Category Archives: The West

ET Analyzes Paris Attacks & Weeps For The West


“ET Analyses Paris Attacks & Weeps For The West” is now on WND. An excerpt:

In the West, crying and dying is framed as … winning.

Or so an Extra-Terrestrial from Deep Space would conclude, should he look down upon the landmasses that make up the West.

From his worldly perspective, ET will observe that when they are blown up by the Aliens in Their Midst, the West is wont to display mounds of fluffy objects, flowers and candles.

Somehow, this ritual is equated with resilience and triumph.

Could it be that this pasty-faced, tearful people believes that displays of inanimate objects that swell landfills will appease their gods? ET is still in the preliminary stages of his implacably objective inquiry.

To ET, these perennial, robotic, mass-mourning rituals performed after such strikes are a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, to borrow from Winston Churchill. Any rational creature capable of distilling events to their bare-bones essence would concur.

The hobbled West, the poor French, in particular, is grief stricken. One hundred and thirty compatriots were slaughtered in venues across Paris. The coordinated, Nov. 13 attacks were the handiwork of one Abdelhamid Abaaoud and his band of Islamic State sympathizers, Muslims all. One of the eight evildoers was a refugee, some were European nationals, all were recipients of Western largess.

The sanctimonious literati (not a very literate lot) call Abaaoud a local Belgian boy. The enclaves of Muslims in France they consider as French as the beret and the baguette.

But Abaaoud and his brothers, notes ET, who has been around for ages, was Belgian like Jacques Brel was Muslim. (ET’s enormous blue eyes well-up when he listens to Brel’s achingly beautiful “Ne me quitte pas,” sung sublimely by Dame Shirley Bassey. How great was the West, he murmurs.)

The mastermind of the attacks across Paris was part of the young, restive and ingrate Muslim population living on the outskirts of the great European cities and on the fringe of its society – often in housing projects and on welfare, a propensity that doesn’t detract from this group’s prized and protected position in the West.

ET wonders if Westerners, a confused lot, believe the Angry Muslims in their midst are gods in need of appeasement. This might explain the furry and fiery offerings on the sidewalks. ET also notes that the Pale Faces have the same crippling reverence for blacks and Hispanics.

With his luminous finger – it works like the Microsoft Surface Tablet pen does – ET scribbles the following furiously: “Are Western ‘leaders’ recruiting this incompatible cohort because they consider them, irrationally, to be gods?”

The lemmings’ leaders – people with names like Obama, Hollande, Merkel, Cameron – use Muslims (as well as Hispanics and blacks), aliens and nationals to beat their own populations into submission.

Fail to accept the flooding of your communities with people of an incompatible culture and a belligerent faith – and the cultural Marxists foot soldiers will ruin you with the following labels:

White supremacist
Extreme rightist

ET can’t quite fathom why such phrases and words send the earthlings into painful paroxysms. Nevertheless, an earthling would rather die than be called a racist by cultural Marxists.

From his seat in the heavens, ET can see that the soft nations are comprised of supremely kind people, verging on the sanctimonious. Africa, the Middle East, Near East, Far East: As do-gooders go, there is no match for the giving, gullible people of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Wherever you look, the whites of the world are untiring in doing the world’s good works and saving the planet and its creatures.

Yet every other people aside whites is allowed to claim and keep its corner under the sun. Dare to suggest that China, India, Saudi-Arabia, Yemen, Japan, or South-Korea open the floodgates to aliens who’ll disrupt the ancient rhythm of these countries – and you’ll get an earful. Yet this is what Anglo-Americans and Europeans are cheerily called on to do by a left-liberal establishment, which finds the exotic more sympathetic.

True, Westerners have the best countries. But the verdant, lush, lovely West is the way it is due to Western civilization’s human capital. The core, founding populations in these countries once possessed the innate abilities and philosophical sensibilities to flourish mightily.

Yet despite the West’s generosity to the Rest, its people is the only people to be shamed, ostracized, threatened and maligned when talking about the lands of their forefathers, the beliefs of forebears, the faith and folklore of Founding Fathers. (Discussing quilting is OK, I suppose.) …

… Read the rest. “ET Analyses Paris Attacks & Weeps For The West,” is now on WND.

