment by the notoriously politicized Central Intelligence Agency, touted by a Fake News source, The Washington Post, has decreed—didn’t prove or provide evidence for—that Vladimir Putin essentially elected Trump. This Russia is alleged to have done by hacking the Democratic National Congress’ emails and revealing reality. The reality revealed in those DNC-Podesta, Wikileaks emails showed the world just what incorrigible scumbags were Hillary Clinton and her team.

UPDATE (12/11):
Assange at odds:

Kellyanne concurs with Assange:

Marcobot hates the peace-makers; what’s new?

FBI at odds with CIA:

Putin Vs. Lindsey Graham: the first would not destabilize his country:

Fake News is sick:

Turkish, Washington-State Mass Murderer Had Been Voting Illegally

IMMIGRATION, Islam, Jihad, Law, The State

The New York Times does not say “murder” or “alleged murder,” or even “confessed murderer,” but the first-degree murder of five, north of Seattle—a murder by-Muslim-permanent-resident Arcan Cetin—is, in elite speak, nothing but a “fatal shooting.” How open-ended.

ICE, however, goes one better. This murderer’s records are protected by ICE, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Arcan Cetin voted, reports Lars Larson. But nobody at ICE is allowed to tell a good citizen like broadcaster Lars Larson if Cetin voted legally or not. Larson had done the legwork and came up sans confirmation. ICE was diligent in protecting the voting record of Cetin.

Naturally, permanent residents are not permitted to vote. Cetin voted.

In this country, traitor elites put laws in place to protect the treacherous.

2 Immutable Libertarian Truths About Gold Stars & Creating Value For Society

Business, Donald Trump, Free Markets, Government, libertarianism, Military, The State, War

Shall I play the litmus-test game of, “Are you a libertarian”? OK. I don’t believe you can call yourself a libertarian and disagree with these two statements I tweeted out:

1) The obscenity of the Gold Star designation, given for the “privilege” of dying for Uncle Sam. You are not awarded for bravery, where your obligation is toward your brothers-in-arms, for whom most men in the military are prepared to die; your family is awarded with a special status for simply dying, for getting killed.

2) Donald Trump has created more value for many more fellow Americans than any one man dying in the service of The State. (He just doesn’t know how to express himself. Neither do his “surrogates.”) Are we back to conflating The State’s wars with the Common Good? Wars destroy wealth and life; they don’t enhance them. America hasn’t fought a Just War for a long long time. (Read “Just War for Dummies.”)

‘Alienated’ Muslims Mutilated, Dismembered & Tortured Their French Victims

IMMIGRATION, Intelligence, Islam, Terrorism, The State

They did it in the 1973 Yom Kippur War to Israeli soldiers caught on the borders unaware: disembowel, gouge out eyes, castrate victims, and shove their testicles in their mouths.

This time, Muslims who’d been welcomed into foolish French society did these deeds to their civilian hosts, with an added flare: At the Bataclan theatre, scene of the December, 2015 execution of over 130 individuals, the Muslims running wild in that country (and in ours) “stabbed women in the genitals and filmed [their handiwork] for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda.”

The French government concealed the facts from those it serves (who don’t seem to care much), just like our FBI and their overlords keep details about Muslim aggressors from Americans. (See “I Told You The FBI Is Rotten & Responsible For Terror Unleashed.”)

“EXCLUSIVE: France ‘Suppressed News of Gruesome Torture’ at Bataclan Massacre”