Category Archives: The Zeitgeist

Updated: Wet Dreams Of My Obama

Barack Obama, Celebrity, Gender, Intelligence, Journalism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, The Zeitgeist

The New York Times worries sick about immigration patriots, whom its editorial Know-Nothings go all out to libel and marginalize as xenophobes. With bankruptcy looming, that ought to be the least of their worries. The proliferation of vulgar, vapid columns like this one (excerpts via over the pages of the Old Gray Lady ought to be far more disconcerting.

Writes one Judith Warner:

“The other night I dreamt of Barack Obama. He was taking a shower right when I needed to get into the bathroom to shave my legs, and then he was being yelled at by my husband, Max, for smoking in the house.”

And: “Barack and Michelle Obama look like they have sex. They look like they like having sex … often. With each other.”

That’s what the Silly Sex daydreams about. Fear not, Silly One, The Awesome One will screw you over.

Update (Feb. 9): The teenybopper president is … weighing on one hefty issue: Jessica Simpson’s weight. Peeved that a portrait of Himself and the Holy Family was bumped from the canonical US Weekly’s cover in favor of Simpson’s apparently expanding frame, Obama muttered: Jessica is “in a weight battle, apparently.”

Shallow Americans will soon discover that behind the high-flown banalities is quite a mundane, if supple, mind.

Or maybe they won’t. The media is covering for the King, so none will be the wiser. “He was taken out of context” came the blanket explanation. Okay, “Let’s replay it”:

“You got replaced by Jessica Simpson,” Matt Lauer said.

“Yeah, who’s losing a weight battle apparently,” Obama said, according to the NBC transcript of the interview. “Yeah. Oh, well.”

First, Obama wants to throwdown with a radio talker, now he’s jostling for media space with a starlet.

That’s the celebrity president and his empty-headed acolytes for you.

A Cow Is Born

Aesthetics, America, Intelligence, Media, Pop-Culture, The Zeitgeist

You had 14 underdeveloped babies, willfully test-tubed via in vitro fertilization, and you spew forth mouthfuls of clichés, oblivious to the destruction you’ve wrought. Speaking of your Mouth: you’ve inflated it to resemble the mating-abalone lips on the famous face of another fertile female. Your nose too has been so obviously sculpted to look like hers. Clearly, IVF is not your only pastime—or expense.

And those are your better features.

You’re not working with much; that’s stating the obvious. What a shame about those tiny tots, who’ll have to battle the odds of being yours.

On the bright side: Judging from your compromised intelligence, self-absorption and recklessness, you have the making of a star in contemporary America. Already you’re described by your intellectual equals in the moron media as “Calm, poised and articulate.”

America: meet Nadya Suleman The Great. “A Star is Born.”

Seriously, when I see someone on TV who’s particularly grotesque or gormless (it happens all the time), I say to Sean: “Just you see, she/he has a great career ahead.”

Related: “Octuplets One Can Get Behind: Apu & Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon’s”

Updated: Octuplets One Can Get Behind: Apu & Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon's

libertarianism, Media, Pop-Culture, The Zeitgeist

I’ve been able to avoid commenting on the curious case of Rod Blagojevich, the creepy politician who’s been singled out for special attention by an equally creepy media and Blagojevich’s crooked peers.

I see I’ll not be spared the scourge of single mother, Nadya Suleman—the interest in the woman who gave birth to octuplets in California last week is simply too great. Suleman, 33, “already had six children before giving birth on Monday,” and now has 14 kids below the age of eight.

The public might not be too enamored of Suleman, or support her plans to hawk these poor mites on Oprah, reports the Times of London, since,

“Many have asked how an unemployed single mother can raise 14 children, as her first six have already strained the family budget.”


“Experts believe that the unnamed fertility specialists who gave her in vitro fertilisation (IVF) should not have implanted so many embryos.”

Does the Times mean to imply that if the insane sow Suleman had been implanted with, say, four embryos only the dilemma would be no longer?