UPDATED: Abdelhamid Abaaoud As Belgian As … Jacques Brel


To listen to the Moron Media and their political masters, The Beast, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, architect of the November 13 attacks in Paris, was as Belgian as composer Jacques Brel. The gifted Brel, a manly man who died at a respectable age of 49 of lung cancer, gave us the achingly beautiful “Ne me quitte pas” (“If you go away”), sung sublimely by Dame Shirley Bassey.

UPDATED: Jacques Brel: What an intense musician. The male version of Édith Piaf. In Israel of my youth, these musicians were as popular as they were in Europe, back before The Beast.


Deport George Soros


If leftists of the Anglo-American and European spheres had any sense—they don’t!—they’d be demanding the deportation of George Soros from their respective countries. Soros, chairman of the Open Society Foundation, is a traitor to the nations within which he has embedded himself. Here are some components of Soros’ stated program to further swamp the indigenous peoples of the West:

… First, the EU has to accept at least a million asylum-seekers annually for the foreseeable future. And, to do that, it must share the burden fairly – a principle that a qualified majority finally established at last Wednesday’s summit.

Adequate financing is critical. The EU should provide €15,000 ($16,800) per asylum-seeker for each of the first two years to help cover housing, health care, and education costs – and to make accepting refugees more appealing to member states. It can raise these funds by issuing long-term bonds using its largely untapped AAA borrowing capacity, which will have the added benefit of providing a justified fiscal stimulus to the European economy.

It is equally important to allow both states and asylum-seekers to express their preferences, using the least possible coercion. Placing refugees where they want to go – and where they are wanted – is a sine qua non of success.

Second, the EU must lead the global effort to provide adequate funding to Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey to support the four million refugees currently living in those countries. …

Bad actor and traitor Soros fails to demand the only ethical solution to the refugee crisis the world over: Stop the wars and the “democratic outreach” that have destroyed the refugees’ countries of origins. This omission tells you everything you need to know about the measure of the man.

East European leaders are so much more adept than the treacherous West European political class at fending off assaults on the sovereignty of their nationals. Said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban:

“ … [Soros’] name is perhaps the strongest example of those who support anything that weakens nation states, they support everything that changes the traditional European lifestyle. These activists who support immigrants inadvertently become part of this international human-smuggling network.”

Orban has drawn the fire of liberal civil-rights groups for constructing a razor wire fence along the border and for tightening laws granting asylum to those from other nations. Orban has also been slammed for siding with those who want to stem the tide of migrants heading into European Union nations from Syria and other Mideast regions. …


Remember, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are in agreement with Soros’ globalism. So are establishment Republicans. Note how these Republicans keep excoriating Democrats for their history as the party of States’ Rights and Southern agrarian interests.

Of course, the “deport” of the title is figurative speech. George Soros can move an agenda from wherever he resides. He simply buys politicians and governments—The Davos “smart” set doesn’t need buying; it’s naturally corrupt—who, in turn, sell out their own people.

Cold Turkey For Creepy Kids And Their Even Creepier Parents


Here is a follow up on our pro-civilization, Adult Lives Matter, reclaim-the-childhood crusade. To our dossier on a child-deifying nation, we add the insanity that is the non-dilemma below.

A DRUDGE headline blares today: “Parent: My 8-Year-Old Son’s iPad Addiction Is As Real As Alcoholism, Drug Abuse…”

You don’t need to read this drivel in which a dumb parent “shares” his dumber, self-inflicted malady so publicly—public writing has turned into anti-intellectual public advocacy, hasn’t it? Conjure and share your cultivated malady, and abracadabra, you are a hero.

Whinging aside, you already knew the following:

* It’s your fault the little snot is addicted not to books or to outdoor ball games, but to gadgets.

* Who gave the gadget to said snot? You did! Take the iPad away.

* Stop paying for your kids’ cell phones and assorted hand-held devices. (It costs a fortune!)

You and I survived without them. If Creepy kid needs to contact crazy in love parent urgently, he or she can go to the principal’s office. It’ll give Creepy an opportunity to practice a few civilizing habits you refrained from teaching him:

Knock on her door (it’s never a guy these days). Enter when she says so. Address her as Ma’am or Mrs. Ask if you may call mom or dad, PLEASE.

Alternatively, tell him to wait on the corner until you collect him, just like you, his parent, used to do (we walked home, 4-5km each day).

Oh, and if a stranger sidles up to Creepy … you know the rest.


“Adult Lives Matter: On Kids And Communism.”

“Reclaiming Childhood: They Don’t Make Kids Like They Use To.”