Category Archives: The Zeitgeist

UPDATE II: The Latest Mrs. Limbaugh (Ditto Heads)

Conservatism, Media, Morality, Pop-Culture, The Zeitgeist

Silly me; I had imagined that the fourth marriage of an iconic American conservative, at the ripe age of 59, would be a little less ostentatious than Michelle Obama’s disco party for Mexican President Felipe Calderon. No such luck.

The latest Mrs. Limbaugh is half his age. Not unattractive; she’s certainly a trophy wife. The boob job is identifiable a mile away. I see identical mounds everywhere around me.

“Serial monogamists” is how Larry Auster thinks of “the Republican Party’s three major stars—Gingrich, Giuliani, Limbaugh,” who’ve “reached a milestone,” since all three have been married three times.

“With this trinity of thrice-married ‘conservative’ deities on tap, who knows what wonders 2012 might bring? Perhaps a Gingrich-Giuliani presidential ticket, with Limbaugh presiding at the inaugural ceremony.”

Run for cover.

UPDATE: “I’M A SINGLE LADY.” Men, especially powerful wealthy ones, have always been able to court younger women. The kind way to put it is that power and wealth are aphrodisiacs to women. The harsher reality is this: to be prepared to bed an older, overweight man (albeit with means), a young woman in her prime is probably also greedy (there are exceptions, of course).

I don’t care for the reductionist biological explanations of why older, uglier men can attract young attractive ladies.

UPDATE II (Aug. 13): What do you know, the ditto heads have been rushing headlong into this blog, unburdened by fact (or principle), blinded by their factional loyalties.

Here’s some red meat from our Rush Archive, for the “yes” men and women who are incapable of critical thought, only blind obeisance:

It’s About Federalism, Stupid!

Addicted To That Rush

Americans: Needy, Coddled Statists

America, Europe, Government, The State, The Zeitgeist

Americans Say They Hate Government Yet Expect More From Government Than Anyone Else.

For once, a mainstream columnist goes beyond the partisan staked-out positions to look at Americans as they truly are. As an outsider myself, I agree with “American Hypocrites” by Anne Applebaum:

“If you don’t live here all the time, and I don’t, here is what you notice when you come home: Americans—with their lawsuit culture, their safety obsession, and above all their addiction to government spending programs—demand more from their government than just about anybody else in the world. They don’t just want the government to keep the peace and create a level playing field. They want the government to ensure that every accident and every piece of bad luck is either prevented or fully compensated. And if the price of their house drops, they will hold the government responsible for that, too.

To put it bluntly, middle-class Americans of the right, left, and center have now come to expect a level of personal financial security that—despite the stereotypes—most people would never demand from their governments. In a review he wrote earlier this month, Brink Lindsey, the vice president of the libertarian Cato Institute—a man who knows what he is up against—pulled up some extraordinary statistics. Most Americans, it turns out, are suspicious of the free market. And most American also approve of high government spending. The majority of Americans are wary of global trade, don’t trust free markets, and also think ‘the benefits from … Social Security or Medicare are worth the costs of those programs.’ And when the sample is restricted to people who support the Tea Party movement? The number is still 62 percent.

…in Washington, these expenditures are known as ‘third rails’: If you touch them, you’re dead. President George W. Bush talked a little bit about making individuals more responsible for their retirement, and then he gave up. The ‘privatization’ of Social Security, as it was sneeringly described, was just too unpopular, particularly among his own supporters.

Read “American Hypocrites.”

Pimp My President

Barack Obama, Celebrity, Economy, Pop-Culture, The Zeitgeist

A genteel soiree? A sedate supper befitting times of austerity? Those are not for our BHO. High culture? Forget that. It’s disco time at the White House. It’s boogie time, as Beyonce shakes her pelvis along side Mr. and Mrs. BHO. Byron York (via Larry Auster) gives us the lowdown:

“At a time when the unemployment rate stands at 9.9 percent, when jobs are still being lost, when worries about the global economy are causing breathtaking volatility on Wall Street, when millions of Americans who still have jobs are worrying more than ever about the safety of their retirement savings — at a time when all that is going on, the Obama White House has turned itself into a showcase of glitzy extravagance.”

Wednesday night’s White House state dinner for Mexican President Felipe Calderon was, as far as the dinner itself was concerned, a fairly routine, if sumptuous, affair. The East Room was a grand setting, and First Lady Michelle Obama brought in a favored Chicago chef to put together a complex and expensive menu. “The main course of Oregon wagyu beef came with a Oaxacan black mole sauce with more than 20 ingredients that takes days to come together,” reported the Associated Press.

Of course state dinners are supposed to be special. But where the Obama/Calderon affair really hit the heights was in the festivities after the dinner, which took place in a huge tent

Press your nose to the window, HERE..

What inspired this title is a more honest, self-supporting endeavor than this state-extravaganza—the MTV series, “Pimp my Ride.”

Precious Or Grotesque?

Film, Hollywood, Objectivism, Pop-Culture, Reason, The Zeitgeist

The following excerpt is from this week’s WND.COM column, “Precious Or Grotesque?”:

“….What is so grotesque about the film ‘Precious’ is not the actress—who seems pleasant enough—so much as the film; the fiction, the yarn it spins and the emotions it calculatingly elicits. ‘Precious’ is intended to tug at every single sentimental fiber in a person’s being.

Mired in the misery of Harlem, the ugliest, fattest, most abused and tormented young girl is kicked about some more after spending earlier formative years as the ugliest, fattest, most abused and tormented child in the world, born to the cruelest most craven parents ever, who—although they don’t sacrifice her in a ritual murder—make up for this show of restraint by beating, impregnating, and infecting their daughter with HIV. …

“‘Precious’ … is a gratuitous orgy of pornography, pathology, and sentimentality. It is extreme fiction aimed at exaggerated emotion.” …

THE COMPLETE COLUMN IS “Precious Or Grotesque?”

Do read my libertarian manifesto, Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash With A Corrupt Society.

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