'Chest-Thumping Interventionists'

Foreign Policy,Iran,Neoconservatism


Alan Bock is scathing about the “heedless and self-important” “Fox-type personalities”; the people who “have spent most of their careers being wrong,” and their pronouncements about Iran.

“It is difficult to exaggerate the perniciousness and childishness of those who, as the Iranian situation unfolds, are practicing what Peggy Noonan in her Wall Street Journal column Friday called ‘Aggressive Political Solipsism at work: Always exploit events to show you love freedom more than the other guy, always make someone else’s delicate drama your excuse for a thumping curtain speech.'” a

…You can find them in full-throated bellowing mode on Fox News, at National Review online, and elsewhere in the various corners of the conservative – and sometimes moderate or liberal – blogosphere.”

I’m glad Peggy, who cheered for Bush’s war, his body parts—and for his every other bombastic utterance—has wizened up.

One thought on “'Chest-Thumping Interventionists'

  1. Myron Pauli

    What is worse than people ignorant of history are those who are perpetually stuck in a pseudo-historical myth? For the neocons, it is ALWAYS Munich circa1938. Every bad guy is Hitler, every remote place on the planet is Sudetenland, everyone calling for “action” is Churchill, and everyone calling for “restraint” is Chamberlain. In actuality, Sudetenland had been sliced off the Republic of Austria by the Versailles idiots in 1919 and thrown into Czechoslovakia, the people (excepting some distant Jewish relatives of mine) voted for Nazis in the 1935 Czech elections – e.g. “ethnic self-determination”, England was developing its air defenses (e.g. radar), and England/France went to war 11 months later over Poland. These same armchair macho-men truly believe that another $100 million down the black hole of “South” Vietnam would have kept that puppet state from imploding. A-Jad is this month’s Hitler. Next month, it will be Sudan or some other place for us to mess up. While the neocons worship at the altar of “democracy”, they don’t trust the people over in Iran to lead THEIR OWN revolution minus our help. Even after 8 years, the Afghan army must still be “trained” (Potty trained? Who trains the Taliban?).


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