Talk about asking the wrong questions.

The question a moral society would ask is this:

How does an unmarried, unemployed ho, with iffy finances, and no partner, get fertilized again and again with potential children?

Under libertarian law, such transactions, of course, would not be banned. Since a welfare society would cease to exist, the incentives to manufacture these mites would diminish. One can trust accredited, professional, medical societies to police themselves.

And, of course, neither the government nor the market can eliminate a freak head case like Suleman and the odd quack who’d gratify her craven, selfish needs.

The first problem we have is an extant and growing welfare society that encourages and subsidized degrees of depravity (although Suleman is pretty far gone).

The second problem is immorality: A culture in which the consensus keepers refuse to condemn—or allow a condemnation of—laziness, self-indulgence, and lax morality. Look, Angelina Jolie has an unhealthy fetish she indulges: having or acquiring kids. She clearly gets a kick out of popping them out or adopting them. Once they grow into spoilt, insufferable, stupid brats, she’ll be less enamored of them, although still more than able to provide for her brood.

The thing is, Jolie can afford her fetishes; Suleman can’t.

The risky medical procedure, notwithstanding, my favorite octuplets were Anoop, Uma, Nabendu, Poonam, Pria, Sandeep, Sashi, and Gheet. They were born to a celebrity, married couple: Apu and Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon of The Simpsons. Those were octuplets one could get behind.

Update (Feb 2):Octuplets mom gets TV, book offers” (via Roger).

Updated: Octuplets One Can Get Behind: Apu & Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon’s

libertarianism, Media, Pop-Culture, The Zeitgeist

I’ve been able to avoid commenting on the curious case of Rod Blagojevich, the creepy politician who’s been singled out for special attention by an equally creepy media and Blagojevich’s crooked peers.

I see I’ll not be spared the scourge of single mother, Nadya Suleman—the interest in the woman who gave birth to octuplets in California last week is simply too great. Suleman, 33, “already had six children before giving birth on Monday,” and now has 14 kids below the age of eight.

The public might not be too enamored of Suleman, or support her plans to hawk these poor mites on Oprah, reports the Times of London, since,

“Many have asked how an unemployed single mother can raise 14 children, as her first six have already strained the family budget.”


“Experts believe that the unnamed fertility specialists who gave her in vitro fertilisation (IVF) should not have implanted so many embryos.”

Does the Times mean to imply that if the insane sow Suleman had been implanted with, say, four embryos only the dilemma would be no longer?

Talk about asking the wrong questions.

The question a moral society would ask is this:

How does an unmarried, unemployed ho, with iffy finances, and no partner, get fertilized again and again with potential children?

Under libertarian law, such transactions, of course, would not be banned. Since a welfare society would cease to exist, the incentives to manufacture these mites would diminish. One can trust accredited, professional, medical societies to police themselves.

And, of course, neither the government nor the market can eliminate a freak head case like Suleman and the odd quack who’d gratify her craven, selfish needs.

The first problem we have is an extant and growing welfare society that encourages and subsidized degrees of depravity (although Suleman is pretty far gone).

The second problem is immorality: A culture in which the consensus keepers refuse to condemn—or allow a condemnation of—laziness, self-indulgence, and lax morality. Look, Angelina Jolie has an unhealthy fetish she indulges: having or acquiring kids. She clearly gets a kick out of popping them out or adopting them. Once they grow into spoilt, insufferable, stupid brats, she’ll be less enamored of them, although still more than able to provide for her brood.

The thing is, Jolie can afford her fetishes; Suleman can’t.

The risky medical procedure, notwithstanding, my favorite octuplets were Anoop, Uma, Nabendu, Poonam, Pria, Sandeep, Sashi, and Gheet. They were born to a celebrity, married couple: Apu and Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon of The Simpsons. Those were octuplets one could get behind.

Update (Feb 2):Octuplets mom gets TV, book offers” (via Roger).